transient response

[ˈtrænʃənt rɪˈspɑns][ˈtrænziənt riˈspɔns]


  • The transient response of rotor and dynamic characteristics of the ball bearing were analyzed by using an example .

    研究发现,耦合影响对转子系统的 瞬态 响应和球轴承的动态性能都有较大的影响。

  • BEM Analysis of Transient Response in Surface Crack Problems

    表面裂纹问题 瞬态 响应的边界元分析

  • Simulation results show that the method proposed can improve the transient response greatly in comparison with conventional control algorithms and demonstrate its efficiency and feasibility .

    仿真结果表明,该力法能够较大地改善 系统 瞬态 响应,优于常规的自 校正 动态 矩阵控制算法;并说明了其有效性和可行性。

  • Then an equivalent circuit and its parameters are stated and a transient response is derived from the equivalent circuit .

    其次,说明换能器之等效电路及其参数,以及利用等效电路推导出 暂态 响应公式。

  • Analysis of Transient Response of Complex Thin Wire Structures by Using Time Domain Integral Equation Approach

    应用时域积分方程法分析复杂细线导体的 瞬态 响应

  • Numerical Simulation of the Transient Response of Blade due to Bird Impact

    发动机叶片鸟撞击 瞬态 响应的数值模拟

  • Measurement Circuit of Transient Response for SED Electroforming Processes

    SED电形成过程 瞬态 响应测量电路

  • The transient response of the arbitrary shaped conductor and wire composite object is analyzed by the time-domain integral equation ( TDEFIE ) .

    本文采用微分形式的时域电场积分方程(TDEFIE)时间步进算法(MOT)对任意形状导体与线天线组合目标的 电磁 瞬态 特性进行了分析。

  • The roots of the characteristic equation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input .

    特征方程的根决定了系统的稳定性以及对各种输入的 响应特性。

  • DC DC converter ; control method ; load transient response ;

    DC/DC变换器;控制策略; 动态 响应

  • Natural Vibration and Transient Response of Maglev Switch Beam

    磁浮道岔梁自振特性及 瞬态 响应分析

  • A Moore-Greitzer model of a wet compression system was set up which can be used to analyze the effect of wet compression on the post-stall transient response of a compression system .

    本文利用发展的预测轴流压缩系统 动态 失速特性及进气非均匀性影响的理论模型,系统计算分析了进气总压畸变旋转 频率对下游压气机 稳定性的影响。

  • A Study on the Transient Response Analysis and Fatigue Life Evaluation of a Special Vehicle Frame Under Impact Load

    某特种车架在冲击载荷下的 瞬态 响应分析及疲劳寿命评估研究

  • A Study on the Vibration and Transient Response of Frames by the Method of Reverberation Ray Matrix

    框架振动和 瞬态 响应的回传波射矩阵法研究

  • Operating at1.2MHz this boost converter can operate in either P-Mode for superior transient response or in PI-Mode for tighter output regulation .

    在1.2MHz的工作,这升压转换器可以操作的P-模式优越的 瞬态 响应,或更严格的输出调节的PI-模式。

  • Sensitivity Analysis of the Transient Response of Nonuniform Coupled Transmission Lines

    非均匀耦合传输线 瞬态 响应灵敏度的分析方法

  • The equivalent impedances of inductor and capacitor in transient response were deduced from the exponential transient solution and the volt ampere relation of these elements .

    从逆变器等效输出阻抗的角度,对基于输出电压和滤波电感电流双闭环 瞬时 反馈控制技术的逆变器并联系统的环流特性进行了研究。

  • The transient response of a double-degree-of-freedom system under forced load is computed .

    最后计算了一个双质点系在强迫力下的 瞬态 响应

  • The present method avoids tedious computations in conventional TDIE the efficiency of solving the transient response is speed up greatly .

    避免了传统时域积分方程在后期 响应求解的不稳定性,提高了 瞬态 响应求解的效率。

  • Study on the Control Technique of Voltage Regulator with Fast Transient Response

    速度调节感应离合器快速 瞬态 响应电压调节器控制方法的研究

  • A fast transient response in the upper mid region gives an open and detailed delivery .

    一种快速的中上游地区的 瞬态 响应,提供了一个开放的和详细的交付。

  • An efficient method for dynamic problems and its application to the transient response analysis for functionally graded material plates

    一种动力响应混合快速分析方法及其在功能梯度材料板 瞬态 响应分析中的应用

  • Class A discrete transformerless preamplifier for transparency extremely fast transient response and no crossover distortion .

    A类,离散的,变压器的前置放大器的透明度,极快的 瞬时 反应,并没有交越失真。

  • Transient response of two-level atoms to probe pulse in the presence of near-resonant laser driven pulse : numerical results

    强近共振激光脉冲驱动下二能级原子对试探脉冲的 瞬态 反应:数字结果

  • The dynamic equation of the transient response in a cracked rotor system was modelled the numerical simulation solutions of the uncracked rotor and the cracked rotor were obtained .

    基于建立的裂纹转子 瞬态 回应动力学模型,得到了有无裂纹转子的数值仿真解。

  • Experimental Investigation into the Transient Response of a Flexible Rotor Dropping on a Back-up Bearing After Active Magnetic Bearing Failure

    主动电磁轴承失效后柔性转子坠落在备用轴承上的 瞬态 响应实验研究

  • The rate gyro feedback provides positive dynamic stability and well-damped transient response to commands or disturbances .

    速度陀螺反馈提供正向动力学稳定性和对于指令式扰动的很好阻尼的 瞬时 响应

  • A model switching algorithm based on multi-model adaptive control is presented to solve the problem of poor transient response in the adaptive control of nonlinear time-varying system .

    针对非线性时变系统在自适应控制过程中 瞬态 响应差的问题,提出了一种基于多模型自适应控制的模型切换算法。

  • For ( ii ) the transient response is required .

    对(ii)则需要求 瞬态 响应