work obligation

[wɚk ˌɑblɪˈɡeʃən][wə:k ˌɔbliˈɡeiʃən]

[经] 工作任务

  • Fifthly states the supervision work content during defective obligation phase .

    论述了声屏障工程缺陷 责任期的监理 工作内容;

  • According to the requirement of service administration tax services is not only a professional ethic or ideological and political work but also the legal obligation of tax authorities .

    按照推行服务行政的要求,纳税服务不仅仅是职业道德、思想政治 工作层面,而上升为税务机关的法定 义务

  • Should we learn later that a work of art in our collections was exported illegally we have an ethical and legal obligation to repatriate it .

    如果我们后来了解到收藏的 艺术品是非法出口的,我们有道德和法律 义务将其归还。

  • To overload oneself with work and or social obligation to an extreme that taxes one 's mental and physical well-being .

    工作负担或是社会 义务过重,造成心理上,身体上的劳累。

  • She set five demands on the work of reorganizing enterprises under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade : 1 . Improve economic management strengthen responsibility system by setting up close links among obligation power and interests ;

    她对经贸系统企业整顿 工作提出了五项要求:一、改善经营管理,加强岗位责任制,做到 权利一致;

  • Volunteers through participating in volunteer work have the opportunity for the society made-in-hong-kong do us a civic duty and obligation . 2 it is abundant life experience .

    志愿者通过参与志愿 工作,有机会为社会出力,尽一份公民责任和 义务。二是丰富生活体验。

  • Citizenship demands a sense of common cause ; participation in the hard work of self-government ; an obligation to serve to our communities .

    公民权需要大家感到在为共同的事业而付出努力,参与到自治政府的 工作中,并且 承担服务社区的 义务

  • How the new campus of basic construction of financial management work well is our important duty and obligation but also our topic .

    如何把新校区基本建设财务管理 工作做好,就成为我们的重要职责和 义务,也是我们需要进一步研究的重大课题。

  • Since the tax system in the Mainland China and Hong Kong is completely different the Hong Kong people who work or doing business in the Mainland China become concern their tax obligation .

    由于大陆与香港的税务制度完全不同,税务负担成了在大陆 工作或经商的香港人所关心的课题,税收 筹划也日益引起人们的重视。

  • In addition along with the global tide of education reform the whole society focuses on teachers and brings oppressive work stress and social obligation to them .

    此外,随着全球教育改革热潮的到来,教师成为社会各界关注的对象,他们无论在 工作压力,还是社会 负担方面,都非常沉重。

  • This positive orientation is evident in elevating the mastery of one 's work to the level of obligation and worship .

    这个积极的定位在提升 义务和功修的精通等级时的 作用也是非常显著的。

  • Researchers looked at the effects of both the genes and the environment in the volunteers who had their scales of civic work and welfare obligation measured on a scale of zero to ten .

    研究者将基因与环境对于受访者 承担公民 义务、享受福利等方面表现的影响划分成了10等分。

  • Strengthening the Studies and Investigation Researches Work and Performing the Obligation of Maintaining the Rights and Interests

    加强学习和调研履行维权 职责

  • The management action in organization is a kind of play which uses the internal goal of play to instead the external goal so the management action can go from doing-for-itself to doing-for-consciousness and work can also become initiative instead of obligation .

    组织管理活动是一种类似游戏的活动,以游戏的内在目的替代管理活动的外在目的,从而会使管理活动从自为走向自觉, 劳动也从 被迫走向自觉。

  • The most obvious reason of course is that we all have obligations towards our society and volunteer work is one way of repaying this obligation .

    当然,最显而易见的原因是,我们大家对社会都负有义务,志愿 工作是我们履行 义务的一种方式。

  • Croydon says for it to work the partners ' emphasis is still on a genuine relationship in that there is romance and sparks but without all the monotony and obligation of a full-time relationship .

    克罗伊登说,为了进展顺利,还是要强调伴侣的真实关系,因为既有浪漫和激情,但又完全没有专任伴侣的单调和 义务

  • Starting early the day 's work is an obligation of many working people .

    许多人被生活所逼,不得不 一早便起床上