



  • In this paper the transverse vibration and stability of an axially moving rectangular membrane subjected to two direction pull forces are analyzed .

    本文研究了双向受拉力作用下的轴向运动矩形薄膜的 横向振动和稳定性问题。

  • The amplitudes of interlaminar transverse stresses were computed for different Young 's modulus and thickness of viscoelastic layer .

    针对不同模量和厚度的粘弹性材料,计算出层合圆柱壳的层间 横向应力的幅值。

  • The transverse supermode competition was analyzed based on a set of rate equations .

    基于速率方程组对 激光器和放大器中的模式竞争进行了数值分析。

  • Three key coupling factors longitudinal 、 transverse and angular misalignments between two optical fibers are analyzed .

    对两根光纤的纵向距离、 横向偏移和角度倾斜三个耦合效率的影响因子进行了仿真分析。

  • Evidence for longitudinal and transverse fiber conduction in human pulmonary veins : relevance for catheter ablation .

    人体肺静脉纵向和 横向纤维传导的证据:与导管消融的关联。

  • The coupling between the transverse velocity and electromagnetic perturbation is considered .

    考虑了 横向扰动速度与电磁场扰动的耦合。

  • The application of transverse shift of centering to bridge construction is introduced based on construction practice .

    结合工程实例介绍了膺架 横移在桥梁施工中的具体应用。

  • Non-uniform thickness in the transverse direction : This is seldom a resin issue .


  • Moreover the effect of the transverse wave on the band gaps by changing the phononic crystals diameter .

    并通过仿真不同直径的声子晶体研究了 横波对带隙的影响。

  • Precise measurements of emittance and transverse phase space are essential to generation and applications of high brightness electron beams .

    精确测量束团的发射度和 横向相空间,在高亮度电子束的产生和应用中具有重要意义。

  • Usually the orthogonal axes will be the longitudinal and transverse axes of the bridge .

    通常,正交轴就是桥梁的纵轴和 横轴

  • A transverse or horizontal piece as of a structure or implement .

    横梁结构或工具等的 横向的或水平部分。

  • This thesis analyses and studies the legal adjustment of security market internationalization according to the transverse and vertical comparison .

    本文旨在通过对证券市场国际化的 纵向 横向比较,对我国证券市场国际化的法律调整进行了分析和研究。

  • Transverse shear is due it that impact loading is not instantaneous .

    由于冲击加载并不是瞬时的,这导致了 横向剪切。

  • Transverse dimensions of rectangular tunnels have great influence on electromagnetic waves propagation .

    矩形巷道 截面尺寸对电磁波的传播特性有很大的影响。

  • There are two kinds of elastic waves in solids a compressional wave and a transverse wave .

    在固体中有两类弹性波,一类是压缩波,另一类是 横波

  • Do not introduce any heavy shocks and vibrations in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the vehicle .

    请勿在车辆的纵向和 横向方向引入任何重冲击和振动。

  • Good adaptability of transverse and longitudinal shake of ships during mooring ;

    对船舶靠泊时 摇和纵摇适应性强;

  • Analysis and Studies on Structural Design of Transverse Bridge Cantilever

    桥梁 横向大悬臂结构设计的分析和研究

  • Analysis on Biomechanical Effect of the Upper Limbs Motion on Movement Construction in Tae Kwon Do Transverse Kicking ;

    跆拳道后腿 横踢技术中上肢运动对动作结构影响的生物力学分析小腿上被踢了一脚。

  • The impacts of transverse and longitudinal shrinkage of welding seam on underframe positioning .

    以及焊缝 横向、纵向收缩对底架定位的影响。

  • With the single-pulse laser energy input increasing the transverse shrinkage and buckling distortion are improved .

    随着激光单脉冲能量输入的增加, 焊接 横向收缩变形和失稳变形变大。

  • The transverse effect of the fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) is analyzed and measured based on the experiment .

    对光纤光栅的 横向效应进行了理论分析,并通过实验对其进行了测量。

  • The transport eyebolt can only bear vertical traction with no side or transverse forces .

    运输吊环螺栓只能承受垂直牵引力,而不能承受侧向力和 横向力。

  • Electron beam transverse temperatures on HIRFL-CSR electron cooler are deduced from motion equations of single electron in themagnetic field .

    从磁场中单电子的轨道运动方程出发,分析并推出了HIRFL-CSR电子冷却装置上的 横向电子束温度,并得到了一些重要结论。

  • This innovative technique opens new horizons for patients with a variety of clinical situations seen with mandibular transverse deficiencies .

    这种创新的技术开拓了新的视野,为患者的各种临床状况下颌骨 横向看到缺乏。

  • The transverse vibration characteristics for the moving membrane with elastic constraint were studied by the Galerkin meshless method .

    采用伽辽金无网格法研究了轴向运动薄膜的 横向振动特性。