


  • The results showed that there is synergistic effect between JT-235 and isoamyl xanthate for flotation of the sulfide copper ore.

    结果表明,JT-235与异戊基 黄药之间具有协同浮选作用。

  • Flotation reagents is ammonium sulfate sodium hexametaphosphate copper sulfate xanthate collectors BD frothers QJ .

    浮选药剂为硫酸铵、六偏磷酸钠、硫酸铜、 黄药 捕收剂BD、起泡QJ。

  • The degradation process of potassium amyl xanthate and ester-105 as the common reagents used in mines under different conditions is investigated .

    研究矿山常用药剂戊基 钾和酯 -105在不同条件下的降解过程。

  • Adsorption behavior and hydrophobic mechanism of ethyl xanthate on marmatite were studied by ultraviolet and infrared spectra .

    采用紫外光谱、红外光谱研究了乙 黄药在铁闪锌矿表面的吸附行为及疏水机理。

  • Kerosene and butyl xanthate were used as collectors in bulk flotation .

    混合浮选采用煤油加丁基 黄药作为捕收剂。

  • Study on the Biodegradability of Alkyl Xanthate Collectors On biodegradation of unsaturated aliphatic polyesters

    烃基 黄药类捕收剂的生物降解性研究

  • The Applied Contrast of Xanthate Flotation Collectors in High-sulfur Bauxite Flotation Desulfurization Study

    黄药 捕收剂在高硫铝土矿浮选除硫实验中的应用比较

  • Based on both analysls we have the mechanism on flotation of pyrite using xanthate .

    在此基础上对 黄药浮选黄铁矿的浮选机理作了一些探讨。

  • The depression of galena iscaused by the desorption of xanthate and the hydrophilicity of PAS .

    表面 黄药的选择性解吸和PAS的亲水造成了方铅矿的抑制;

  • The results showed that compared with the RSF solution without xanthate the spinnability of RSF solution containing xanthate was improved obviously ;

    结果表明:与不含 原酸盐的丝素溶液相比,含黄原酸盐的丝素溶液的可纺性有较大改善;

  • Adsorption of Cellulose Xanthate to Ni ~ ( 2 + ) Ions in Water

    纤维素 酸酯对水中Ni~(2+)离子的吸附研究

  • The adsorption process of xanthate on the surfaces of arsenopyrite and pyrite was studied .

    研究了毒砂和黄铁矿表面吸附 黄药的过程。

  • Study on the Synergetic Catalysis with Ozone-Oxidation for Treating Droplet Xanthate Wastewater

    催化协同臭氧氧化滴状 黄药废水的研究

  • The variation regularity of xanthate concentration in flotation process was studied preliminarily .

    探讨性研究了选矿过程中 黄药浓度的变化规律。

  • The effects of three kinds of fertilizers on degradation of chlorsulfuron ; Study on the Biodegradability of Alkyl Xanthate Collectors

    三种化肥对除草剂氯磺隆降解的影响烃基 黄药 捕收剂的生物降解性研究

  • Study Development on the Flotation Properties and Compounds of Xanthate & its Derivatives


  • The investigation of UV-Visible Absorption Spectrum on the degradation of butyl xanthate showed that only degradation product CS2 appeared in process of degradation butyl xanthate .


  • The RSF filament with xanthate was produced by wet spinning process .

    用自透析湿法纺丝,制得含 的再生丝素初生纤维。

  • The reaction product of pure galena or impurity galena with xanthate was determined by infrared spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry .

    通过红外光谱和循环伏安曲线法确定了纯方铅矿及含杂质方铅矿与 黄药作用的产物。

  • In order to carry out flotation of copper successfully xanthate and aerofloat are used as collectors and sodium sulfide as activator .

    为了成功地实现铜的浮选,用 黄药和黑药作捕收剂,硫化钠作活化剂。

  • The xanthate derivative method halogenated solvent method and amide LiCl method for preparing chitin fiber are introduced .

    介绍了制备 甲壳素纤维的 黄化法、含卤溶剂法和酰胺氯化锂法。

  • The photocatalytic degradation behaviors of n-butyl xanthate and iso-butyl xanthate in TiO_2 suspension has been studied in this paper .

    研究了正丁基 黄药和异丁基黄药在二氧化钛悬浮液体系下的光催化降解行为。

  • Research and Application Perspective of Metal Xanthate Complex

    金属 配合物的研究及应用前景

  • The alkali cellulose is then treated with carbon disulfide to form cellulose xanthate .

    碱纤维素再经二硫化碳处理制成纤维素 酸酯

  • Insoluble Starch Xanthate Synthesis and Study of Heavy Metal Wastewater Treatment

    不溶性淀粉 酸酯的合成及处理重金属废水的研究

  • Dual-wavelength spectrophotometric determination of cadmium in water after its concentration using cotton cellulose xanthate


  • A fabric made from viscose ( cellulose xanthate ) fibers .

    由纤维胶( 黄原 纤维素) 制成的纤维。

  • The effect of xanthate on the spinnability of the RSF solution was discussed and the surface morphology of the RSF as-spun filament was observed by SEM .

    讨论 对再生丝素纺丝溶液可纺性的影响,用扫描电镜对制得的再生丝素初生纤维的表面形态进行观察。

  • Experimental research of using Y-98 advanced xanthate type collector in separating gold and copper is described .

    介绍了Y-98高级 黄药类捕收剂进行选金、铜的试验研究。

  • Determination of Trace Pb in Salt and Water Samples by Flame AAS after Enrichment with Xanthate Cotton
