work away

[wɚk əˈwe][wə:k əˈwei]


  • You must feel pretty good because you work away not in secret but certainly you know behind closed doors for a long time and then something comes up that gets the world 's attention .

    虽说 工作 隐秘,但在默默研究了这么久之后,你们的最新成果引起了世人关注,这种感觉一定非常棒。

  • We went to work right away trying to look for survivors .

    我们 立刻就投入到寻找幸存者的 工作中。

  • Does the vaccine work right away ?

    流感疫苗 会否 立即产生 作用

  • After laboring there for several years Henson heard alarming news : the new master was planning to sell him for plantation work far away in the Deep South .

    在那儿干了几年苦工之后,亨森听说了一个可怕的消息:新主人准备把他卖到 遥远的南方腹地去农庄 干活

  • The broad term for doing one 's work away from a centrally located office is telework .

    在集中办公地点 以外进行 工作的广义词是电子居家办公。

  • Our Path is now registered to be watched and the WatchService will work away silently in the background watching that directory intently .

    Path现在注册为被监视,并且 WatchService将总会一直在后台安静地 工作,专心地监视目录。

  • If you take my work away I can 't be happy anymore

    如果你炒我 鱿鱼,我就再也高兴不 起来了。

  • You can add new copies as well as shift work away from and release other copies .

    您可以增加新的副本,并将 工作从其他 副本转移到新副本,以减轻其他副本的负载。

  • Year by year hard work took away his health .

    一年年过去了,辛苦的 工作 消耗 他的健康。

  • Traditionally going mobile has meant carrying around a laptop device with a full set of local programs and data to work away from the office .

    在过去,移动意味着在笔记本计算机上本地安装全套程序并存储所有数据, 然后带着 离开办公室。

  • Applicant : I can begin to work right away because I am out of work now .

    因为我目前 没有 工作,所以随时 可以。

  • Results The results of univariate analysis showed that marital status education self-employed occupation smoking out-migration for work away from hometown household annual income level and household property were significantly associated with TB prevalence ( P < 0.05 );

    结果单因素分析有统计学意义(P<0.05)的变量有婚姻状况、文化程度、个体经营、吸烟、外出 打工史、家庭年收入、家庭收入在社区的水平、家庭财产;

  • Excuse me . I couldn 't help overhearing your conversation . I happen to be a cabinetmaker and I can start work right away .

    不好意思。我刚刚无意中听到了你们的对话,而我碰巧就是一名细木工,而且我可以 马上 可以 上班

  • IBM encourages software engineers to work away from the office where they can feel more creative and minimize interference from meetings phone calls and conversations .

    IBM鼓励软件工程师 工作 远离办公室,在那里他们能觉得更有创造力而且将会议、电话和交谈的冲突减到最少。

  • Women were mostly content for men to work away as they kept the cave fires burning and their brains evolved to cope with their function in life .

    女人则是作为男人的贤内助,当男人 外出 工作时,她们负责待在家里生火做饭,同样她们的大脑也按照这种方式进化。

  • Work shifted away from the farms and to the cities where jobs were more plentiful .

    工作从农村 转移到城市,因为城市提供了更多的工作。

  • Now that you are all back we 'd better start the work right away .

    既然你们都回来了,我们最好 马上开始 工作

  • When he switched jobs last year becoming an in-house attorney he received a company-issued iPhone and now he can literally put his work away by setting aside the iPhone .

    当他去年换了工作去当一名企业内部律师时,他得到了公司配发给他的一部iPhone。现在,他把iPhone搁置一边 可以把 工作上的事抛之 脑后了。

  • It seems you have sacrificed a lot to work away from home .

    看来你为了到 外面 工作牺牲了很多。

  • You must be willing to work away at other royal residences for approximately three months of the year it said adding that the person will help ensure smooth operation of the staff restaurant .

    你必须 愿意每年有三个月的 时间在其他皇家住所 服务,并且这个人需要帮助员工餐厅的正常运转。

  • Work far away after being finished ?

    放学后 很远地方 工作

  • I got work right away in nice houses .

    马上 在有钱人家里找到份 工作

  • The rats had gnawed some of the wood work away .


  • As long as we work away then all will be well .

    只要咱们 劳动,一切都会好 起来的!

  • Unfortunately there is also a drawback in this solution : it will bring inconvenience to those who live or work far away from bus stops .

    不幸的是,它也有缺陷,即给那些 远离公共汽车站的人的生活和 工作带来不便。

  • Other resources for work-trade agreements : Help Exchange ( helpx . net ); Work Away ( workaway . info ) .

    其它一些提供劳务交换的网站如下:互助交易网,异地 工作网:意译)。