work pattern

[wɚk ˈpætən][wə:k ˈpætən]

[计] 工作模式

  • The architecture network configuration work pattern and work characteristics of LEO constellation satellite communication system was introduced the basic theory on OPNET modeling and simulation was represented .

    论文介绍了低轨星座卫星通信系统的体系结构、网络结构、 工作 方式以及工作特点,阐述了OPNET仿真建模的基本理论。

  • To Construct a New Work Pattern for College Students with Cultivation of Talents as the Basis

    以育人为根本,构建高校学生 工作格局

  • This paper analyzes the pattern of women 's work in the new situation and expounds the Party 's critical position and guaranteeing role in the construction of the socialized women 's work pattern .

    本文分析了新形势下的妇女工作格局,论述了党在构建社会化妇女 工作 格局中的关键地位和保证作用。

  • Also we give the way to manage data and solve the problem of the share collision which uses the work pattern of hypertext and the directory tree .

    在本系统中还针对协同系统中的关键技术问题&数据管理和一致性问题,提出了利用超文本 工作 方式借助于树形结构目录来进行数据管理和解决共享冲突的方法。

  • The Work Pattern and Requirements on Staff Talent of Library Book Reservation under Network Environment

    网络环境下图书馆典藏 工作 模式与人员素质要求

  • Thoughts on the socialized women 's work pattern in the new situation

    对新形势下社会化妇女 工作 格局的思考

  • In the paper we introduce mainly the characteristic the application as well as the work pattern analyze the characteristic of the work pattern and the application scope and point out the optimized goal and significance .

    主要介绍了堆跺机、自动导向车、龙门吊等的特点、应用以及 作业 模式,并分析了各种作业模式的特点和应用范围,指出了优化的目标对象及意义。

  • Reservoir evaluation is a management system established by PetroChina Company Limited ( PetroChina ) to implement the work pattern of the integration of exploration and development which is an important part of the four work stages of crude oil exploration and development of the company .

    油藏评价是中国石油天然气股份有限公司为了实施勘探开发一体化 工作 模式而建立的一个管理体系,是油气勘探开发4个工作阶段中的一个重要环节。

  • Over the next months their work pattern changed .

    在以后的几个月中,他们的 工作 方式改变了。

  • Along with the development of internet companies ' office work pattern transform greatly .

    随着因特网的发展,一个单位的 办公 模式发生了很大的变化。

  • This paper analyzes the existing central timing system and gives a detailed construction for the new distributed central tim-ing trigger system . This distributed work pattern greatly strengthened the system flexibility the extension and the maintainability .

    文章在对现有的HT-7中央定时系统分析的基础上,提出了基于VXI总线分布式中央定时触发系统的组建方案,这种分布式的 工作 模式大大增强了系统的灵活性、扩展性和可维护性。

  • A Cooperation Work Pattern Design System

    一个协同 工作 图案设计系统

  • It has become a kind of new work pattern of automatic system which the industrial field data is monitored remotely by internet .

    通过Internet对工业现场情况进行远程监测已成为一种新的自动化系统 运作 模式

  • Here we introduce the basic thory of expert system analyse the work pattern of CLIPS expert system tools and choose IP fragmentation missing detection etc. 3 kinds of typical network trouble detection methods to explain how to use CLIPS to implement network trouble detection .

    介绍了专家系统的基本思想,分析了CLIPS专家系统工具的 工作 模式,并选取IP分片丢失检测法等3种典型的故障检测方法的实现,说明了如何使用CLIPS专家系统实现网络故障检测。

  • It also brought a new work pattern and life-mode new mode of working and living the demands of the new place .

    它带来了新的 工作 模式和生活模式的同时,也要求产生新的场所。

  • A Cooperative Work Pattern for Testing and Development Processes Software & Tools

    软件开发过程与测试过程的协同 工作 模式

  • Since the 1990s the flourishing development of the urban community has offered the opportunity to improve . Relied on the community realizing urban population and family planning work pattern double transition from unit management to community service is imperative .

    90年代以来城市社区的蓬勃发展为此提供了契机,依托社区,实现从单位管理到社区服务的城市人口与计划生育 工作 模式的双重转变已是势在必行。

  • Analysis of the status quo of nursing work pattern and thinking on its development

    护理 工作 模式的现状分析及发展思考

  • To structure frame operation principle CA of system with dense how dense work pattern and encryption algorithm and security CA of system of system carry on research .

    对CA系统的结构框架、工作原理、同密、多密 工作 模式及系统中的加密算法和CA系统的安全性进行了研究。

  • Then thermal design was concentrated on the sun-oriented work pattern in low-temperature condition primarily .

    然后,以对日低温 工况热设计为主对遥感器进行了热设计。

  • In order to facilitate the description of the many-to-many relationship between evaluation methods and cryptographic algorithms the automatic work pattern in evaluation is realized and the XML files are formatted .

    为了便于描述测评方法与密码算法之间多对多的对应关系,以及实现测评系统自动化 工作 模式,制定了相关的XML规范格式。

  • Integration of the Global Fund AIDS project is China 's rolling the world 's first for the new work pattern there is no way to draw on we should play a great effort to be explored .

    全球基金艾滋病整合滚动项目是我国在国际上率先提出的新的 工作 模式,没有可供借鉴的方法,大家要起下大力气进行探索。

  • Modern internet office work platform is more convenient and economical than traditional office work pattern ; And it is not limited to space and time .

    现代网上办公平台比传统的 办公 模式更加方便和经济,而且不受时间和空间的限制。

  • Objective : to introduce the work pattern of clinical pharmaceutical care associated with monitoring drug concentration of digoxin .

    摘要目的:介绍 开展地高辛血药浓度监测与临床药学服务的 工作 模式

  • To study human capital has different contributing pattern in different divide the work pattern on the theory by dint of inframarginal analysis way .

    在理论上,借助超边际分析方法,从理论上研究了人力资本在不同的 分工 模式下,应该有不同的分配模式。

  • Our practices have provided proves for the great utility value of team work pattern the effective and new organizational form which is effective and new in scientific research innovation and team work pattern has made great contribution to the development of science and the progress of technology .

    在我们的实践应用中已经证明, 团队 这种有效且新型的组织形式对于科研创新是非常具有利用价值的,同时团队这种组织形式已经对科技进步和学科发展做出了巨大的贡献。

  • From Unit Management to Community Service & Discussing on Double Transition of Urban Population and Work Pattern of Family Planning

    从单位管理到社区服务&论城市人口与计划生育 工作 模式的双重转变

  • Meeting dual needs of enterprise refined marketing and refined management offering new work pattern and work ideas for marketing unit and customer manager .

    同时满足了企业精细化营销和精细化管理的双重需要,为营销单元和客户经理提供了全新的 工作 模式和工作思路。

  • Constructing Taiwan standard platform is the achievement of Fujian Provincial Institute of Standardization who innovates unceasingly the new work pattern and explores the new idea of development ;

    构建“台湾标准平台”是福建省标准化研究院不断创新 工作模式、探索发展新思路的成果;