trade price

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  • In this thesis the author makes theoretical and positive analysis about price undertakings on the base of economics theory-international trade goods price determination and probes into it to work out the standard and specific formulating means of price undertakings .

    论文以经济学关于国际 贸易商品 价格决定的一般理论为基础,对价格承诺策略进行理论和实证分析;探讨并给出有关参考价格的水平标准及其制定的具体方法;

  • It poses uncountable damage to investors harming their interests disturbing order of security market and striking regular market trade price system badly .

    具有严重的社会危害性,使投资者的利益受到损害,严重扰乱证券市场的秩序,影响市场 交易 价格机制。

  • Before cognizance and dispose of cases of manipulation security trade price we must firstly recognize their methods and types then determine whether they belonging to the act of manipulation security trade price .

    认定和处理操纵证券 交易 价格的案件,首先必须科学认识操纵证券交易价格的行为方法和种类,在此基础上界定是否属于操纵市场的欺诈行为。

  • Personal investor judges the type of organization investor though observing the behaviors of them and avoids the organization investor to entangle firm personal investor fund by the different trade price in the stock market especially in the second-class market .

    个人投资者通过观察机构投资者的行为判断机构投资者类型,避免机构投资者在股票市场,特别是二级市场上,通过 交易 差价来套取个人投资者的金钱。

  • : This paper analyzes and forecasts the market of methanol at home and abroad including production consumption import and export trade and price fluctuation of methanol .

    分析和预测了国内外甲醇的生产、消费、进出口 贸易价格走势。

  • Analysis of the influence of the TNCS inner trade price

    跨国公司内部 贸易 价格影响分析

  • And the euro has promoted trade and price transparency-as well as being a huge practical boon .

    欧元也促进了 贸易 价格透明度&这也同样是一个巨大而实用的福利。

  • Though finding out the civil responsibility of act of manipulation security trade price has its particularity .

    追究操纵 证券 价格等行为的民事责任有其特殊性。

  • The 2010 Iron Ore trade price will certainly rise in great extent as the recovery of the world economy especially the recovery of steel industry .

    在世界经济的复苏,特别是国际钢铁产业的复苏的背景下,2010年的国际铁矿石 贸易 价格的大幅上涨势头已成定局。

  • The results of the evaluation show that they have similar effects on production trade and price .

    分析结果表明,两者对生产、 贸易 价格的影响相差不大;

  • In the United States trade association price cartel is suited for the per se rule to determine illegality while in other civil law countries trade association price cartel is clearly defined as illegality .

    在美国, 行业协会 价格卡特尔行为适用本身违法原则判断其违法性,而在其他的大陆法系国家,都是在成文法中明确规定行业协会价格卡特尔行为的违法性。

  • At the same time the use of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis Assessment of the use of fuzzy TOPSIS model through the inventory supplier trade price a good rate of goods delivery lead-time suppliers such as assessment indicators to evaluate suppliers .

    同时运用定量分析和定性分析法,使用TOPSIS模糊评估模型,通过对供应商库存量、 交易 价格、货品优良率、交货提前期等供应商考核指标,对供应商进行评价。

  • Concerning the trade and price system in CMEA the member states pursued state monopoly of foreign trade .

    贸易 价格体系方面,经互会国家实行国家垄断的外贸体制,由中央机构控制贸易。

  • The thesis constructs indexes of liquidity of national securities market such as tightness structure resiliency and depth based on the equilibrium price of criterion share the trade price and volume of liquid and illiquid share .

    利用单位标准股份的均衡价格、非流通股份和流通股份的 交易 价格及成交量等指标,构造了紧度、结构弹性和结构深度等指标用于度量国内整体股票市场的流动性。

  • The thesis has analyzed China aquatic product market through its production supply consumption demand international trade price mechanism market circulation and market policies .

    本论文从生产与供给、消费与需求、国际 贸易价格、市场流通、市场政策几个方面对中国水产品市场进行全面的研究。

  • First this paper sums up the main achievements in the RBV in competition advantage explaining our study of supply chain model in RBV and the transfer relationship between trade price and variable cost among chain partners .

    文章首先概括了资源理论对竞争优势问题的解释,以及作者在供应链资源观模型构建,供应链上下游成员在 交易 价格与变动成本之间存在的传递关系等方面进行的研究。

  • Trade association price cartel is reached after consulting with members in association .

    行业协会 价格卡特尔是行业协会组织协会会员协商后达成的价格卡特尔。

  • This paper studies the evolution results of trade price in different network structures .

    本文首先以 物流网络中空间 价格规律为基础,研究了 价格在不同网络结构中演化的基本特征。

  • As a result a new set of countries now exercises a greater ( and different ) influence on four key global variables : growth trade price formation and capital flow .

    其结果是,新涌现出的一批国家,目前对于四个关键的全球变量增长、 贸易价格形成和资本流动施加着更大(也不同的)的影响力。

  • Thirdly as to the accounting transactions the thesis makes a calculation of average return ratios of different industries in order to limit the trade price of RT.

    对于关联交易的账务处理,提出用分行业计算各行业平均利润率,进而限定关联 交易 价格的上限和下限;

  • Trade association price cartel has solid performance more subtle behavior and more serious harm than general price cartel .

    行业协会 价格卡特尔具有执行的牢固性,行为更具隐蔽性,并且和一般的价格卡特尔相比危害更为严重。

  • Shanghai Gold Exchange 's being put into operation marked China 's gold trade and price setting foot on the track of market economy . It has provided the broad investors with new opportunity to make new investment and supplied market cheese for financial organizations .

    上海黄金交易所的运行标志着我国黄金 交易 黄金 价格进入市场化阶段,为广大投资者提供了新的投资机会,也为金融机构提供了新的市场奶酪。

  • Based upon decreasing illegal supplies and demands of drug traditional drug controling tactics usually can reduce drug trade with price control ;

    传统的毒品控制策略一般立足于减少非法供应和需求,通过 价格控制手段,来减少毒品 交易

  • Merge stock right trade price of case is it watch to come most stock right price that foreign capitals buy are higher than listed company in that year by net assets value that audited from 40 the premium rate purchased is relatively high .

    从40起并购案例的股权 交易 价格来看,绝大部分外资购买的股权价格高于当年上市公司经审计过的净资产值,收购的溢价率较高。

  • Then through theoretical to analysis the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate impact on imports and exports in Hunan specifically RMB exchange rate will affect the trade price trade methods trade patterns and the trade environment four aspects .

    然后本文通过机制分析就人民币汇率升值对湖南进出口产生影响的渠道进行阐述,具体而言人民币汇率将通过影响 贸易 价格、贸易方式、贸易模式、贸易环境四个方面导致湖南进出口贸易的变动。

  • Based on the above the article analyses the constitutive requirements application principle expressive form and system of responsibility for the trade association price cartel thoroughly and systematically .

    在此基础上,采用比较研究的方法,对 行业协会 价格卡特尔的构成要件、适用原则、表现形式、责任体系进行深入系统的分析。

  • The supply-demand situation trade and price present status of production technology and progress of scientific and technological development on the EPR in China are introduced and several suggestions aimed at the present domestic production and research status are proposed too .

    详细介绍了国内乙丙橡胶的供需状况、 贸易 价格、生产技术现状、科技开发进展,并针对国内乙丙橡胶的生产和研究现状提出了若干条发展建议。

  • The text analyzes the actuality of TNCS and its inner trade discusses the means of investigation about the TNCS inner trade price and some concerned conclusions also the text investigate the influence of the TNCS inner trade price under three different conditions .

    文章分析了TNCS及内部贸易的现状,讨论了有关TNCS内部 贸易 价格的研究方法和有关结论,并在此基础上研究了3种不同条件下TNCS内部贸易价格的影响。

  • Then by balanced status we can estimate the influence of real trade price brought by different parameters and mechanism in auction gambling model .

    然后通过均衡状态的分析评估拍卖博弈模型中的参数或者不同拍卖制度对土地实际 交易 价格的影响。