tracking circuit

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈsɚkɪt][ˈtrækiŋ ˈsə:kit]


  • Fast Tracking Algorithm for Harmonic Current of Single - phase Circuit

    单相 电路谐波电流的一种快速 跟踪算法

  • Combine the soft-switching circuit and the solar maximum power point tracking technology together on the basis of circuit built the model of maximum power point tracking control based on Perturbation and Observation .

    把该软开关电路和太阳能最大功率点 跟踪技术结合起来,在该 电路的基础上搭建基于扰动观察法的太阳能最大功率点跟踪控制的模型。

  • The other optimization is the optimization of tracking loop including the multi-mode and multi-channel design fixed-point tracking and digital circuit implementation .

    另一个优化方向是跟踪环路的优化,包括多模多通道的设计和 跟踪的的定点化及其数字 电路实现。

  • After comparing kinds of technique of frequency synthesizer we choose the direct digital frequency synthesis chip to produce high-performance and functionally-integrated LO signal source with low phase noise and spurious and gives the tracking filter circuit design .

    经过对多种频率合成技术的研究比较,本课题采用DDS专用芯片的实现方案,获得了高频率稳定度、低相噪、低杂散的本振信号源,并给出了 跟踪滤波器 电路的设计。

  • Kinescope bias tracking circuit The soft-sealing gate valve should not be used on pipeline in which running pressure may be over the rated pressure .

    显象管偏压 电路软密封闸阀不应安装在使用压力可能超过其额定工作压力的管路上。

  • Control section is used to improve the tracking accuracy which combines two tracking methods : tracing of the trajectory of the sun and photoelectric tracking . ( 2 ) Design of hardware circuit control module .

    控制部分为提高跟踪精度采用视日运行轨迹跟踪与 光电 跟踪这两种跟踪方式相结合。

  • The design for tracking filtering circuit in anti - aliasing filtering of machine vibration signal

    自适应 滤波器在机械振动信号抗混叠中的应用

  • Tracking circuit of the improved acquisition system is proposed and acquisition and tracking circuit can be integrated .

    同时改进捕获系统加入了 跟踪 电路,可以将同步捕获和同步跟踪结合起来。

  • This paper discusses the realization of error signal extraction for CCD-video-camera-imaging-based visual tracking via a hardware circuit which is capable of providing tracking error voltage signals ( lateral deviation d2 and bearing deviation th θ) to a high accuracy .

    介绍由纯硬件 电路实现基于CCD摄像的视觉 跟踪误差信号的提取,能实时给出精度较高的跟踪误差电压信号(侧向偏差d2走向偏差tgθ)。

  • This paper describes the character generator for time and device code display on TV screen in TV tracking sy - stem including principle and circuit diagrams .

    叙述了电视 跟踪过程中显示屏幕上叠加的时间码产生原理及 实现方法。

  • A zero phase difference frequency tracking control circuit for induction heating power supply and its frequency tracking method phase compensation method and starting of the power supply are analyzed .

    对感应加热电源无相差频率 跟踪控制 电路的频率跟踪方法、相位补偿及起动问题进行了理论分析和实验研究;

  • Frequency tracking circuit is one of the special circuits used in the ultrasonic generator .

    频率 跟踪 电路是超声波发生器中的一种特殊电路。

  • The steady rotation of the gyro in the tracking state is realized through software and hardware debugging of circuit .

    通过 电路的软硬件调试,实现了陀螺在 跟踪状态下的稳速旋转。

  • The former determines the frequency range which should be revised by the hot tracking circuit while the later is the final frequency error of the local oscillator .

    同时也提出了热 跟踪后本振频率 跟踪误差项。分析前者,可以决定热 跟踪 电路应予修正的频率范围,而后者则是 跟踪本振最终的误差。

  • Contrasting with traditional LC oscillation first-class AFC tracking frequency circuit this circuits frequency is stable its phase accurate and the structure the cost do not apparently become complex and high .

    与传统的LC振荡器、一级AFC 锁频 电路相比,本电路频率稳定,相位准确,而电路结构和成本并未明显复杂与提高。

  • The author also have successful designed the tracking circuit and convolution code encoder and viterbi decoder and the simulation shows that the results are right and the module is good working .

    本文还实现的码 跟踪 同步 电路和维特比卷积码的编码器和译码器,仿真结果也证明其正确性。

  • The system works with an angle tracking circuit to increase the solar conversion efficiency the solar energy charging up the battery and provides the power for lighting PID control algorithm to increase stability .

    为提高太阳能的转换效率,设计了角度 跟踪 电路,利用太阳能对蓄电池充电,为LED照明 电路提供电源,并利用PID控制提高了系统工作稳定性。

  • The PN code tracking circuit adopting delaying locked circle circuit with single A value is analyzed . An expression of the shaking of the square tracking is given .

    分析了采用单△值延迟锁定回路的伪码 跟踪 电路,给出了均方跟踪抖动的表达式;

  • Improvement of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Boost Circuit in the Photovoltaic Power Generation System

    温差式最大用电功率计光伏发电系统最大功率 跟踪的Boost 电路改进

  • Here the design of power ultrasonic generator for use in rigid material boring is introduced along with the analysis and study in automatic tracking circuit of frequency driving circuit power amplifying circuit and complete protections .

    介绍了一种在脆性材料钻孔中使用的功率超声波发生器的设计方法,分析和研究了频率自动 跟踪 电路、驱动电路、功放电路及其完善的保护功能。

  • A tracking filtering circuit is successfully developed by using a 8th-order switched-capacitor filter and dividing-frequency circuit based on CPLD .

    采用8阶开关电容滤波器和CPLD所设计的分频电路,设计了一 跟踪滤波 电路

  • The pulses of rotate speed reference of phase and tracking central frequency of filters are provided by reference circuit .

    不平衡信号处理部分由基准 信号 电路和振动信号 电路 组成。基准 信号 电路 用于 测量转速、为 测量相位提供基准以及为带通滤波器的中心频率提供 跟踪脉冲。

  • This circuit is realized by introducing output voltage tracking circuit and negative feedback method .

    在单独供电功能模块实现的基础上,通过采用输出电压 跟踪 电路和引入电压负反馈的方法来提高电路的供电抑制比(PSRR)。

  • Frequency Tracking Circuit for Ultrasonic Generator

    超声波发生器的频率 跟踪 电路

  • The Features and Application of Distributed Solar Energy Maximum Power Point Tracking System and PFM / PWM Hybrid Modulated Power Circuit

    分布式太阳能最大功率 跟踪系统与PFM/PWM混合调制电源 电路特征与应用

  • Hardware design including : tracking control circuit stepping motor drive circuit image acquisition circuit limit the signal acquisition circuit and the serial communication circuit .

    硬件设计主要包括: 跟踪器控制 电路、步进电机驱动电路、图像采集电路、限位信号采集电路和串口通讯电路等。

  • The controlling loop includes start-up circuit frequency tracking circuit driving signal circuit and water lack protecting circuit .

    控制回路由启动、频率 跟踪、驱动信号、缺水保护 电路组成。

  • Synchronization and Tracking Control of jerk Circuit Chaotic System

    jerk 电路混沌系统的同步与 追踪控制

  • The paper briefly presents the operation principle of a pulse Doppler radar speed tracking circuit and the method in common use for the speed deception jamming and makes a study for the principle and the feasibility of various deceptive jamming through the computer simulation .

    简述一种脉冲多普勒雷达速度 跟踪 电路的工作原理,介绍速度欺骗干扰的常用方法。通过计算机仿真,研究各种欺骗干扰的原理和可行性。

  • The Design about Tracking Filter Circuit of a Sensor OES-2 in the Vehicle

    OES-2型车用光电测速传感器 跟踪滤波 电路设计