training ship

[ˈtrenɪŋ ʃɪp][ˈtreiniŋ ʃip]


  • The AHP-Fuzzy Evaluation Method of Training on Surface Ship Anti-Mine Defence

    水面 舰艇对水雷防御 训练评估的AHP-Fuzzy方法

  • 《 International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities 》 and Training of Ship Security Officer

    《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》与 船舶保安员 培训

  • As a result of this study a container ship Huayuankou was converted into an aviation training ship with its aft deck becoming a helicopter flight deck .

    这一项研究的结果,将一艘集装箱船“花园口”号改装成航空 训练 ,并且它的尾甲板改装成一个直升飞机飞行甲板。

  • Study on Skill Training Plan of Ship Engineering Major at High Vocational College Level

    高职高专 船舶工程技术专业技能 培训方案研究

  • The visual scene system is an important part of the navigation simulator influencing the whole fidelity of the navigation simulation system and the training result of ship handling . The lifelike visual scene environment can make the maneuvering person feel on the spot .

    视景系统是航海模拟器的重要组成部分,影响着航海仿真系统的整体逼真度和 船舶操纵的 训练效果,逼真的视景环境可以使操船者具有身临其境的感觉。

  • Design and Training Application of Ship 's Firefighting Simulated Cabin

    船舶消防模拟舱的设计与在 培训中的应用

  • Sincerely look forward to negotiating businesses regarding crew recruitment and management or training with ship owners from domestic and abroad .

    真诚期盼国内外 船东与我司洽谈相关船员供应与管理及 培训等相关业务!

  • Development of Virtual Training System for Ship 's Propulsion Plant Based on Simulation Support Software

    基于支撑平台的 船舶动力模拟 训练系统研制

  • The power system designs with reference to CCS steel ships into the Classification and follow standards of convention . Functional and systematic design of ship power system and the practical application of marine training ship power station in Fujian .

    并参照《CCS钢制海船入级规范》的标准,进行模块化、功能化和系统化的设计 船舶电力系统,应用于福建自动化 实训电站项目。

  • Best Sail Training Ship ;

    最佳 帆船 训练 大奖

  • Do you have the security training plans on your ship ?

    A你们 上有保安 培训计划吗。

  • The second part is MODEL COURSE for training ship security officers which is my own production .

    第二篇是 船舶保安员示范 课程设计,是我个人的主要研究成果。

  • With the development of the analog technology the training simulator of ship maneuvering had been rapidly developed .

    随着模拟技术的发展, 船舶操纵驾控 训练模拟器得到了较快的发展。

  • A ship degaussing intelligent simulation training system consisted of the training to be known / learnt and the training of intelligent ship degaussing process is presented .

    介绍了一种集成应知/应会 培训与智能 消磁流程 培训的舰船消磁智能仿真培训系统的设计与构成。

  • The ship has been in service with the PLA Navy 's Dalian Ship College as a training ship since then .

    已经在PLA海军大连舰艇学院服役此后当作一 训练

  • Reflection on Safety Education and Training Work in Ship Repairing and Building Industry

    修造 工业安全 培训探讨

  • This system has already been installed for operation on board the training ship ' Yu Ying ' of Dalian Marine College and the results show that it is rational in design and reliable in operation .

    本文设计的系统已安装在我院远洋 实习 育英轮上,经实践检验,证明设计合理、运行可靠。

  • The training of ship electrical technology is aimed at training and developing the students'technology capacity .

    船舶电工工艺 实训是训练 电专业学生的船舶电工工艺技能。

  • On-Board Training System ( OBTS ) is a kind of crew training simulator embedded in ship system which has the features of easy implement high efficiency and low cost and can help crews get necessary knowledge and technique quickly .

    实船训练系统是嵌入 舰船系统内的舰员 训练模拟系统,具有实施容易,效率高和费用低的特点,能帮助舰员迅速获得必要的操作技能和知识。

  • The ship 's type altered from general cargo ship to training ship all relating alteration plans designed and approved by CCS Dalian Plan Approval Center .

    船舶种类由杂货船改为 实习 训练 ,所有相关方面均由中国船级社大连项目批准中心批准。

  • By measuring the main engine speed output power and exhaust gases of TOKYO University of fisheries research and training ship & SHINYO MARU we is optimize the maneuvering operation of the main engine .

    通过对东京水产大学研究 练习 -神鹰丸主机转速,功率,以及排废气的测定,优化渔船主机操纵主机可以使船舶在各种航行工况下主机NOx的排放率达到最低值。

  • By applying virtual reality technology to the simulation & training of ship engine systems a new simulation system based on virtual reality is built up .

    将虚拟现实技术应用于 轮机系统仿真中,建立了“基于虚拟现实的 轮机仿真 训练系统”。

  • Vibration analysis of Dalian ocean-going training ship

    大连远洋教学 实习 有限元振动分析

  • Alteration Design for Training Equipment of Ship Shaft System Installation

    船舶轴系装调 实训装置的改造设计

  • With a full displacement of9 displacement and a speed of17 knots Shichang provides a training platform for large ship handling and flight deck operations .

    “世昌”号具有满载排水量9105吨和17节航速,提供一个 训练平台用于大型 舰船操作和飞行甲板操作。

  • In the early1990s the PLA Navy began to build a dedicated training ship to replace Huayuankou .

    在1990年早期,PLA海军开始建造一艘专用 训练 代替“花园口”号。

  • Beginning from the requirements of shipbuilding enterprises to high vocational skilled persons and learning employee technological training methods from large-size enterprises home and abroad the article studies and establishes the technological training plan for ship hull building and ship outfitting of ship engineering department in Nantong Shipping College .

    文章从造船企业对高职人才技能的要求入手,借鉴了国内外大型企业的职工技能培训方法,对南通航院的船舶工程技术专业 船体建造和船舶舾装的 技能 培训方案进行了研究和制定。

  • Research on Cooperative Anti-Submarine Training Technology for Naval Ship CGF

    舰艇CGF协同 反潜技术研究

  • The simulation operating system can meet the requirements of the IMO and Maritime Safety Administration and meet the needs of the ocean shipping company in talents training and knowledge update it has a certain practical value in training of ship engineer .

    该模拟操作系统满足IMO和中国海事局的各项要求,满足各远洋船舶公司急需人才的培养与知识更新要求,对 船舶轮机人员的 培养具有一定的实用价值。

  • Shichang resembles a scaled-down version of the Royal Navy 's Argus aviation training ship .

    “世昌”号类似英国海军“百眼巨人”航空 训练 的一个减缩版本。