work overtime

[wɚk ˈovɚˌtaɪm][wə:k ˈəʊvəˌtaɪm]


  • My coworker suddenly quit so I have to work overtime to pick up the slack .

    我的同事突然辞职了,因此我必须 加班来接他留下来的 工作

  • Bob might have to work overtime to get this project done .

    鲍伯可能得 加班才能完成这个项目。

  • I have to work overtime .

    我得 加班。我 人情

  • My boss asked me if I would work overtime tonight .

    我老板问我今晚能 不能 加班

  • Must work overtime tonight otherwise I would put off the work before this Friday .

    今晚必须 加班了,否则我这个周五之前,交不了差。

  • Do I need to work overtime ?

    我需要 加班吗?

  • But occasionally we have to work overtime .

    但偶尔我们也需要 加班

  • The typists have downed tools and are refusing to work overtime unless they are paid extra for it .

    打字员们罢工了,他拉拒绝 加班除非支付给他们额外的报酬。

  • I have one question to ask : would I have to work overtime very often ?

    有一个问题,我要经常 加班吗?

  • I was not very busy with my work lately no need to work overtime almost .

    近来工作不是很忙,基本上都不用 加班了。

  • If you insist on doing so then we have to work overtime .

    如果你坚持要这么做,那么我们只好 加班了。

  • Sorry I have to work overtime .

    抱歉,我 今晚加班

  • We often work overtime .

    我们经常 加班

  • When he told me I had to work overtime that was it .

    当他告诉我我必须 加班的时候,我受够了。

  • Sometimes we have to work overtime .

    我们有时 加班

  • Are you willing to work overtime everyday for the next month ?

    你是否愿意下个月天天 上班

  • Would you mind if I ask you work overtime at night ?

    你介意我叫你晚上 加班吗?

  • Are you willing to work overtime or on a holiday when needed ?

    如果有 急事,需要您 超时 工作或者假期 工作,您是否愿意?

  • M : No thanks . I have got to work overtime .

    M:不用了,谢谢,我得 加班

  • You mean I have to work overtime tonight ?

    你的意思是今晚我必须 加班吗?

  • He would work overtime without pay to finish a job

    他会为了完成 工作 无偿 加班

  • It looks like I 'll have to work overtime just to get it done .

    光把报告写好看起来我就得 加班了。

  • I have a lot of work every day so I always have to work overtime .

    我每天都有很多工作要 ,所以我一直不得不 负荷 工作,这是我 不能 接受的。

  • But the boss said we were likely to work overtime today .

    但是老板说我们今天很可能要 加班

  • Practice makes perfect and you know that I 've never said you can 't work overtime !

    总有个熟能生巧的过程,况且,我没说你不可以 加班啊!

  • I can work overtime if it 's necessary .

    如果有必要的话,我可以 加班

  • I have to work overtime sometimes .

    有时候我必须要 加班

  • If I work efficiently then it won 't be necessary to work overtime .

    如果我工作有效率,就不用 加班了。

  • I have no doubt we 'll have to work overtime from now on .

    我毫不怀疑从现在起我们得 加班 加点 活儿了。