transverse arch

[trænsˈvə:s ɑrtʃ][trænsˈvɜ:s ɑ:tʃ]


  • Three Dimensional Morphological Study of the Foot Transverse Arch Between Normal and Hallux Valgus Foot

    正常足与踇外翻足的足 三维形态比较

  • Analysis on Transverse Stability of Deck Arch Bridges

    上承 拱桥 横向稳定性分析

  • Objective : From the biomechanical view to probe the changes of plantar pressure under transverse arch of forefoot of hallux valgus foot .

    前言:目的:从生物力学角度探讨外翻足前足 跖骨头下压力的改变情况。

  • In the process of checking the upper structure of the existing double-curved arch bridges the joint action of main arch and spandrel structure and the load transverse distribution of main arch are key contents .

    对双曲拱桥上部结构检算中,拱上建筑与主拱圈的联合作用、拱的活载 横向分布 计算是重要的内容。

  • The calculation of transverse load distribution of arch bridges as a method for analysing the space distribution of stresses in the arch is an urgent practical and theoretical problem yet to be solved .

    拱桥的荷载 横向分布计算,作为拱桥内力空间分布的一种分析方法,是亟待解决的实践与理论问题。

  • 3-D Morphological and Biomechanical Study of the Transverse Arch of the Foot ( 2 ) zygomatic arch disassemble approach ;


  • A practical calculation method for transverse earthquake resistance of Arch Bridges

    拱桥 横向抗震的实用计算方法

  • A Sample Analysis of Transverse Load Distribution of Arch Bridges

    拱桥荷载 横向分布的实例分析

  • Analysis of Transverse Load Distribution of Ribbed-box Arch Bridge and Its Experimental Study

    箱型肋 拱桥荷载 横向分布计算分析及其试验研究

  • The Dynamic Analysis of Transverse Arch in the Metatarsal Head During a Normal Walking Cycle

    正常足步态周期中动态足 形态的初步分析

  • Conclusion : There was a transverse arch formed by the 5 metatarsal heads .

    结论:跖骨头平面存在由5个跖骨头构成的足 ,以1、5跖骨头为 ,2、3跖骨头为顶;

  • It will be convenient to carry out the calculation of transverse earthquake resistance of arch bridges by using the period coefficients and the internal force response coefficients listed in the tables of this paper .

    利用本文所提供的周期系数和内力反应系数,可十分简便地进行 拱桥 横向抗震计算。

  • Results ( 1 ) Transverse dental arch disharmony were seen in 60 . 7 % of the patients after surgery in this study The premolar area was often affected .

    结果(1)单侧完全性唇腭裂术后60.7%的患者出现牙 横向关系的不协调,双尖牙区较易受累。

  • Palatal expansion is frequently applied in correction of maxillary transverse deficiency and upper dental arch constriction .

    腭扩展是正畸常用的矫治上颌 横向发育不足及上颌牙 狭窄的固定矫治技术。

  • Three-dimension Emulation Computation Study of Transverse Joint Aperture of Concrete Arch Dam

    混凝土 拱坝 缝开度三维仿真计算研究

  • Objective : To study the spatial change of transverse arch in the metatarsal head during a normal walking cycle demonstrate the significance of transverse arch in normal walking .

    目的:观察正常步态周期中跖骨头平面足 的运动形态,并探讨跖骨头平面足横弓在行走过程中的重要意义。

  • By finite element analysis and combining with organic glass model experiment and a bridge loading test get the regulation of transverse load distribution of this type bridge . Then the suitable method for calculating the transverse load distribution of ribbed-box arch bridge were given . 4 .

    通过有限元建模分析,结合有机玻璃模型试验和实桥试验,得出箱型肋 拱桥的荷载横向分布规律,提出其荷载 横向分布影响线的适合算法。

  • The transverse venous arch was composed of the middle anterior pancreaticoduodenal vein and anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein .

    胰十二指肠中前静脉与胰十二指肠上前静脉合成 静脉

  • Practical Methods for the Calculation of Transverse Load Distribution of Arch Bridges

    拱桥荷载 横向分布实用计算

  • Study on Non-linear Response of Transverse Joints of High Arch Dams Under Strong Earthquakes

    强震作用下高 拱坝 缝张开非线性反应的研究

  • The calculation results indicate the transverse rigidity of the Bridge is fairly weak as compared to the vertical rigidity and at the low orders the transverse vibration of the arch ribs takes predominance .

    计算结果表明:该种桥型横向刚度较竖向刚度弱,桥梁低阶以 横向振动为主。

  • Normal foot transverse arch index H was 0.209 ± 0.051 first metatarsal pronation angle P was 8.75 °± 14.6 ° .

    正常人组足 指数H=0.209±0.051,第一跖骨旋前角度P=8.75°±14.6°;

  • Design of steel reinforcement across transverse joint in arch dam to resist strong earthquake Joint Grouting of Dam Transverse Joint Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ

    强地震区高 拱坝抗震配筋问题汾河二库坝体 缝的接缝灌浆

  • The transverse joints of Laxiwa arch dam use JBJ-60 one-way grouting device to conduct the repeated grouting in the original plastic pipe .

    拉西瓦混凝土双曲 拱坝 缝采用JBJ-60型单向注浆器在原有塑料拔管系统的基础上进行重复灌浆。

  • Departure Influences of Transverse Bias of Arch Axis on the Arch Ring Behavior Under Static Loads

    轴线 横向偏离对拱圈静力行为影响

  • Effect of Transverse Slots of Concrete Arch Dam on Abutment Seismic Stability

    混凝土 拱坝 缝对坝肩抗震稳定的影响

  • Study on Effect of Impounded Water Level on Transverse Joints Aperture in High Arch Dam

    拱坝蓄水水位对 缝开度的影响研究

  • To study the role of the transverse arch in the pathogensis of hallux valgus .

    比较研究正常足和外翻足横 的形态,探讨 在外翻发生发展中的作用。

  • Introduced the methods for calculating transverse load distribution and found out the method suitable for calculating the transverse load distribution of ribbed-box arch bridge . 3 .

    介绍荷载横向分布的理论和计算方法,提出合适计算箱型肋 拱桥荷载 横向分布计算的理论方法。

  • The non-linear response of transverse joints of arch dams during strong earthquakes is researched by using contact elements to simulate the transverse joints .

    采用接触单元模拟 拱坝横缝,对高 拱坝在强震作用下 缝张开的非线性反应进行了系统的研究。