work capacity

[wɚk kəˈpæsɪti][wə:k kəˈpæsiti]


  • Analysis on the current situation of aerobic work capacity of college students and the criterion of making aerobic work capacity

    普通大学生有氧 工作 能力分析及有氧工作能力标准的制定

  • Those suggest that RCC can enhance mental work capacity .

    提示该复方具有提高脑力 工作 能力之功效。

  • The experiments using different load intensities and load amount are conducted and the evaluation indices for boxer 's body work capacity and measurement instruments are applicably tested .

    采用不同负荷强度和负荷量的实验,对拳击运动员身体 工作 能力的评定指标及测试仪器进行应用性检验。

  • No crew member of a civil aircraft shall perform a flight mission if his work capacity is impaired by the effect of alcoholic beverage narcotic or other drugs .

    民用航空器机组人员受到酒类饮料、麻醉剂或者其他药物的影响,损及 工作 能力的,不得执行飞行任务。

  • Small diameter and little awl corner hydrocyclone has better separate lower work capacity large pressure drop and diffluence ratio . Effect of the Cone Angle on Flow Field and Separation Performance of Solid-liquid Hydrocyclones

    小直径小锥角水力旋流器分离粒度小、 处理 小、压降大、分流比大;锥角对固-液水力旋流器流场及其分离性能的影响

  • The purpose of performance management is to generate superior performance by employees to manage the whole process to help employees constantly improve our work capacity and to improve job performance in order to achieve their overall performance improved .

    绩效管理的目的是上级通过对员工产生绩效的全过程进行管理,来帮助员工不断提高 工作 能力和改善工作业绩,从而实现企业整体绩效的提升。

  • He only has50 % work capacity due to mental ill health .

    申请人因精神病只剩50% 工作 能力

  • This proposed a new idea and provided an easy way for determining physical work capacity and physical fitness among young students and masses .

    这对在青年学生及自然人群中进行 体能、体质等方面的鉴别 工作,提出了一条新的思路,提供了一个简便易行的方法。

  • Study on the relationship of between - meals and intellectual work capacity

    间餐与中学生脑力 工作 能力关系研究

  • The tough natural environment on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau such as low atmospheric pressure and lack of oxygen causes great impact on people 's health and work capacity .

    青藏高原的低压、缺氧等严酷的自然环境,给人体健康和 劳动 能力带来较大影响。

  • The results showed that mild anemia has an effect on the physical work capacity in school children .

    由此说明轻度贫血对学龄儿童体力 工作 能力有一定的影响。

  • This theory was supported by related experiment : Continuous increase of cardiac output and utilization rate of oxygen could lead to the increase of work capacity of muscle .

    这一学说,受到相关的实验支持:心输出量和氧利用率持续增加可导致肌肉的 工作 能力提高。

  • This paper disserts on three aspects : the basic qualities the reasonable knowledge structure and the work capacity .

    本文从思想教育工作者应具备的基本素质、合理的知识结构及 工作 能力素质二方面加以论述。

  • Research on Body Aerobic Work Capacity in Wushu Sanda Training

    武术散打训练对人体有氧 工作 能力影响的研究

  • Thus it is necessary to carry out researches on the gathering and transportation capacity optimization for the facilities in service and make full use of their work capacity to ensure secure and efficient operation of the pipeline networks and to direct the changeover and modification works .

    因此,有必要开展现有设备集输能力优化研究工作,充分利用现有集输设备的 工作 能力,确保集输管网系统安全、高效地运行,并指导集输设备的更换和改造。

  • Large one higher work capacity small pressure drop and diffluence ratio .

    大直径大锥角水力旋流器分离粒度大、 处理 大、压降小、分流比小;

  • Objective : To investigate work capacity for soldiers in thermal environment .

    目的:了解高温环境下战士的 能力

  • The more constantly in contact we become the more is expected of us in a work capacity .

    我们的联系越频繁,对我们的 工作量要求也越高。

  • Users could self-defined flow control of relay protection setting which not only realize the combination of setting calculation function and process management of setting but also reduce work capacity of maintenance management information .

    用户可以自定义继电保护整定单流程控制,实现了整定计算功能同整定单流程化管理的有机结合,减少了维护管理信息的 工作量

  • Ill-health / Disability includes the events of Permanent Loss of Work Capacity and Serious Illness as stated in AIA ( B ) Macau Retirement Fund Services .

    健康欠佳/伤残于友邦保险退休金服务而言包括永久丧失 工作 能力及严重病患。

  • Analysis About Fitness Index of Cardiac Function and Physical Work Capacity of Female Undergraduate

    某高校女生心功能适应指数和体力 劳动 能力分析

  • Research on Effects of Wushu Routine Exercises on Aerobic Work Capacity of Female College Students

    武术套路运动对女大学生有氧 工作 能力影响的研究

  • The maximum designed speed is not morethan 50 km / hr the total work capacity of the engine cylinder is not exceeding 50 ml two-wheeled motor vehicle .

    最大设计车速不超过50KM/h、发动机气缸总 工作 容积不超过50ml的两轮机动车。

  • To build a student instructor team with strong work capacity and high overall quality is key to the realization of university developing goals .

    建立一支 业务 能力强、综合素质高的辅导员队伍是我国高校实现自身发展目标十分重要的手段。

  • The results show that the evaluation indices can effectively reflect the boxer 's body work capacity and the measurement instruments have strong applicability .

    结果显示,评定指标能有效地反映拳击运动员的身体 工作 能力;测试仪器的实用性较强。

  • Conclusion Work capacity could be effected by occupational stress and intervention should be proposed according to work types .

    结论职业应激可影响劳动者的 工作 能力,应针对不同的劳动类型提出不同的干预措施。

  • In older children and adults iron deficiency reduces work capacity and output . It also leads to increased absenteeism and accidents at work .

    较大的儿童与成人的缺铁可降低 工作 能力和产量,还可导致缺勤和工作上的事故增加。

  • Studies on the Establishment of Team Work Capacity Building Model and Evaluation of Its Effect in Universities ; Outcome evaluation of 2008 National Graduate Student ( Nursing ) Summer School

    高等院校学生团队 工作 能力培养模式构建及其绩效评价研究2008年全国研究生暑期学校(护理学)教学效果评价

  • Establish more reasonable lifeguard work capacity assessment and evaluation system lifeguards on evaluation should be more objective and rationalization of the work .

    建立更加合理的救生员 工作 能力考核及评价体系,对救生员工作的评价应更加客观与合理化。