work stack

[wɚk stæk][wə:k stæk]


  • Necessity to consider anticorrosion capacity of a stack for a WFGD system is explained . and the characteristics and corrosivity of wet flue gas and work environment of the stack are introduced .

    说明了湿法脱硫烟囱防腐的必要性,阐述了湿法脱硫烟气的特点及 烟囱 工作环境;

  • When I return to work after the holiday I hunt through a stack of old newspapers and sit down to reread the story .

    假后 上班,我在一 旧报纸里翻出那张报纸,把这个故事又读了一遍。

  • We have no need to work the central bank to print money each holding a large stack carried home is what I do in this lecture ?

    我们没必要 工作,央行印钞票,每人拿着一大 子扛回家就是了,我干什么在这讲课?

  • The realization work mainly includes two parts namely the implementation of V5 protocol stack and the implementation of interface module between V5 protocol stack and external modules .

    实现方面主要包括两个部分,即V5协议 的实现和V5协议栈与外部模块的接口的实现;

  • These auras are designed to be able to work by themselves instead of relying on other spells effect 's to stack with them .

    这些圣印是被设计为独立 作用,而不是被拿来与其他法术效果 堆叠

  • His work doesn 't stack up with yours .

    他的 工作不能与你的 工作 相比

  • URI based approaches are guaranteed to work across the stack .

    基于URI的方式 必须穿越整个 协议

  • QP-nano is designed to work with just a bare metal target board but can also be combined with the very lightweight Quantum Kernel Nano ( QK-nano ) to provide preemptive multitasking capabilities ( requires more stack space ) .

    QP-nano设计的目的是 工作在裸金属目标板,但是同样可以和提供可抢占式多任务的超级轻量级QuantumKernelNano( QK-nano)来配合使用。

  • Probe into the Management Work of Open-shelves Stack Room of the Library

    图书馆开架 书库管理 工作探微

  • Based on the work mentioned above a prototype system that can detch stack buffer overflow of COM is realised .

    基于以上 工作,实现了一个COM组件 缓冲区溢出漏洞检测原型系统。

  • But there was another hour 's work before the layer of live rats at the base of the stack would be reached ;

    但是还要再干一个小时的 活儿,才能到达 着活老鼠的 麦垛底层;

  • The core work include the implementation of SIP protocol stack voice coding and decoding embedded Linux porting and the SIP UA developing based on SIP protocol stack specification .

    核心 开发 内容包括SIP协议 的设计和实现,语音编解码库的设计和在嵌入式Linux上的移植,并依据SIP协议栈接口规范完成了SIPUA开发。

  • The work of underlying protocol stack is divided into 10 tasks to which priorities are assigned . A new task management and dispatch mechanism for underlying protocol stack is developed .

    将底层协议 工作概括为10个不同的任务,提出一种适于底层协议栈的任务调度、管理机制并针对任务特点分配不同优先级。

  • The output from a tool of this type will probably work well with the web service stack supplying the tool but it may not be in best-practices form or even completely correct .

    这类工具的输出结果与提供这个工具的webservices 能够很 地配合,但是它可能并非最佳实践方法,甚至可能不完全正确。

  • If you need to do some quality assurance work on some data or screen a stack of job applications you need uninterrupted silence and in some workplaces the only places to get that are conference rooms .

    如果你需要处理一些数据上保证质量的 工作,或浏览一 工作的申请,你就需要一个不受打扰的安静的地方,而在一些公司,唯一能够符合要求的就是会议室了。

  • Application of Modern Scientifico - Technology in Anti - Mildew Work in Stack Room of Library

    应用现代科学技术做好 书库防霉 工作

  • A model of module is made possible that supervises and analyzes network packets which work between transport layer and network layer . We have inserted an overanxious layer in the existing protocol stack .

    在模型的数据采集及过滤模块中以软驱动方式在传输层和数据链路层之间 实现了对网络 封包监控和分析模块的模型。

  • Consumption : Additionally the whole purpose of previous work is to have some actors ( including machines ) to use it ; thus information consumption sits on the top of the stack .

    消费(Consumption):此外,前面 工作的全部意图是需要有操作者(包括机器)来使用它;因此信息消费位于该 堆栈的顶部。

  • After reading a tag remove the top element from the stack as a new query code to work and so on until the stack is empty all the labels well read .

    在读取一个标签之后从栈中取出栈顶元素作为新的查询码继续 工作,如此循环,直到 空,全部标签顺利读取。

  • Aiming at solving the practical problems existing in the library work of reader service the article presents a series of countermeasures to improve the quality of reader service and utilize open book stack resources better .

    文章针对目前图书馆导读 工作存在的实际问题,提出了一系列提高导读质量、促进开架 书库资源利用的对策。

  • The work involved in this design includes realizing the TCP / IP stack in C-code designing and debugging the hardware system designing and debugging the receiving program runs in PC.

    涉及的 工作包括TCP/IP协议 的C代码实现,远程监控系统的硬件设计和调试,运行在PC上的接收程序的编写和调试。

  • Two SIM cards can not be switched dynamically during general state of the work for the impact of protocol stack .

    因为受协议 的影响,一般在 工作状态中是不能实现两张SIM卡的动态切换。

  • In terms of seismic data denoising predecessors have done a lot of work especially many mature methods about after stack data denoising .

    在地震资料去噪方面,前人已经做了大量 工作,尤其是关于 后资料的去噪已经有了很多成熟方法。

  • The related research work were mainly focused on the implementing methods for the key modules of the software prototype including : slice image stack fast reconstruction high accuracy image edge detection inspection model and CAD model alignment wall thickness inspection and casting defects extraction etc.

    研究了图像 序列快速重建、高精度图像边缘检测、叶片点云模型与CAD设计模型配准、叶片壁厚检测与铸造缺陷分析等关键模块的实现方法。

  • Often as work items such as requirements come off the stack for implementation in the current iteration an equal or greater number of work items are added back to the stack .

    通常,随着需求条目从本次迭代中的执行栈中移除,相等数量的或者更大数量的 工作条目就会被添加回这个 中。

  • Thus it provides a program for wireless HART time synchronization in complex industrial field . Overall this research work establishes a good foundation for the next wireless HART protocol stack development .

    综上所述,本文的研究 工作为下一步无线HART协议 开发奠定了良好的基础。