trading partnership


  • China and the US as the largest developing and the largest developed countries have established an important trading partnership .

    中国和美国,作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,其 双边 贸易对这两个国家 乃至全球的经济都有着举足轻重的影响。

  • After thirty years of joint efforts of the two sides Sino-EU trade partnership trading partnership is becoming more and more important .

    经过双方三十多年的共同努力,中欧双方在彼此的 贸易 伙伴中占有的地位愈发重要。

  • To establish long term trading partnership we always accept orders of small quantities .

    为了与国内外客户建立长期、信任的 贸易 伙伴 关系,我们在 贸易开始时愿意接受小额订单。