transient voltage


  • The potential distribution and gradient distribution of the dry-type transformer with subsection and layer winding applied transient voltage are simulated by SIMULINK .

    采用SIMULINK软件仿真出了分段层式干式变压器线圈在 暂态 电压作用下的电位分布和梯度分布。

  • Optimal Allocation Method of Dynamic Var Compensation Based on Transient Voltage Stability Index

    基于 暂态 电压稳定指标的动态无功优化配置方法

  • Transient Voltage Measurement in Switching Small Capacitive Current Test of 1 100 kV GIS Disconnector

    1100KVGIS隔离开关分合容性小电流试验中的 暂态 电压测量

  • An equivalent circuit of the dry-type transformer with subsection and layer winding applied transient voltage is brought forward .

    提出了一种 暂态 电压下分段层式干式变压器线圈的等值电路。

  • Put forward the conception of steady voltage and transient voltage stability control of wind power plants .

    提出风电场稳态电压和 暂态 电压稳定性控制的概念。

  • It is concluded upon analysis that transient voltage is the main stability problem of the strong Guangdong power system .

    分析认为:广东电网属于强系统,电网的主要稳定问题是 暂态 电压问题。

  • A practical algorithm of transient voltage regulation rate for synchronous generator is proposed to simply and effectively estimate its stable operation state .

    提出一种实用算法,可简便、有效地判断 同步发电机组的稳定运行状态。

  • The operational mode and transient voltage feedback control strategy of the converter are investigated .

    分析研究了该变换器工作模式和 电压 瞬时 反馈控制策略。

  • Wavelet multi-resolution analysis method was used to detect de-noising disturbance signal character values of the transient voltage disturbance signal were extracted more precisely .

    利用小波多分辨率分析方法对去噪后的扰动信号进行检测,更精确地提取出了 暂态 电压扰动信号的特征值。

  • Study of Transient Voltage Responses at Neutral Point of Transformers with a Surge Incoming from Winding Terminal

    变压器首端进波中性点 暂态 电压响应的研究

  • Method for Transient Voltage Stability Quick Judgment Considering Load Dynamic Model

    考虑负荷动态模型的 暂态 电压稳定快速判断方法

  • Technology Status of Very Fast Front Transient Voltage Study in GIS

    GIS变电站特快速 暂态 电压研究的技术现状

  • Transient voltage stability of received power grid in AC / DC hybrid power systems

    交直流混合系统受端电网 暂态 电压稳定分析

  • Transient voltage stability and transient angle stability of wind power system are analysed and their risks are assessed .

    分析风电接入后系统的 暂态 电压稳定和暂态功角稳定,并评估其风险。

  • According to time voltage stability can be divided into longer-term voltage stability and transient voltage stability .

    从时间上划分,电压稳定性问题可以分为中长期电压稳定和 暂态 电压稳定。

  • Larger effect of three-phase re-closure sequence on system 's transient voltage stability when re-closing to permanent disturbance is discovered .

    发现合于永久故障时三相重合闸时序对系统 暂态 电压稳定性有较大影响,以单负荷无穷大系统为例探讨其机理。

  • Computation of Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point Corresponding to Instability Mode of Transient Voltage

    暂态 电压失稳模式的主导不稳定平衡点计算失衡失去平衡的状态

  • All potentially critical bus-clusters for transient voltage stability are identified via assessing transient voltage stability and transient voltage-dip acceptability and then a PM .

    同时,利用 暂态 电压稳定和暂态电压跌落可接受性的概念,识别所有可能出现暂态电压问题的相邻母线的子集。

  • Transient Voltage Protection Algorithm for EHV Transmission Lines

    一种超高压输电线路 暂态 电压保护算法的研究

  • Method for Extracting Transient Voltage Travelling Wave Signal from High Voltage Power Grid

    一种高压电网 电压行波信号的提取方法

  • Therefore the impact of increased steady state and transient voltage stresses on the design of the main equipment for UHVDC stations has to be careful .

    因此,必须深入研究提高的稳态和 暂态 电压应力对特高压直流换流站主设备设计产生的影响。

  • The model considers not only the cost for static voltage stability but also that for transient voltage security .

    该模型不但隐含了系统静态电压稳定性的信息,也反映了将系统从当前的 暂态 电压不安全的状态引导到安全的要求。

  • The hazards caused by transient voltage loss for electrolyzer are introduced and the preventative measures are proposed .

    介绍了 瞬间对电解槽的危害,提出了相应的预防措施。

  • Analysis of Transient Voltage in New Type of Lightning Proof Transformer Based on State-Variable Method

    基于状态变量法的新型防雷变压器 暂态 电压分析

  • A surge is a transient voltage or current which can have extremely short duration and high magnitude .

    冲击是一种持续时间极短,幅值很大的 暂态 电压或电流。

  • Focusing on transient voltage stability in receiving side induction motor load model become the emphasis in this paper .

    根据 南方 电网受端出现的 暂态 电压稳定问题,论文着重研究了感应电动机负荷模型与 系统 暂态 电压 稳定的关系。

  • Fast Calculation of Load Restoration Capability Considering Transient Voltage Constraint

    计及 暂态 电压约束的负荷恢复能力快速计算

  • Transient voltage of electronic ignition system is tested and analyzed according to ISO7637 .

    基于ISO7637标准的规定,进行了电子点火系统 电压的测试分析。

  • Influence of Three-phase Reclosure Sequence on Transient Voltage Stability Desktop applications fit into four categories of posture : sovereign transient and daemonic .

    三相重合时序对 暂态 电压稳定性的影响桌面应用可以分为3种姿态,即独占、暂时和后台。

  • Another protection device called Transient Voltage Suppression diode or TVS diode .

    另一种保护装置称为 瞬态 电压抑制二极管或TVS二极管。