transmission target

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈtɑrɡɪt][trænzˈmiʃən ˈtɑ:ɡit]


  • A session key is created in the process of mutual authentication . The protocol provides mutual authentication and secure data transmission between the mobile entity and target nodes and can tolerate the mobile entity and sensor nodes compromises .

    在双向认证过程中同步建立共享的会话密钥,能够保证移动实体和 目标节点之间的安全数据 传输,并容忍移动实体和传感器节点被俘获所造成的影响。

  • The data source simulation module take FPGA as the core is mainly responsible for image data transmission and storage under different state ; the joint target detection module take DSP as processing core mainly implements the hardware completion of joint target detection algorithm for dual-sensor .

    模拟数据源模块以FPGA为核心,主要负责在不同系统状态下的图像数据 传输和存储;联合 目标检测模块以DSP为处理核心,主要完成双传感器联合目标检测算法的硬件实现。

  • Cable transmission has certain requirements to environmental site and acquisition target not suitable for complex terrain conditions high corrosive explosive and other occasions or acquisition target movement rotation and so on .

    有线 传输方式对场地环境和采集 对象有一定的要求,不适于复杂地形条件、高腐蚀性、爆炸、被采集对象是运动、旋转等场合。

  • This paper introduces the system structure of 10Gbit / s Ethernet and optical transmission systems and submits several circuit target .

    本文介绍了光纤 通信系统和万兆以太网的体系结构,给出了其各项电路 指标

  • Effect of atmospheric transmission on IR radiation feature of target and background

    大气 传输 特性目标与背景红外辐射特性的影响

  • These data will strongly promote the transmission and adaptive evolution research of the target bacteria .

    这些数据信息必将有力的推动微生物 生态学 进化机制的研究。

  • Keeping the safety and integrity of data in its transmission is our target .

    数据安全、完整的实现网上 传输是信息安全技术的研究 目的

  • Intermediate target for monetary policy is in a very critical position in the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the choice of intermediate target for monetary policy is an important problem in theory and practice .

    摘要货币政策中介目标在货币政策 传导机制中处于非常关键的位置,货币政策中介 目标的选择在理论和实践中都是一个十分重要的问题。

  • Signal Detecting and Code Transmission of Laser Target System

    激光 位测定系统的信号检测与编码 传送

  • Along with the development of mobile communication high data-rate transmission becomes the target that several standard organizations pursuit . And improving efficiency and expanding the spectrum can helps to reach such a goal .

    随着移动通信的发展,高速的数据 传输成为各大标准追求的 目标,而提高传输速率无疑是从提高频谱效率和扩大带宽两个角度进行。

  • A Test on China 's Monetary Policy Transmission as Money Supply to be Intermediate Target

    以货币供应量为中介 目标的我国货币政策 传导的检验

  • The automatic transmission technology of automobile is always the target that people pursue . It is a important aspect to reform and perfect the vehicle powertrain .

    汽车的自动 变速技术一直是人们追求的 目标,是改善和完善车辆传动系统的一个重要方面。

  • This paper has the transmission structure of radar to be the target and uses the finite element analysis software to compute the stiffness and strength .

    文中以某型雷达的 传动结构为研究 目标,运用有限元软件对其进行刚强度分析。

  • Loads can be more evenly distributed among transmission components due to modern computing methods and target specific component development .

    由于现代计算方法和 目标明确的部件的开发,在 变速 部件上负荷分布更加均匀。

  • So the voltage of transmission system continued to improve and the height of transmission tower continuously raised the research of the security and stability of transmission tower also become the main target in design and maintain an electricity transmission system .

    因此输电系统的输送电压不断提高,输电塔架的高度不断提高,对 输电塔结构的安全性和稳定性研究也成为电力输送系统设计和维护的主要 目标

  • The second is that capital market influence money demand money velocity transmission mechanism of monetary policy the target and operating tool of monetary policy . This influence is direct influence of capital market on monetary policy .

    其二是资本市场对货币需求、货币流通速度、货币政策 传导机制、货币政策 目标和货币政策操作工具等的影响,这是资本市场对货币政策的直接影响。

  • A Study on Network Transmission Group-effect Based on Target Audience 's Psychology

    基于 受众心理对网络 传播群体效应的探析

  • Over the years it has been the goal that compressing the transmission bandwidth of speech signal or reducing the transmission rate of telephone channel . In achieving this target speech compression coding technology plays an important role .

    多年来,人们一直追求的目标就是压缩语音信号的传输带宽或降低电话信道的 传输码率,而在实现这一 目标中,语音压缩编码技术发挥着重要作用。

  • Combined parameter sensitivity analysis with parameter optimization which can both guide adaptive adjustment of transmission parameters and can shoot at the target in paying close attention to major factors and ignoring secondary causes thereby reduce the complexity and computation of signal processing .

    将参数敏感度分析与参数优化结合,既能有效指导 传输参数的自适应调整,又能 有的放矢,关注主要因素、忽略次要因素,从而降低信号处理的复杂度和运算量。

  • The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the overall transmission power further while the target transmission rate and bit error rate are met .

    实验结果表明,所提出的空频二维自适应调制算法可以在保证系统 目标传输速率和 目标误比特率的前提下,进一步减小系统所需要的平均 发射功率。

  • The Research of Windows 2000 for Real-time Data Transmission Based on xPC Target

    基于XPC Target的Windows2000实时数据 传输研究

  • When color transmission is done between the source and the target swatches the final colors are assigned to each pixel of the target image by matching pixel to pixel in the target swatches using comparing texture characteristics .

    目标图像中已完成颜色 传递的样本块为参考,使用纹理对比方式完成样本块以外其它像素的颜色 传递

  • Under the circumstance that the influence of atmosphere on laser pulse is ignored the models of return signals and target response function are concluded which indicates that return signals can be look as the convolution of transmission signal and target response function .

    在忽略大气对激光脉冲的影响下,推导出接收信号和目标响应函数的理论模型,表明了接收信号可以看作是 发射信号与 目标响应函数的卷积。

  • The network information security includes the information storage security and the information transmission security . According to the information system security target the network information security can be determined as a protection of the information usability the integrity and the confidentiality .

    网络信息安全包括信息的处理安全、存储安全和信息的 传输安全,从信息系统的安全 指标角度来说,就是对信息的可用性、完整性和机密性的保护。

  • This article introduces several new technologies of radar monitoring systems used in foreign countries which include antenna structure solid-state transmission and moving target detection .

    本文介绍了国外在远程航路监视雷达系统中启用的几项新技术。它们涉及天线结构、固态 发射、动 目标检测等。

  • After that the improved transmission is tested by NVH target testing and the new testing result is analyzed .

    然后再通过变速器NVH 目标值测试对改进的 变速 进行测试,并对测试结果做出分析判断,最终验证诊断结果正确。