work at high pressure

[wɚk æt haɪ ˈprɛʃɚ][wə:k æt hai ˈpreʃə]


  • In industrial production many of equipment work at high temperature and high pressure .

    在工业生产中,许多机械和设备的法兰连接系统都是 高温高压条件下 工作的。

  • Blades especially turbine blades work at very severe environments with high temperature high pressure high-speed high-corrosion which required that they have high strength and excellent comprehensive mechanical properties .

    叶片在 高温高压、高转速、高腐蚀的恶劣环境 工作,要求具有很高的强度以及优良的综合机械性能。

  • At present the research work on non-equilibrium plasma at high pressure and its source are confined to weak ionization discharge and the problems involves in it are low concentration of plasma high-energy consumption and huge volume .

    目前 气压非平衡等离子体及其源的 研究局限于弱(电场)电离放电范畴,存在等离子体浓度低、能耗甚高和体积庞大等问题。