transmit mode

[trænsˈmɪt mod][trænzˈmit məud]

[计] 发送方式

  • These results show fundamental picoseconds solitons could transmit over long distance by adiabatic mode without complex steps to remove chirp and manage dispersion .

    因此,对于占空比较小的皮秒孤子脉冲,可以不必采用复杂的消啁啾和色散管理措施,就可以利用绝热 方式进行稳定 传输

  • User can transmit data update data inquiry data conveniently without knowing the data 's geographic location and curve type meanwhile this mode shields user from dealing data directly thereby reduce the difficulty in data processing .

    用户不必关心数据的地理位置和曲线类型,可以自如地进行数据的 传输、数据更新、查询等操作,同时屏蔽了用户直接面对数据的 操作,降低了数据操作的难度。

  • Emphases are placed on how to configure huge data buffer how to implement analog exoteric trigger how to transmit data throughout PCI bus by means of burst mode filtering and signal integrality design for the whole board .

    着重讨论了大容量数据缓存的实现、模拟外触发电路的实现、用 突发 方式来实现PCI总线的高速数据 传送、信号模拟时的滤波问题以及板级的信号完整性设计等问题。

  • A Simple Juxtaposed Data Transmit Mode in Double Singlechip Computer System

    双单片机系统中一种简单的并行数据 传输 模式

  • These video surveillance platforms which use to transmit Ethernet data has a lot of shortcomings such as wasting fiber resources having single Networking mode and so on .

    目前,国内的数字视频监控平台多采用点对点 传输 方式,利用此视频监控平台承载以太网等其他业务具有浪费光纤资源、组网 方式单一等缺点。

  • The thesis describes the build process of the rules the process of exception handling the burst and transmit mode of exception and how to model exception handling using BPEL4WS .

    文中描述了规则的建立方法、异常处理的过程、异常的触发机制、处理方法和 传播 机制,以及使用BPEL4WS为异常处理建模等,并给出了异常处理和事务、时间约束之间的关系。

  • The parameters which influence channel transmit characteristic are analyzed for the different transmit mode and the master parameters of which are also discussed here .

    针对不同的 传输 模式,分析了影响信道传输特性的几种参数,对其中的主要参数作了较为详细的讨论。

  • The RS485 transmission net is made up of the data collection station which can transmit for remote distance and restrain common mode interference .

    各采集器以网络结点的方式挂接到RS485传输网络上, 传输距离远,还可有效的抑制 共模干扰。

  • The transmit mode of multimedia information is also discussed .

    文章还详细阐述了 信息 高速公路中多媒体信息的 传输 模式

  • Properties of depleted uranium such as chemical properties decay law and transmit mode were presented .

    介绍了贫铀的化学特性、衰变规律和 迁移 方式

  • The reason to select this mode is to provide time for date collection and processing because the particle counter cannot collect data and transmit data to computer simultaneously this operation mode can effectively prevent from missing leakage identification .

    之所以采取间断式运行,是为了给数据的采集和处理提供时间,当粒子计数器与计算机 传送数据时,计数器不能同时采集数据,此运行 方式可有效防止漏认。

  • Firstly the paper discusses the transmit mode of atmospheric radiation ; some pivotal parameters for remote sensing are analyzed and calculated such as the absorption characteristic of oxygen molecular atmospheric transmissivity and weight function .

    首先,本文探讨了大气辐射 传输 模式的原理,分析计算了用于遥感的几个关键参数:大气氧气分子的吸收特性、大气透过率、权重函数,给出仿真结果。

  • It is said to be clear because it can be used to transmit any type of digitized data in full-duplex mode .

    它被形容为无障碍,是因为它可用来以全双工 模式 传输任何种类的数位化资料。

  • The aim of an interview is to provide or transmit a particular information to the third party so the feedback mode is rather simple and it is a conversational form strongly controlled by one party .

    访谈是一种以向第三方受众提供或 传达特定信息为目的、话回 模式较为简单、单方控制力很强的会话形式。

  • The online monitoring parameter equipment and data transmit mode were chosen .

    确定了在线监测指标,选定了在线监测仪器和在线数据 传输 方式

  • This system can store and transmit different content forms by a uniform form and also provides a convenient and extensible content security supervision mode based on Web to realize the supervision with Internet content .

    该系统实现了不同的监管内容形式以统一的形式进行存储和 交互,并提供一个便捷和可扩展的基于Web的内容安全监管 模式,实现各主管部门对网络内容的监管。

  • Then the safety of the system was analyzed . For delivering of information Mixed Transmit Mode which is a combined transmit mode with Authentic Transmit Mode and Encipher Transmit Mode was adopted And the RSA algorithm was adopted to encrypt and decrypt data .

    再者分析了系统的安全性,对于信息的传输,采用认证传输与加密传输相结合的混合 传输 方式进行保护,运用RSA算法对数据进行加解密;

  • Discusses how to use the Internet component given by Delphi 5.0 to transmit information among network computers on the application development in the mode of Client / Server and also introduces how to use this ability to design and develop an application system in practice .

    阐述了在Delphi5.0下开发Client/Server 模式应用程序时,怎样利用Delphi5.0所提供的Internet组件在网络计算机之间进行消息 传递,并介绍怎样利用这一功能设计开发实际的应用系统。

  • The software design of the center system is simple and flexible . Users can modify data and transmit command directly by human-machine mode .

    另外主控中心软件系统设计简单灵活,用户可以通过人机 模式直接修改数据信息和 传输命令。

  • With the realization of the ' Transmit Electric Power from the Western China to the Eastern China ' stratagem and the gradual construction of the Chinese united power system our power system will become bigger and bigger its structure and operation mode will become even more complex .

    随着 西电,全国联网战略计划的实施,我国电力系统的规模日益扩大,电网结构和运行 方式日益复杂。