training mode

[ˈtrenɪŋ mod][ˈtreiniŋ məud]

[计] 训练模式

  • You 've played in TRAINING MODE with the MUSIC SPEED not set at5 .

    你在 练习 模式中的一首歌中设置了5以外的音乐速度。

  • Research on Training Mode of Science and Technology Competition and Its Influences on College Students ' Quality

    科技竞赛对大学生素质 培养的影响研究

  • Action Research on Training Mode of Rural Teachers ' Educational Technology Capability

    农村教师教育技术能力 培训 方式的行动研究

  • Under the Chinese undergraduate medical education certification system to reform the personnel training mode

    中国本科医学教育认证体系下的人才 培养 模式改革探析

  • Study and Practice on High-quality Professional 's Training Mode of Safety Engineering Specialty

    高素质安全工程专业 人才 培养的研究与实践

  • Study on Talents Training Mode in Railway Vocational College

    铁路职业院校高技能人才 培养 模式的研究

  • Training Mode determines the direction and quality of personnel training .

    人才 培养 模式决定着人才培养的方向和质量。

  • The Study of the Application-oriented Talent Training Mode of Undergraduate Education in Marketing Major

    市场营销专业本科应用型人才 培养 模式研究

  • Research on Training Mode of Innovation Talents Based on Regional Economic Development

    基于区域经济发展的创新人才 培养 模式研究

  • Local institutes should actively promote the reform of talent training model and establish compound and practical talent training mode .

    地方本科院校要积极推动人才培养模式改革,构建复合应用型人才 培养 模式

  • New Training Mode of Professional of Information Management and Information System under the Initiative Practice Idea

    主动实践理念下的信息管理与信息系统专业人才 培养模式

  • A Study on College English Teaching under Practical and Applied Personnel Training Mode

    实践性应用型人才 培养 模式下的大学英语教学研究

  • The Study about Personnel Training Mode of the Applied Science in China 's Comprehensive Universities

    我国综合大学应用性理科人才 培养 模式研究

  • Research on Railway Vocational and Technical College 's Teaching and Personnel Training Mode

    铁路职业技术学院的教学及人才 培养 模式研究

  • Research of Training Mode of Higher Vocational College Based on 5S Management

    基于5S管理的高职院校 培养 模式研究

  • Practice and exploration of health management postgraduate training mode

    卫生事业管理硕士研究生 培养 模式的实践与探索

  • Through the establishment and implementation of flexible and effective personnel training mode the clear thinking of running schools to establish awareness of vocational education .

    通过建立和落实灵活有效的人才 培养 模式,明确办学思想,树立职教意识。

  • Objective To understand the demands of pre-service training for civilian nurses and to provide more targeted training mode .

    目的了解文职护士对岗前培训的需求情况,使对文职护士 岗前 培训更有针对性。

  • Research on Training Mode of Specialized Nurses in the United States and Enlightenment for China

    美国专科护士 培养 模式的研究及对我国的启示

  • We should change the training mode and enhance the undergraduate technical ability .

    应改变 培养 模式,加强大学生技能培养。

  • Objective To establish the training mode for ICU nurses and evaluate the effect of the training mode .

    目的建立ICU专科护士 培养 模式,并对其培养模式的实施效果进行评价。

  • On Developing Direction of the Secondary Vocational Education Personnel Training Mode

    论中等职业教育人才 培养 模式的发展方向

  • The reform and practice of 123543 personnel training mode of mechatronics technology specialty

    机电一体化技术专业123543人才 培养 模式的改革与实践

  • Single university competitive talents training mode and the resulting series of problems to some extent restricted the development of sports teams .

    高校竞技体育人才的单一 培养 模式以及由此而产生的系列问题在一定程度上制约了运动队的发展。

  • Reform and Development of Personnel Training Mode of Agricultural Higher Education in Tianjin

    天津农业高等教育人才 培养 模式的变革与发展

  • Exploring on Talent Training Mode of Combining Work with Study in Garden Technology Professional on Higher Vocational Education

    高职园林技术专业工学结合人才 培养 模式探索

  • On Work-study Combination Personnel Training Mode Operating System of Manufacturing Major

    制造类专业工学结合人才 培养 模式运行体制研究

  • The training mode should be the combination of school training and university training academic education and character education .

    培训应选择校本培训和院校培训相结合、学历教育和素质提高并举的 模式