words of one syllable


  • He told Mr Nixon in words of one syllable that his party would not consider this option .

    直截了当地告诉尼克松先生,他的党 不会考虑这个选择的。

  • Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works ?

    你能用 简单 语言向我解释电子显微镜 如何工作的吗。

  • Some people say that Peter is cute and mischievous but in words of one syllable but in words of one syllable he 's just a brat .

    有人说彼得可受而顽皮,但 白地说,他只不过是 宠坏了的孩子。

  • Stress is a relative notion ; only words with two or more syllable can be said to have word stress and monosyllabic words ( words of only one syllable ) can not be said to have word stress .

    重音是一个相对的概念,只有两个或两个音节以上的单词才可以说有单词重音,单音节的单词,即只有 音节 单词,是不可能有单词重音的。

  • You 'll have to explain it in words of one syllable .

    你必须 简单 明了地解释此事。

  • We conclude the words into one synonym group if two or some more verbs of one syllable in Zhuangzi have the same key idea .

    两个或几个 单音 动词在《庄子》中义项的 词义相同,就归纳为一个同义词组。

  • John explained the job to me in words of one syllable so that I would be sure to understand .

    约翰把这件工作向我 解释简单 明白,使我能确实了解情况。

  • After I had been married in the provincial capital I wrote a letter to my family in words of one syllable .

    我在省城结了婚,只给家 草草写了一封信,母亲 信后,给我们 来一千 汇款单的 留言栏上留了几个 黑点