work piece

[wɚk pis][wə:k pi:s]


  • Under the condition of instant high temperature of grinding the metal surface of work piece creates a very thin oxide it is called grinding surface burning .

    磨削表面烧伤是磨削过程的瞬时高温使 工件金属表面产生一层很薄的氧化层,它会影响工件的耐磨性和使用寿命。

  • Through collecting the an example size 's information of the work piece group under work piece size ;

    采集实例 工件尺寸信息,对 工件进行尺寸分组;

  • The projector is a machine which can use the optic component to magnify the figure of the work piece and then project the image in the screen .

    投影仪是一种利用光学元件将 工件的轮廓形状进行放大并将轮廓像投影到影屏上的光学仪器。

  • Since smaller parts cover up the machine errors therefore the location precision or flatness of guide rail that mainly affects the work piece tolerance can be seen .

    由于较小部件掩盖了机器误差,所以看不到对 制成 工件容差具有主要影响的定位精度或导轨平直度。

  • Finally the CLF rapid prototyping machine is capable to make complex ceramic work piece .

    最后,本研究证实CLF成型机已具有制作高复杂度陶瓷 工件的能力。

  • This article completely analyses the calculation method of work piece in location datum of Vshape block puts forward a new different viewpoint from others with regard to V-shape block location datum .

    本文全面分析了 工件在V形块中定位时的定位误差计算方法,对V形块的定位基准的选择,提出了不同于其它观点的新看法。

  • The work piece with smooth surface and small error can be achieved by the elastic cushion with appropriate thickness .

    选择适当厚度的弹性垫,可以得到表面光滑、 成形误差较小的 工件

  • This machine is designed to convey the work piece of the plate furniture the composite floor and so on .

    本机适用于板式家具、实木复合地板、平面板工艺品、竹木窗帘等流水作业的 工件输送。

  • A speed of grinding work piece .

    加工 工作 的速度。

  • Worktable throw is adjustable for hot stamping of different length of work piece .

    工作台行程可调,方便烫印不同长度的 工件

  • Make sure that the work piece is installed into the right position before actual machining .

    正式加工工件之前,应确认 工件位置是否已安装正确。

  • Extraction the moves'mark and shifting the PLC data storage unit realizes to the movement work piece 's track and the separation control .

    对PLC的数据存储单元移位及移值标记的提取,实现对运动 工件分组信息跟踪和分组控制。

  • The shape precision of grinding wheel affects the surface finish of work piece directly .

    砂轮的形状精度直接影响着 工件磨削表面质量。

  • This oil is transparent giving a clear view of the work piece which is important when setting up complex tooling or dressing intricate profile grinding wheels and machining intricate components .

    这油品是透明的从而可以清晰地观察到 工件,这对需要调整复杂的夹具和刀具或修磨复杂的砂轮轮廓或机加工复杂的工件时显得尤为重要。

  • These bubbles collect on the surface of the work piece and interfere with passivation .

    这些气泡聚集在 工件表面上阻碍了钝化作用。

  • To push the moving table and work piece simultaneously .

    时, 推动??与裁 同步推进。

  • During the cutting or perforation the work piece can 't be moved or vibrated .

    在切割或穿孔时, 工件既不能移动,也不能振动。

  • Laundering : will be printed the work piece residual impurity flushes cleanly with the water ;

    水洗:将被印 工件残留的杂质用水冲洗干净;

  • Bundle of streamline of water cutter has the characteristic of seriously affecting the work piece precision .

    水刀流束具有会严重影响 工件精度的特征。

  • Large work piece measurement ( such as1000mmx1000mm ) has larger influences on the machine performance .

    较大 工件测量(例如1000mmx1000mm)会对机器性能具有较大影响。

  • After the examination finished or the lineation finished must the work piece unload down do not the long time place on the plate .

    检验完毕或划线完毕后,要 工件卸下来,不得长时间放在平板上。

  • The utility model relates to an automatic paint spraying machine which can spray paint to a work piece automatically .

    本实用新型涉及一种可自动对 加工 进行喷漆的自动喷漆机。

  • The deformation of work piece in each pass was got .

    得到了各道次 轧件的三维变形结果。

  • The deformation and the spreading curve of the work piece were analysed .

    同时分析了 轧件的变形情况以及宽展曲线等。

  • This paper analyses that tip angle of drill bit influences on cutting capability and life of twist drill when the material and shape of work piece is different .

    分析了 工件材料、形状不同时,钻尖顶角的大小对麻花钻切削性能及寿命的影响,介绍了麻花钻的钻尖顶角的选择。

  • The utility model can realize the automatic paint spray to the work piece and the paint sprayed out can be uniformly distributed on the work piece .

    本实用新型可以实现自动对 加工 进行喷漆,且喷出的漆可均匀分布于加工件上。

  • Then I conduct a detailed analysis of the work piece and determine the Stamping program .

    然后对 工件进行了详细工艺性分析以及冲压方案的确定。