traffic load

[ˈtræfɪk lod][ˈtræfik ləud]


  • Inspection and Verification of the Adaptability of the Present Cement Concrete Pavement Structures to the Heavy Traffic load

    现有水泥混凝土路面结构形式对 重载的适应性验证

  • Analysis on mechanical response of heavy dynamic traffic load on cement concrete pavement

    重载动力 荷载 水泥砼路面的力学响应分析

  • Finite Element Analysis of Buried PE Gas Pipeline under Traffic Load

    交通 载荷 作用下埋地聚乙烯燃气管道的有限元分析

  • In the analysis the excess pore water pressure in the subsoil caused by piling and the traffic load has been considered especially .

    分别考虑了打桩与 交通 荷载 作用,导致地基土中产生超静孔压,从而对岸坡的稳定性造成影响。

  • But simply prohibiting left turn not only reduces the road network accessibility but increases the network traffic load due to the left turn vehicles .

    但简单的禁左不仅降低了路网的可达性,同时由于左转车辆的绕行反而会增加路网的 交通 负荷

  • Traffic Load Model of Sharing Token Scheduling in Multi-logical Links

    多逻辑链路间共享令牌调度 流量 负载模型

  • It is found that the initial wave asymmetry deformation of the road on very soft soil foundation is usually existing and will be developing continuously under the traffic load .

    通过分析软土路基产生波浪变形的机制,提出了道路在建成后产生初始波浪变形,在 车辆 荷载 作用下加剧了这种不均匀沉降的理念;

  • Using the BGP Virtual Next Hop to Achieve the Traffic Load Balancing of IP Backbone Network

    利用BGP虚拟下一跳技术实现IP骨干网 流量 负载均衡

  • The Model of Distributed and Parallel Links Access and Traffic Load Scheduling

    分布式并行链路接入及 流量 负载调度模型

  • A shortpath routing protocol based on traffic load balance was put forward .

    提出了一种基于均衡 负载的最短路径路由协议。

  • A traffic load forecast model by optimally combined Markov chain is presented .

    提出了一种基于最优组合马尔柯夫链的 业务 预测模型。

  • Research on Adaptive Time-slot Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network with Traffic Load

    传感器网络MAC层中 负载自适应的时隙调度算法研究

  • A time-slot scheduling algorithm for node real-time traffic load in Wireless Sensor Networks

    无线传感器网络节点实时 流量 负载的时隙调度算法

  • Traffic load aware time-slot scheduling protocol based on clustering for wireless sensor networks

    基于簇的无线传感网络 流量 负载的时隙调度协议

  • Elastic calculation model for dynamic additional stresses in layered subgrade under traffic load

    交通 荷载下层状路基动附加应力的弹性计算模型

  • Then reflective crack 's propagation model under traffic load coupled with temperature load was analyzed .

    而后对反射裂缝在 行车 荷载与温度荷载耦合 作用下的裂缝扩展模式进行了研究。

  • Dynamic response of pavement subjected to moving traffic load

    移动 车辆 荷载作用下路面的动力响应

  • The Analysis of Failure Rate of Polyethylene Gas Pipeline under Traffic Load

    交通 载荷 作用下聚乙烯燃气管道失效率分析

  • Authors studied the problems of microseismic dynamic response of pavement under traffic load by means of the microseismic monitoring technology for the first time .

    首次运用微地震监测系统对 交通 荷载 作用下的路面微振动响应进行了研究与探索。

  • Each signaling link may accommodate a traffic load of approximately 40 percent of its maximum load capacity .

    每一信令链路可容纳其接近最大负载能力40%的 话务

  • Now consumers can actively socialize with other consumers by participating in forums chats mash-ups and so on which causes higher traffic load .

    现在,用户可以通过论坛、聊天、聚合等等方法与其他用户进行积极地交流,这将产生更高的 通信 负载

  • This application combines multiple tests from different areas of LTP 's test suite along with memory and network traffic load generators .

    这个应用程序组合了来自LTP的测试套件不同方面的多个测试以及内存和网络 传输 负载生成器。

  • Propagation of Surface Crack in Graded Macadam Base Asphalt Pavement under the Traffic Load and the Research of Fatigue Life

    行车 荷载 作用下级配碎石基层沥青路面开裂及疲劳寿命分析

  • Time Stratified Adaptive Packet Sampling Based on Traffic Load

    基于 流量 负载自适应的时间分层分组抽样

  • Microseismic Experiment of Pavement Structure Under Traffic Load

    交通 荷载 作用下路面结构的微地震试验

  • Study on the Depth of Subgrade Work Area of Grade Road under Excess Traffic Load

    重载 交通下等级路路基工作区深度的研究

  • Study on Concrete Stitch of Widening Bridge under Traffic Load

    交通 荷载对拓宽桥梁接缝的影响研究

  • Contents include influences on blocking probability from traffic load total number of available wavelength channels per link and the number of fibers per link .

    研究的内容包括 业务 负载、光纤链路的波长通道数和每条链路包含的光纤数对网络性能的影响。

  • Analysis result shows that both systems have comparable performance of normalized throughput when traffic load is light .

    结果表明,当 负载较小时,两者的性能基本相当;