transmission constant

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈkɑnstənt][trænzˈmiʃən ˈkɔnstənt]


  • The paper introduces the consistence of PSD time response and explains the characteristic of the 2D-PSD time response based on the RC transmission line . The conclusion that the dispersed constant is main factor which effects time response is deduced .

    本文阐述了PSD响应的时间组成,并基于RC 传输线模型,分析了 2D-PSD的时间响应特性,得出PSD的集总参数是影响其时间响应的主要因素。

  • A transmission mechanism with varying shaft space & constant speed

    一种变轴距 速比 传动机构的综合

  • If other losses are not considered the amount of transmission loss keeps constant no matter how the length of the cascading fiber changes .

    在不考虑其他 损耗的情况下,如果只改变级联处光纤长度,级联长周期光栅总量 守恒

  • The first-order approximation formulae numerical calculation and experiential formulae methods were used to analyze the photochromic properties of materials and fit the transmission kinetic curve the photochemical reaction constant γ of different wavelengths were obtained .

    采用一阶近似、数值计算和经验公式拟合的方法对光致变色特性进行理论分析和实验曲线拟合,得到了光反应速率 常数γ拟 合值

  • Compared with the rotundity optical waveguide the transmission constant of the elliptical optical waveguide changes very little under the same conditions for single mode transmissions .

    在给定相同条件下单模传输时,与圆形光波导相比,椭圆光波导 传播 常数变化很小。

  • It has the same transmission constant as the exciting mode but its amplitude reduces at the decreasing ratio of core radium .

    它具有与激励模相同的 传输 常数,但幅度却以芯径渐缩的速率衰减。

  • As an example the operation frequency of TT C and data transmission ( TTC DT ) and the attenuation constant of electromagnetic wave through the blackout zone are estimated .

    作为一次练习,估算了测控通信系统的工作频率、 电波穿过黑障区的衰减 常数

  • With the continuous extension of the high-voltage transmission lines and constant occurrence of external damage line ice and other accidents the workload of line inspection and line maintenance has become more and more therefore an urgent need for new technology to carry out line maintenance .

    随着高压 输电线路的不断延伸,外力破坏事故、线路覆冰等事故的 不断发生,线路巡视维护工作量越来越大,急需新技术的支持。

  • The constant speed transmission structure includes a constant speed rotating unit and a power transmission unit which is arranged inside the secondary stationary seat .

    定速 转动单元包括呈转动穿于第一、二固定座并由动力传动单元 驱动的转动内杆及套设于转动内杆外的固定外管;

  • It shows that the analytic method can almost precisely solve dispersion problem of single mode fiber by analysis of a difference between approximate and accurate solution of the normalized transmission constant .

    通过分析归一化 传输 常数的近似解与精确解间的差别论证了这种解析法具有精确求解的计算精度。

  • Linear correction arithmetic : when the light transmission coefficient of fiber bundle is approximately a constant the nonuniformity can be corrected through linear correction method .

    线性校正算法:如果光纤排的 系数在任何情况下近似为 常数,即为线性的,则可以采用线性校正与补偿。

  • Gear transmission has an irreplaceable advantage comparing with other transmission types because of its constant power and high transmission efficiency . It has become one of the most key components in modern industry .

    齿轮传动由于其 功率、传动效率高等特点,具有其它 传动不可替代的优势,已成为现代工业中关键零部件之一。

  • A non affine nonlinear control model is presented for high voltage direct current ( HVDC ) transmission systems operating in constant extinction angle / constant current mode .

    针对高压直流 输电系统中整流侧定直流电流、逆变侧 关断越前角控制问题,建立了非仿射的一般形非线性控制模型。

  • Based on the characteristics of stable gear transmission and constant speed ratio a kind of imperfect gear mechanism was studied in this paper .

    基于齿轮 传动平稳和 速比的特点,文中研究了一种不完全齿轮机构。

  • Mechanical transmission gear is one of the most common form it is mainly used to transmit rotary motion between two shafts the transmission ratio can be a constant or a variable .

    齿轮传动是机械传动过程中最普遍的形式之一,它主要用来传递两轴间的回转运动,其 传动比是 常数或变数。

  • Important parameters of the transmission lines such as characteristic impedance attenuation constant and quality factor were extracted from the measured S-parameters based on circuit models .

    利用分布参数电路模型和测试得到的S参数提取出了特征阻抗、衰减 常数、品质因数等 传输线基本参数。

  • And ( 4 ) the continuous yielding model has the similar effect on the coefficients of the transmission and reflection with the constant stiffness model without tension capacity .

    连续屈服模型对 (反)射系数的影响与无抗拉强度的 刚度模型相似。

  • Operation Circle Diagram of Ultra-high Voltage Long distance Transmission Line with the Constant Power Factor of Its End

    超高压 长线在末端 功率因数下的运行圆图

  • Experimental Study on Transmission Efficiency for Constant Velocity Drive Shaft of Car

    轿车 等速驱动轴 传动效率的试验研究

  • This paper presents a kind of the gear link transmission mechanism with a dynamic shaft distance and constant angular velocity ratio and introduces its configuration character and transmission characteristics . The design example has verified its superior working performance .

    提出了一种动态轴距 速比传动的齿轮&连杆机构,介绍了该种 传动机构的结构特点及传动特性,设计实例证实了它优越的工作性能。

  • The traditional gear transmission design method is fatigue strength design in constant amplitude based on the largest load in the actual gear transmission process . Generally the impact of random vibration loads to the gear transmission was not considered .

    传统的齿轮 传动的设计方法是按齿轮在传动过程中的最大载荷在 幅疲劳强度下的设计,一般都没有具体的考虑随机载荷波动对齿轮传动寿命的影响。

  • Gear transmission is widely applied in machines electronic chemical metallurgy traffic and so on because of its high transmission efficiency and constant power .

    齿轮传动因具有 传动效率高、 功率等特点,广泛应用于机械、电子、化工、冶金、交通等诸多领域。

  • Hydraulic center-shaft winder When swinging transmission machine operation the force constant rotation axis to make efforts before and axial rotation move backward .

    当摇摆 传动机械运行时, 等速旋转入力轴使出力轴向前和向后旋动。

  • It is considered to increase the system capacity and inhibit the channel fading effectively with the application of multiple-input and multiple-output ( MIMO ) technique . When the transmission bandwith and power is constant it improves the spectral efficiency and reduces the error rate .

    多输入多输出(MIMO)技术的应用成倍地提高了系统容量,有效抑制信道衰落,在 传输带宽与发射功率 不变的情况下提高了频谱利用率,并降低误码率。

  • The advantages of gear Instantaneous transmission ratio constant steady work is high .

    齿轮传动的优点瞬时 传动恒定,工作平稳性较高。

  • Thus an experiment is conducted for converting displacement mode and the principle of expansion drive principle of pressure transmission of the expansion drive as production remains constant and methods for calculating water drive production pressure difference are denoted .

    为此进行了驱动方式转换试验,阐述了弹性驱动原理和产量保持 不变下弹性驱动的压力 传导原理及水驱与弹性驱生产压差计算方法;

  • The coder has the desired embedded feature for progressive transmission and precise rate control for constant bit - rate traffic application .

    263.同时,该编码器也具有渐近式 传输所期望的嵌入特性,可以实现比特率精确控制,满足 定速率传输视频应用的需要。

  • The Moisture Vapor Transmission Equation and Time Constant of Tobacco Packaging

    烟草包装 透湿方程和透湿时间 常数

  • An hiv / aids transmission model with infectious stages and constant recruitment

    具有 恢复率的艾滋病梯度 传染模型