work brittleness


  • Surface cracks on metal work piece due to fatigue brittleness thermal stress and other factors can easily lead to incidents and the cracks are too small to find at the beginning .

    表面裂纹往往是导致在役铁磁金属构件发生安全事故的主要原因之一,受疲劳度、 脆性、热应力等因素影响受力金属 工件很容易产生表面裂缝并且裂缝扩展初期十分微小难以发现。

  • Under the high-speed work condition the brittleness of epoxy adhesive coating leads to its bad slurry erosion performance .

    但由于环氧树脂胶粘层 脆性 ,在较高速度的浆体冲蚀 工况下,其抗浆体冲蚀磨损性能并不理想。

  • The combination sleeve changes the suffering force condition of the mould core and makes the mould core work in the pre-stress condition This structure just plays a part in developing the resistance to the wear of the carbide and in avoiding the brittleness of the carbide .

    组合套结构完全改变了模芯受力条件,使其在预应力状态下 工作。此种结构正好起到扬硬质合金耐磨性之长避其 脆性之短的作用。

  • The major work of this article is to solve the problems of the complex system 's brittleness based on catastrophe theory .

    本论文主要作的 工作是基于突变理论来解决复杂系统的 脆性问题。