trade plan

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[经] 贸易方案

  • Shanghai TBS International Trade Co . Ltd Developing Strategy Plan

    上海 TBS国际 贸易有限公司发展战略研究

  • This paper discussed the trade process on Internet and provided a plan of tax-management based on SET protocol and CA.

    探讨了网上 交易的过程,给出了一个基于SET协议和CA认证的税收征管 方案

  • This objective is stipulated in the outline of the foreign economic and trade development plan of the ninth five-year plan ( 1996-2000 ) formulated by Zhejiang province .

    这是浙江省制定的九五期间(一九九六&二000年)对外 经贸发展 规划纲要中规定的。

  • An entirely new Trade Center will emerge on the Expo site when the after-use plan is carried out .

    根据这一定位与 规划,上海世博会结束后,一个全新的 贸易中心区将转型诞生。

  • Achievements of China 's medicine trade in the course of 8th Five-Year Plan and its further development programme

    我国医药行业应对WTO的思考我国医药 行业 八五成就和发展规划

  • Foreign trade affairs management system includes plan management system management financial interface synthesis analysis statistic and inquiry oversea purchase domestic sale cargo management export operation daily affairs client management commodity management export affairs domestic purchase .

    外贸业务管理系统包括 计划管理、系统管理、财务接口、综合分析、统计查询、国外收购、国内销售、货物管理、出口操作、日常工作、客户管理、商品管理、国外销售、国内收购。

  • Named for the ancient trade route the plan would offer an economic boost to Afghanistan and its neighbors by bolstering trade across South and Central Asia .

    以古代 贸易路线命名的 计划,将通过推动南亚和中亚的贸易而促进阿富汗及其邻国的经济。

  • The situation of foreign trade import and export in the first two months however indicates there will be fairly great difficulties in fulfilling the foreign trade development plan set for this year which should not be underestimated .

    但是从今年前2个月外贸进出口的情况看,要完成今年国家 外贸发展的 预期目标,仍有较大的困难,对此决不能低估。

  • The Trade Promoting Plan of Europe Rejuvenation and Development Bank

    欧洲复兴发展银行的 贸易促进 计划

  • The Impacts of Sanitary and Physanitary ( SPS ) Measure on Pork Trade and Chinese Compliance Plan

    SPS措施对猪肉 贸易的影响及中国遵从 方略研究

  • Study of trade plan of allied systems aimed at power mark is a work of important application value .

    研究电力市场体制下的水火电联合系统的日 交易 计划问题具有重要的实际应用价值。

  • It has been analysed that the distinguishing features of the creation factories in Shanghai from trade plan interior design and architectural design .

    行业 规划、室内设计、建筑设计等方面,对上海创意工厂的特色进行分析;

  • The Americas World Trade District / San Antonio Canal Master Plan & San Juan Puerto Rico

    美国世界 贸易区/圣安东尼运河区总体 规划&波多黎哥圣吉安

  • After the system change of capital centralization was done the main economical stimulation was nonmaterial and the trade cost was the plan cost .

    资本集中化制度变迁后,经济活动以非物质激励为主, 交易成本表现为 计划成本。

  • Since 1985 the Ministry of Foreign Trade was no longer made acquisition plan and allocation of plan expanded the scope of the guidance scheme and reduced the mandatory scheme .

    从1985年起,外 经贸部不再编制、下达 外贸收购 计划和调拨计划,注意发挥市场调节的作用,扩大指导性计划的范围,缩小指令性性计划。

  • In the absence of feasibility analysis the trade expansion plan can hardly be approved .

    在缺乏可行性分析的情况下,扩大 贸易 很难获准。

  • Barack Obama US president even received a lecture from France when its trade minister said the plan to use only US steel was a very bad signal and clearly protectionist .

    美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)甚至受到法国的告诫。法国 贸易部长表示,只使用美国钢材的 计划是一个非常糟糕的信号和明显的保护主义时。

  • Industry distribution theory studies industry 's space distribution law involves multi-level many trade long-term and overall importance national economic construction strategic plan influenced by many kinds of factors .

    产业布局理论是研究和揭示产业空间分布规律的理论,它涉及一国多层次、多 行业、受多种因素影响的具有全局性和长远性的国民经济建设战略 部署 制定 实施

  • 24 . We welcome the initiative on manufacturing related services in supply chains / value chains as a next generation trade and investment issue and instruct officials to develop a plan of action in 2015 .

    24.我们欢迎将供应链/价值链中的制造业相关服务作为下一代 贸易投资议题的倡议,指示官员们在2015年就此制订行动 计划

  • One option to continue fostering global liberalization is to recognize trade facilitation as part of a development plan .

    继续推进全球自由化的一种方案是将 贸易便利化纳入发展 计划

  • The movements of trade can be graphed out enabling the firm to plan their future markets and advertising .

    贸易情况的变化可以用图表表示出来,使公司能够 计划未来的市场和广告宣传。

  • The lower their stocks trade on concerns about the plan the more money the government may need to put in .

    他们的 股价因公众对 救助 计划的担忧跌得越低,政府可能需要注入的资金就越多。

  • One option is to shift trade facilitation from a negotiation to a development plan .

    一种方案是将 贸易便利化从谈判转变为发展 计划

  • However because of the national political burden and trade system obstacle in long-run plan economy the power enterprises ' viability in our country have become very weak .

    然而长期 计划经济环境下的国家政策性负担与 行业体制性障碍,造成了我国电力多经企业普遍缺乏自生能力的现状。

  • To develop foreign trade and to introduce advanced technology in a plan way is a firm policy of our country .

    发展对外 贸易和有 计划地引进先进技术是我国的坚定政策。

  • The bill being less likely to trigger an all-out trade war than Mr Schumer 's earlier plan for an across-the-board 27.5 per cent tariff on Chinese imports is less likely to be blocked by the White House .

    与舒默先前提出的 计划(向中国输美商品普遍征收27.5%的关税)相比,新法案触发全面 贸易战争的可能性较小,因而被白宫否决的可能性也较小。

  • The rebound in global agricultural trade comes as Cargill completes its strategic intent 2010 plan to expand significantly down the supply chain .

    全球农业 贸易回升之际,嘉吉完成了“2010战略目标” 计划向供应链下游大幅扩展。

  • Zhejiang has determined its foreign economy and trade development program for the ninth five-year plan period

    浙江确定 九五对外 经贸发展规划