transmission gain

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɡen][trænzˈmiʃən ɡein]


  • Deriving from direct sequence spread spectrum efficient spread spectrum can solve the inconsistency in transmission bandwidth and process gain and improve the anti-jamming ability of the system .

    高效扩频技术是直接序列扩频衍生而来的,能有效解决 传输带宽与处理 增益之间的矛盾,提高系统的抗干扰能力,受到了越来越多的重视。

  • It is more convenient to deposit information with the invention of digital media . The transmission and application of digital information gain great further development in the Internet environment .

    数字媒体的出现使得信息的存储更加方便,而计算机网络的出现则使得数字信息的 传播和应用 得到飞速的发展。

  • STTC is the combination of TCM and transmission diversity achieving full diversity gain and high coding gain but with high code searching and decoding complexity .

    STTC将网格编码技术(TCM)与 发射分集技术相结合,可以获得满分集 增益和编码增益,抗衰落性能最优,但STTC好码搜索较困难,译码复杂度也较高。

  • Then for the two-way MABC-AF-HD relaying system the relay selection schemes based on the average transmission rate and average equivalent channel gain are provided .

    于是针对两路MABC-AF半双工中继系统,提出了基于平均 传输速率和平均等效信道 增益的中继选择方案。

  • Its main idea is by increasing the relay link to form a virtual MIMO so as to achieve distributed transmission and the diversity gain .

    其主要思想就是通过增加中继链路以形成虚拟MIMO,从而达到分布式 传输,来获得分集 增益

  • It is very effective to improve the dynamic performance of the power system in the inhibition of the low-frequency oscillations due to long-distance transmission and the increasing AVR gain .

    它非常有效地改善了系统的动态性能,在抑制由于远距离 输电以及AVR 增益增大产生的低频振荡方面,已有很大成效。

  • Transmission diversity can achieve a considerable performance gain especially in the channel that lacks of available paths .

    特别是在移动台低速移动,而信道可用径较少的环境下, 发送分集技术可以获得相当可观的性能 增益

  • In this paper we mainly compare the performance of the two space-time codes in many aspects such as design criterion transmission rate diversity gain code gain and arithmetic complexity etc.

    在本文中,本文对这两种编码方式在设计准则、 传输速率、分集 增益、编码增益和算法复杂性等方面进行了较为详尽的比较研究。

  • And the influence that secondary quality factor and the coupling coefficient impact on voltage gain the current gain and transmission power gain is analyzed . 4 .

    并分析了次级品质因数和耦合系数对电压增益、电流 增益 传输功率的影响。

  • Outdoor advertising should focus on differences in the regional market and adopt a different style as well as mode of transmission thus gain more market share achieve the desired brand and effectively enhance the public image of the city .

    户外广告应针对各区域市场的差异,采取不同的设计风格和 传播方式, 更好地开拓市场,稳固市场,取得理想的品牌效应,有效提升城市公众形象。

  • The simulation result shows that the scheme can achieve full rate transmission and obtain the full diversity gain but also have better BER performance than the full-rate cooperative relay scheme with the single-antenna . So the scheme has a great and practical value .

    仿真结果证明,所提方案不仅能实现全速率 传输以及获取全分集 增益,且该方案比单天线全速率协作中继方案误码性能更佳,因此具有良好的实用价值。

  • A Multi-rate Transmission Based on Orthogonal Multi-processing Gain Code

    基于可变处理 增益正交码的多速率 传输

  • Through deploying multiple antennas at the transmitters and receivers multi-antenna systems can highly increase the spectral efficiency ( SE ) and transmission reliability through employing the multiplexing / diversity gain . Therefore multi-antenna technology has become one of the key technologies for the future mobile communication systems .

    多天线系统通过在收发端配置多根天线,利用复用/分集 增益提高系统的频谱效率和 传输可靠性,已经成为了未来移动通信系统的一项基本技术。

  • Secondly directional beam and omni-directional beam are assumed to have the same transmission gain . This limits the benefit of the enhanced transmission range of the directional communication .

    其二:假设定向波束和全向波束有相同的 增益,没有利用定向通信模式的增加传输距离的优势。

  • In this paper we introduce the theoretic model of distributed fiber Raman amplifier in WDM optical transmission system and analyse the design of gain flatness .

    介绍了在波分复用( WDM)系统中分布式光纤拉曼放大器(FRA)的理论分析模型.在此基础上,对 增益平坦设计所需考虑的因素进行了分析;

  • The unicast transmission scheme can exploit multiuser diversity . Multicast transmission scheme can get multiuser gain in the case which the transmission rate of the multicast group should be adjusted according to the user with the worst channel .

    对于单播传输机制可以利用其多用户多样性,而组播 传输机制通常以组内具有最差信道条件的用户的业务质量为准来设定传输速率以获得多用户 增益

  • A novel technique for improving on-chip antenna transmission gain is proposed . That is to say a thin diamond layer is inserted between the silicon substrate and metal heat sink which enhances the transmission gain of on-chip antenna pair greatly in a wide frequency band .

    提出了改进片上天线 传输 增益的新技术,即在硅衬底和金属散热器之间插入一层薄的金刚石介质材料,使片上天线对的传输增益在较宽的频率范围内有了大幅提高。

  • The Application of CAN Bus to the Vehicle Intelligent Shift System Nowadays Intelligent Shift control of AMT is the direction of development and research within the automatic transmission area and how to gain reliable information of car is the key factor of achieving this object .

    CAN总线在汽车智能换档系统中的应用AMT智能换档控制是当今自动 变速 发展和研究的方向,如何 获取可靠的车辆信息是其实现的关键。

  • Numerical results demonstrate the correlation among the transmission path decreases the coding gain of the system 1 ~ 2 dB .

    对所得理论结果进行数值仿真,结果表明相关性使系统编码 增益降低1~ 2dB

  • The data transmission and operation is carried by the subtraction gain function of the residue amplifier .

    利用余量放大器的减法、 增益功能实现了流水线结构级间数据 传递及转换运算功能。

  • An analytic expression of the channel capacity for the new transmission technique was derived and the numerical results proved that compared to the traditional random transmit-antenna selection technique with the same antenna structure the new transmission technique can achieve more channel capacity gain .

    理论分析的数值结果表明,与相同天线结构的随机选择发射天线系统相比,信息选择 发射天线系统能够达到 高的信道容量。

  • Trellis-Coded Modulation with multidimensional constellations ( MD-TCM ) is a bandwidth efficient transmission scheme that can achieve high coding gain compared to conventional two-dimensional schemes .

    基于多维星座的网格编码调制(MD-TCM)是一种比二维网格编码调制(2D-TCM)具有更多编码 增益的高带宽利用率 传输方案。

  • This paper discusses the cause of the production of acoustical feedback and the countermeasures to improve sound transmission gain of the sound amplifying system in the multimedia report hall .

    探讨声反馈产生原因及提高多媒体报告厅扩声系统 传声 增益的对策,提出使用反馈抑制器是已建多媒体报告厅抑制声反馈的最佳途径;

  • A space-time-frequency ( STF ) coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) transmitter diversity scheme for fast fading frequency selective channels is proposed . The proposed STF-OFDM transmission scheme owns time diversity gain .

    提出了一种基于空间时间频率(STF)编码的正交频分多路复用(OFDM)发射 分集方案,这种 传输方案可用于频率选择性快衰落信道。

  • SHO grouping algorithm could afford more freedom for UE and sector grouping increase efficiency of collaborative transmission and achieve great performance gain .

    这种算法能够给用户和小区的分组提供更大的自由度,以提高 小区协作的效率,并提供显著的性能 增益

  • The length of two EDFs is optimized to make the transmission spectrum of gain equalization filter easy to be realized .

    通过对前后两段铒 光纤的长度优化,使得 增益均衡滤波器的谱特性易于实现。

  • MIMO as a efficient technique to improve the transmission quality simultaneously provide the diversity gain and the spatial multiplexing gain and optimize the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff .

    而MIMO技术是目前世界公认的可以有效提高 无线 传输效率的重要手段,它能够同时提供分集 增益和复用增益,并能够在复用增益和分集增益之间做优化折中。

  • Sound transmission gain of sound reinforcement system

    扩声系统的 传声 增益