trading surplus


  • Since the twenty-first century trading surplus and RMB appreciation pressure resulted in weakened control power of the central bank against the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves enlarged fluctuation of money multiplier and weakened controllability of money supply .

    进入21世纪年以来,主要由于 贸易 顺差和人民币升值压力的增加,央行对外汇占款的控制力逐渐减弱,同时货币乘数波动幅度不断增大,货币供应量的可控性越来越弱。

  • On the basis of linear function of supply and demand this paper analyzes the effects of economic subsidy lever on equilibrium price equilibrium trading volume optimal total subsidy amount subsidy-enjoying degree and economic surplus to get brief mathematical relation and corresponding results .

    在线性供求函数模型基础上,分析经济补贴杠杆对均衡价格、均衡 交易量、最优总补贴额、补贴享受度和经济 剩余的影响,得出简洁数理关系和相应结果。

  • China has been Australias largest two-way trading partner export market source of import and trade surplus for five years in a row .

    中国已经连续5年成为澳最大 贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、最大进口来源国和最大贸易 顺差来源国。

  • Although the policy needs a mount of calculation as the policy dedicates to the storage system with adequate computing resource it is worthy of trading surplus computing resource with higher hit-ratio .

    尽管具有一定的计算量,但是,由于该策略专用于计算资源较充足的存储系统,增大计算量 换取更高的命中率是值得的。

  • Investors have dual identity : the shareholder of the listed company and securities trading person . They should enjoy the proprietary of the security and ask for rights in accordance with the law particularly including : right of asking for the company 's surplus distribution ;

    投资者具有双重身份:上市公司的股东或债权人、证券 交易者,应依法享有证券财产权和证券请求权,具体来讲包括:公司 盈余分配请求权;

  • China 's trading partners in the United States and other nations blame part of the trade surplus on Chinese policies that they claim keep the value of its currency artificially low .

    中国在美国和其他国家中的 贸易伙伴指责说,中国压低货币币值是造成贸易 顺差的部份原因。

  • In terms of trading since it had begun trade surplus are with the mainland in two years namely 1978 and 1979 .

    贸易方面,自开始以来,只有1978-1979两年大陆处于贸易 顺差

  • Therefore we should insist on the neutral principle of export rebate and trading surplus should be regulated by expanding the imports of natural resources and primary products .

    因此,国家可以通过扩大资源类产品进口的方法来减少进出口 贸易 顺差,对一般性商品出口仍应坚持征多少、退多少、按征税率退税的中性原则。

  • Banks and trading houses have rushed to buy warehousing companies to profit from the fact that large quantities of metal have become surplus to requirements since the financial crisis .

    近年各银行和 贸易公司竞相收购仓储企业,以利用金融危机后大量金属因 供过于求积压 局面获利。

  • If there are some surplus securities after the close of the trading for financed funds and securities the investors shall transfer the surplus securities to its common securities account from the guaranteed securities account for credit trading of clients in the securities company .

    了结融资融券 交易后有剩余证券的,在信用证券账户注销前,投资者应当申请将 剩余证券从证券公司的客户信用交易担保证券账户划转到该投资者的普通证券账户。

  • While Jin did not mention the value of the yuan his comments come amid growing pressure from china 's trading partners particularly the United states to let its currency rise more quickly to help rein in its expanding trade surplus .

    然而金没有提及人民币的价值问题,他的评论中夹杂着对中国的 贸易伙伴持续增长的压力,特别是美国,只有加快人民币的通货膨胀以此来达到控制贸易膨胀 过剩的目的。