transportation revenue

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən ˈrevənju][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən ˈrevənju:]

[经] 运输收入,运输进款

  • The economic benefits into food shelter transportation travel shopping entertainment six-component through these six components of revenue and total revenue compared and analyzed based on solidarity activities in rural food for the rural tourism the main features .

    把经济收益分为食、住、 、游、购、娱6个组分,通过对这6个组分的 收益与总收入的对比分析,得出团结乡乡村旅游活动是以食为主的特色。

  • Globalization of aviation transportation makes aviation enterprise pay more attention to revenue management . Aviation enterprises committed to realizing maximum profit and creating unique competition advantage and leading market position .

    航空 运输全球化使航空公司更加注重自身的 收益管理,努力发挥收益最大化优势,从而创造独特的竞争能力和领先的市场地位。

  • The higher level of transportation and communication the income of the tertiary industry of rural households will be higher and the rural family-run third industry revenue will be higher .

    交通、通信水平发展水平越高,农村家庭经营第三产业 收入就会越高,发展的就越好。

  • Perfecting and Surmounting Revenue Management : A Case Study for Passenger Transportation Revenue Management of CAAC

    收益管理的完善与超越&中国民航 客运 收益管理案例

  • Our operational target for the year of2011 is to generate transportation revenue and profit respectively amounting to1 billion RMB and100 million RMB .

    2011年租入船工作目标为实现 运输 收入10亿元人民币、创效1亿元人民币。

  • Tax payers performing transportation business have the right to calculate and pay business tax on revenue balance .

    从事 运输业的纳税人有按 收入差额计缴营业税的权利。

  • Development situation of Chinese aerial transportation basic concepts and main methods of Revenue Management were analyzed .

    分析了中国航空 运输 的发展状况, 收益管理的基本概念和主要方法。

  • Optimal study on slot allocation of container transportation : A demand - oriented model based on Revenue Management

    集装箱 运输舱位分配优化研究&基于 收益管理的需求导向模型

  • Congested road-use pricing as one of the effective means of managing urban transportation can alleviate congestion through adjusting traffic demand and raise additional revenue for the city .

    拥挤道路使用收费是现代城市 交通管理的有效措施之一,它可以引导和调节交通流量,达到缓解城市交通拥挤的目的,同时也增加了城市的 财政 收入

  • To alleviate this situation traffic management measures can be taken . Traffic demand management which is one of the traffic management measures is proved a good way to improve traffic transportation efficiency . Firstly this dissertation summarized revenue management theory and congestion pricing theory .

    为缓解这种 拥挤状况,需要采取加强基础设施和交通管理的方法,其中交通需求管理方法是提高交通 运输效率较为有效的方法和手段。

  • Review on New Distribution Method of Transportation Revenue

    直通清算的 运输 收入分配办法述评

  • Along with fierce competition in air transportation market many airlines are seeking out the methods that can increase revenue and promote competition . This makes the revenue management system become popular in domestic market .

    随着航空 运输市场竞争的日趋激烈,各大航空公司都在寻找增大 收益、提高竞争力的方法,这就为收益管理系统在国内的应用奠定了基础。

  • Revenue management ( RM ) is a method that makes the container transportation enterprises sell the right slot to the right customer at the right price at the right time in order to create the maximal selling revenue of the container slots .

    所谓收益管理就是使集装箱 运输企业在最佳的时机以最好的价格出售最正确的舱位给最合适的顾客的方法,以创造最大的集装箱舱位销售 收益

  • Study on the distribution method for railway transportation revenue

    对铁路 运输 收入分配办法的研究

  • The railway transportation revenue totaled 134.6 billion yuan a rise of 50.4 billion yuan or 59.9 percent on 1997 .

    2001年,全路完成 运输 收入1346亿元,比1997年增加了504亿元,增长59.9%。

  • From the middle of the 7th century to the beginning of 11 centuries the empire controled the important transportation pivot between East and West which commercial trade activity was especially prospering and the tithe and customs duties were important sources of revenue for its national treasury .

    7世纪中叶至11世纪初,该帝国控制着东西方重要的 交通枢纽,商业贸易活动尤为繁荣,海关税和商业什一税就是其国库 收入最重要的来源。

  • The decision model jointly considers transportation price transportation quality and delivery performance in transportation revenue discount environments and helps shippers select carriers and allocate cargo volume using a comprehensive approach .

    该决策模型综合考虑了承运人根据 运输 收益给予不同折扣价格环境下运输价格、运输质量和交货绩效等因素,有助于托运人有效而合理地选择承运人和分配货载,因此具有综合性;

  • So how to work out the optimization problems of the feeder network for containers transportation scientific and increase the revenue has become the focus of the research of the shipping companies .

    因此如何科学地解决支线集装箱班轮 运输网络优化问题,提高支线 运营 收益,已成为班轮公司关注的重点。

  • A variety of converted t-km for railway transportation products is described and distinguished theoretically in this paper . Based on the foregoing statement suggestions on internal railway revenue profits and total wage distribution are made .

    阐述了铁路 运输产品换算吨公里多品种性的理论观点,将 运输产品在品种上的差异从理论上加以区分,并在此基础上,提出了对铁路内部运输 收入、利润、工资总额分配的建议。

  • Railway Lines ' Transportation Revenue and Its Calculation Method

    铁路分线 运输 收入计算方法探究

  • We also ensure that we 're investing in our transportation infrastructure with revenue raised from a price on greenhouse gas emissions .

    法案也将确保对 交通基础设施进行投资,其 资金可通过对温室气体定价而筹措。