


  • ANNOUNCER : So it seems that the voice can operate like a silent movie as a sequence of wordless gestures or a face made up of sounds .

    播音员:因此,就像无声电影一样,人类声音似乎也可以看作是由声音 符号组成的一系列 的手势或表情。

  • It was a dreadful sight they saw a wordless condemnation of their rule .

    他们看到的是一幅可怕的景象,是对他们统治的 无声谴责。

  • It is those quiet night and passing days that write wordless notes for the song .

    是无数沉默的夜晚,远去的日子,为这一曲写下 无声的注释。

  • Meade and India happen to enter the room . Seeing this they leave wordless and disgusted .

    米德太太和英迪亚碰巧进来看见这一 而鄙弃地离开。

  • Do you also have thousands of words inter into your wordless dreams .

    你会不会也有千言万语 沉默的梦里。

  • Her mother sat there wordless staring at the wall .

    她母亲坐在那里, 默默无语,凝视着墙壁。

  • He shrieked a long wordless cry .

    他只是 地发出长长的一声 尖叫

  • They would 've been one of those couples who had married young and had over the years developed their separate ways to live with the mistake he with his tyranny she with her wordless contempt .

    设想中,他们结婚得早,在 漫长的年月里,各自 学到了不同的方式来将就这场错误的婚姻,他用他暴君 的专横,她用她 无声的轻蔑。

  • A wordless book that tells the story of the Good News ?

    一本 多彩 无字的书,却讲述了福音的 全部

  • She stared back now wordless

    她凝视着后面, 一时

  • Model is a language expressing wordless service and soundless order .

    “造型”是一种语言, 传达了 的服务,无声的命令”。

  • Given this wordless blame I felt guilty wronged and bewildered .

    受到这样的指责,我 心虚,我委屈,我困惑。

  • Her expression is really flustered and that makes me wordless .

    她的脸上气急败坏的表情实在把我 吓坏了。

  • Scarlett turned away wordless .

    思嘉 一声不响 走开了。

  • Sumner would greet us with frowns and grimaces doing his best to express wordless disapproval

    萨姆纳会冲我们皱眉,做苦脸,竭力表示他 的反对。

  • Were they really there whispering wordless encouragement to her or was this part of her dream ?

    他们真的在这里 默默无言 鼓励她吗?或者只是梦幻而已?

  • Here and there husbands sit in wordless despair .

    丈夫们各处坐着, 默默无言,绝望 至极

  • Songs ( 4 ) on verses by Dolmatovsky for voice wordless chorus & piano .

    根据 多尔马托夫斯基的诗为人声和钢琴而作的歌曲4首。

  • And what is word knowledge but a shadow of wordless knowledge ?

    难道言语的知识不 无形知识的影子么?

  • Were they really there whispering wordless encouragement to her or was this part of her dream ? A cold gust swept across her exposed breast wrenching her back to reality .

    他们真的在这里 默默无言 鼓励她吗?或者只是梦幻而已?一股寒气打击她的敞开的胸膛,把她从梦幻的境地中带了回来。

  • THIS is thy hour O Soul thy free flight into the wordless .

    啊,灵魂,这是你的时刻,在 中自由飞翔。

  • On the seas of dust and silence where dreams and memories entwine therein the halls of wordless voices does Fate reveal her grand design .

    尘埃与静默的大洋中,梦与记忆彼此纠缠缭绕。在那 之声的殿堂,命运揭示了她宏伟的设计。

  • We sat in wordless contemplation of the view .

    我们坐着 默默无言 凝视着这一景象。

  • He had set up a wordless howling like an animal .

    他像畜生似的大声 嚎叫

  • It is a story of wordless sadness .

    这是一个充满 的心酸的故事。

  • But they only shared a single wordless look and they knew that any chance of their lives continuing together was gone .

    不过,他们只交换了个 的眼神,两人就知道彼此生命继续相待的任何机会已经消失了。

  • Was the wordless cry of my soul and the light of love shone on me in that very hour .

    这是 自我灵魂深处 的呐喊,每 每秒,我都想把自己沐浴在爱的光明之中。