trading volume


  • The Quantile Analysis of the Relationship between Trading Volume Return and Volatility in Futures Market

    期货市场 交易 与收益及波动关系的分位分析

  • We examine the relationship between the stock return and trading volume in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock markets using quantile regression .

    文章应用分位数回归考察我国沪深股市 成交量和收益率之间的关系。

  • Retail investors account for 80 per cent of trading volume making for volatile prices .

    散户投资者目前占中国股市 交易 的80%,这导致股价波动性很大。

  • There are 439 companies listed on the main market with an average daily trading volume of $ 275m .

    华沙证交所的主板市场现有439家上市公司,日均 交易 规模为2.75亿美元。

  • The recent additions took place against a backdrop of a decline in metal holdings in the big gold ETF GLD and a period of low trading volume in the SLV .

    最近加法发生了反对一种衰落的背景在大金子的ETF、GLD和期间金属藏品在SLV的低 贸易

  • In the oil futures contracts in crude oil futures trading volume is the largest species .

    在石油期货合约之中,原油期货是 交易 最大的品种。

  • In1973 the international forex trading volume was still twice the international trade value .

    1973年国际外汇 交易 与国际贸易额之比为二比一。

  • The OTC trading volume has dropped substantially .

    场外 交易 已明显下降。

  • Overnight Returns Trading Volume Changes and Intraday Trading Periods Returns

    隔夜收益、 成交量变动与日内交易时段收益

  • With the regulators sitting on their hands such trading has expanded rapidly to the point where on some estimates it accounts for 60-70 per cent of the trading volume in US equities .

    在监管者的袖手旁观下,高频交易得到了迅猛发展。据有些人估计,在美国股票 交易 中,高频 交易占了60%至70%。很大一部分高频 交易是由很少一部分机构做出的。

  • Analysis on Short-term Fluctuation in Vegetable Price and Trading Volume of the Wholesale Market in Wuhan

    武汉市销地批发市场蔬菜价格与 交易 短期波动分析

  • Trading volume increased by4.5 % which was well up on recent years and turnover rose by3 % .

    贸易 增加了4.5%,与近几年相比有了大幅度的提高。营业额提高了3%。

  • Nonlinear analysis of financial systems : exploring the nonlinear impact of the trading volume on the price volatility

    金融系统的非线性分析: 交易 对股价波动的非线性影响

  • The percentage of Asian institutional investors that use ETFs is thought to be lower than in the US and Europe although they do account for a large portion of trading volume on Asian exchanges .

    据信,亚洲机构投资者使用ETF的比例低于美国和欧洲,尽管它们在亚洲交易所的 交易 中占据了很高的比例。

  • The dynamic relation between returns trading volume and volatility in futures Markets in China ;

    我国期货市场期货价格收益、 交易 、波动性关系的动态分析期货和期权交易所〔

  • Consolidated trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange came to5.5 billion shares .

    巩固纽约证券交易所的 交易 总计5.5十亿股份。

  • This article analyzes the relation between stock return and trading volume in stock markets and we find that the relation isn 't asymmetry but there exists a bilateral Granger causality .

    本文首先对回报率与 交易 之间的关系进行了研究,发现并不存在非对称的 数量关系,但存在双向的葛兰杰因果关系;

  • While China 's new car is only second-hand trading volume one third the potential development of our country second-hand market is very great .

    而我国的二手车 交易 仅为新车 交易量的三分之一,我国二手车市场的发展潜力是非常巨大。

  • The obvious attraction of the bond market is its size : some $ 10 trillion-worth of corporate bonds traded in2003 a quarter more than the trading volume on the NYSE .

    债券市场显而易见的吸引力是它的规模:价值约10兆美元的公司债券在2003年进行了交易,这一数字比纽约证券交易所的 交易 高四分之一。

  • The abnormal trading volume and returns around the period of the rename of the stock and the overreaction of the market on the rename of the stock are found .

    研究发现在股票更名前后存在超常 交易 和超额收益率,市场对更名事件存在过度反应。

  • Emerging markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors as well as increased volatility and lower trading volume .

    面对相同因素,新兴市场往往涉及更大的风险,并且波动率更高, 交易 更低。

  • Trading volume is very thin with the UK and U.

    与英国的 交易 非常少,而且美国市场没有参与。

  • Retail is not profitable but it offers trading volume and cash flow .

    做零售没有利润,但能产生 交易 和现金流。

  • The Interactive Relationship of Economic Growth Residents Saving and Stock Trading Volume

    经济增长、居民储蓄与股票 交易 之间的联动效应

  • The stock soared ( plunged ) in heavy trading volume yesterday .

    昨天该股 放量上涨(跳水)。

  • Low interest rates have meant that financial demand accounts for nearly three-quarters of trading volume Rusal estimates .

    据俄铝估计,低利率意味着金融需求占据了近四分之三的 交易

  • Exploring the relationship between price volatility and trading volume in financial market has been a hot topic in the study of financial systems .

    如何研究股价波动和 成交量之间的关系一直是金融系统研究中感兴趣的话题。

  • The list will be based on the cities'growth rates in housing prices and trading volume in the past months .

    名单将以这些城市过去几个月的房价、 成交量为依据。

  • The intrinsic relationships between volatility and returns trading volume open interest are empirically investigated by utilizing econometric models developed for Chinese futures market .

    利用构建的计量经济学模型对我国期货市场波动性与收益率、 交易 和空盘 之间的内在关系进行了实证研究。