transversal surface

[trænsˈvɚsəl ˈsɚfəs][trænzˈvə:səl ˈsə:fis]


  • In general there are two methods that can detect the energy distribution of transversal surface of the light .

    检测 光束 截面上能量分布通用的方法是:感光法和 扫描法。

  • The key to eliminate transversal striations is to make the aluminum fluid contact the roller surface steadily .

    消除 横向条纹的关键是使铝液能够平稳的与辊 接触。

  • When concave shape transversal crack exists on the surface of steel wire rod defects become overlap shape and stay because flank of defect is forced shear deformation and caves inside the defect even after multi-pass drawing ;

    当线材 表面存在凹形 裂缺陷时,即使经多次拉拔,也会因缺陷侧面承受剪切变形而产生向缺陷内的塌陷,从而使缺陷变成折叠形状而残存下来;

  • Transversal trough shear line high-altitude cold air low-altitude warm air and severe warming on the ground surface were conducive to the promotion of convective instability .

    槽切变线,高层冷空气,低 暖空气, 地面剧烈增温,都有利于促进对流不稳定;

  • The practice shows that the model can remarkably reduce transversal and corner cracks on slab surface .

    生产实际应用表明,该模型对减少板坯 表面 裂纹和角部裂纹有显著效果。

  • Growth and Remove of Transversal Crack on Drawing Stainless Steel Wire Surface

    拉拔不锈钢丝 表面 裂的生长与消除

  • The figure of the transversal section of a surface breaking discontinuity can not be calculated out conversely from the magnitude and the distribution of its magnetic leakage field .

    无法从缺陷漏磁场的量值和分布反演出 表面开口缺陷 截面的形状。

  • Unsymmetrical transversal surface temperature distribution will change the transversal flow pattern and reduce the glass melting quality .

    横向 液面温度不对称改变了横向流态并且降低了玻璃熔制质量。