transverse diameter

[trænsˈvə:s daɪˈæmɪtɚ][trænsˈvɜ:s daiˈæmitə]


  • On the one hand sulfur increased the transverse diameter of garlic reduced branching index ; on the other hand sulfur increased yields of garlic .

    一方面,硫增加了蒜头 、降低大蒜二次生长指数;另一方面,增加了鲜重。

  • The results showed that fruit shape index was objectively a relative value for describing fruit shape and transverse diameter of fruit had the greatest influence on fruit shape .

    分析结果表明,果形指数(果长/果肩宽)是客观描述果实形状的一个相对值,果肩 对果实性状影响最大。

  • Gymnasts showed significant increases in transverse diameter and wall thickness of humerus ;

    体操运动员肱骨 和骨壁厚度增长明显;

  • Both height and weight showed significant positive correlation with the screw path length and transverse diameter of the pedicle but no correlation with the e angle .

    泊松相关分析显示身高、体重均与 椎弓根 宽度及钉道长度呈显著正相关,而e角与后两者无显著相关性。

  • Selenium concentration has no significant impact on cauloid and transverse diameter .

    硒浓度对大蒜假茎粗和蒜头 无显著影响。

  • Materials and methods : The transverse diameter and height of extraocular muscles of both eyes were measured in 100 cases with coronal and 80 cases with axial CT scans .

    材料与方法:分别测量100例和80例冠状和横轴CT扫描双眼内、外、上、下直肌及上斜肌 和高径。

  • The cardio-thoracic ratio expressed as a percentage is the ratio between the maximum transverse diameter of the heart and the maximum width of the thorax .

    心胸比率用百分率表示,是心脏最大 和胸廓最大宽径的比率。

  • The anterior opening of the pterygoid canal was located behind the sphenopalatine foramen and had a round infundibular shape . The openings were about 3 mm in the transverse diameter and passed through by the vidian nerve and the pterygoid artery .

    翼管前口位于蝶腭孔后方约7mm,呈圆形漏斗状, 约3mm,略向外下方开口,距离鼻小柱平均71.72mm,有翼管神经和翼管动脉穿过。

  • The transverse diameter of the upper branch of the circumflex scapular artery was ( 2.6 ± 0.7 ) mm .

    旋肩胛动脉 (2.6±0.7)mm;

  • The biggest open area and posterior glottis maximum transverse diameter of the postoperative glottis were measured including postoperative voice changes .

    术后3个月再次记录患者术后喉的形态学变化以及发音功能情况,即分别测量其术后声门最大开放面积及声门后部最大 ,以及术后嗓音变化情况。

  • Axial CT is more accurate for measuring the transverse diameter of the extraocular muscles .

    横轴CT对眼外直肌 的测量较为准确。

  • Results : The results showed that the clinical and anatomical length and the sagittal and transverse diameter of trachea were significantly related to the height of the children and the length of the upper part of the body .

    结果:两性儿童的身高和上部量与气管的解剖长度、临床长度、气管 内径之间密切相关。

  • Auto Thin Case Injected Plastic Part Tilting Distortion & Manufacturing Process Optimization Research ; THE FIX FOR THE TRANSVERSE DIAMETER OF DIFFERENT INJECTION MOLD 'S SPRUE BUSH

    汽车薄壳注塑件翘曲变形及注塑工艺优化研究不同注塑机注塑模浇口套 端面 直径的确定

  • Results The average upper middle and lower transverse diameter of the vertebral body were 19.2 mm 21.1 mm and 22.2 mm respectively .

    结果下颈椎椎体上 平均为19.2mm,中 21.1mm,下 22.2mm;

  • Objective To evaluate that the measures of the largest transverse diameter and ofaverage diameter affect the results of Mantoux test .

    目的研究最大 和横竖平均径两种不同测量方法对皮内结素试验反应结果的影响。

  • Experiment and Computer Simulation Research of the Injection Molding for Ultra-thin Wall Plastic Parts ; THE FIX FOR THE TRANSVERSE DIAMETER OF DIFFERENT INJECTION MOLD 'S SPRUE BUSH

    超薄塑件注塑充模试验与计算机模拟的研究不同注塑机注塑模浇口套 端面 直径的确定

  • The transverse diameter of femoral nerve was 7.1 ± 0.3 mm .

    肌腔隙内股神经 为7.1±0.3mm;

  • The origin point transverse diameter of anterior branch and posterior branch of axillary nerve and musculocutaneous nerve were dissected and measured .


  • The results indicate that the total transverse diameter of the atlas and the maximum transverse diameter of vertebral foramen of the axis a close to equal velocity growth all other variables are all negative allometry .

    结果表明:寰椎全宽及枢椎椎孔 接近等速生长,其余变量均为负异速生长。

  • Weightlifting players showed significant increases in transverse diameter and wall thickness of both femur and humerus but the transverse diameter of femur was less than distance runners and the wall thickness of femur was relatively larger with smaller bone cavity ;

    举重运动员肱骨和股骨的 与骨壁厚度长均明显,但股骨横径小于中长跑运动员,股骨壁厚度则较大,骨髓腔较小;

  • Influence of pedicle transverse diameter on security of screw implantation in adult thoracic vertebrae

    成人胸椎椎弓根 对螺钉植入安全性的影响

  • Myocardium transverse diameter ( TDM ) was measured with HE staining to observe myocardium hypertrophy .

    HE染色测量心肌细胞 (TDM)。

  • The degree of proptosis the transverse diameter of extraocular muscles and the degree of retro orbital infiltration were measured before and after radiation therapy and compared respectively .

    方法对20例(40只眼)甲状腺相关眼病的患者进行球后放射治疗,对治疗前后的眼球突出度、眼外肌 值、球后浸润程度进行对比分析。

  • The variation in transverse diameter ( VTD ) of heart shadows in chest films of100 normal persons were studied .

    本文报道100例正常人多次胸片 差的测量,提供了心脏影象大小改变数值的频率和范围。

  • Conclusion The average transverse diameter of the recurrent laryngeal nerves is ( 1.93 ± 0.35 ) mm .

    结论喉返神经 平均在(1.93±0.35)mm之间;

  • The growth curve of longitudinal diameter of fruit was a single sigmoid there have only one growth peak value but the growth curves of transverse diameter and fresh weight of fruit were double sigmoid . 4 .

    红阳猕猴桃果实纵径的增长曲线呈单S型,整个生长发育期只有一次增长高峰; 和单果重的增长曲线呈双S型,有两次增长高峰出现。

  • But there were no significant differences of the width of the external joint space and the transverse diameter of the proximal tibia between two groups .

    两膝关节间隙外侧宽度,两侧胫骨近端 两组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  • The nodular pattern appeared as some lobular soft tissue nodes in gallbladder and the transverse diameter of the nodes was lager than 1.0 cm being differ from the polypus of gallbladder .

    结节型5例(27.8%),表现为胆囊腔内分叶状软组织结节, 大于1.0cm,不同于胆囊息肉的表现。

  • Callus with axial deviation low density areas or an insufficient transverse diameter during the lengthening procedure must be treated carefully .

    骨痂带有轴向偏移、低密度区、不充分的 在延长的整个过程中必须采取相应的措施以确保延长骨良好的愈合。

  • Runnerless injection molding the fix for the transverse diameter of different injection mold 's sprue bush

    无流道赘物注射模塑不同注塑机注塑模浇口套 端面 直径的确定