


  • She faces charges of helping to plunder her country 's treasury of billions of dollars

    她面临协助 侵吞数十亿美元国家财产的指控

  • Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced the plan Monday .

    周一, 财政部长亨利保尔森宣布了这一计划。

  • This project has the approval of the National Treasury .

    这个项目得到了国家 财政 的批准。

  • And Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson detailed his department 's new capital purchase program .

    另外, 财政 部长亨利。保尔森详细说明了 财政部资本收购的新计划。

  • The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety

    该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或 长期 国库券作为担保。

  • He said that yields on 10-year Treasury bonds would plummet .

    他认为,十年期 国债的收益率将大幅下跌。

  • Investor proclivities to buy Treasury securities and dollars could finance the American deficits for a while .

    投资者购买 美国 国债和美元的倾向可能暂时会为美国赤字提供融资。

  • Theoretically he had control over more than $ 400 million in US accounts . But in fact it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts

    从理论上说,他掌管着美国账户里的4亿美元。然而,事实上,是美国 财政 和国务院在掌控那些账户。

  • Donate Money : Grant money from your treasury to a particular pirate .

    赠与金钱:从你的 国库中拿出钱来奖给一个特别有贡献的海盗。

  • In the US Treasury yields have been falling for 33 years .

    在美国, 国债收益率已连续下跌了33个年头。

  • The three State Policy Banks accumulate capital by issuing treasury bonds to commercial banks and the market .

    这三家国家政策性银行通过向商业银行和市场发行 债券筹集资金。

  • AIG and the Treasury declined to comment .

    AIG和美国 财政 均拒绝置评。

  • This month Tim Geithner US Treasury secretary and President Barack Obama have toned down the talk .

    本月,美国 财长蒂姆盖特纳(Tim Geithner)和总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)都缓和了语气。

  • Among the speakers at the gathering was Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady

    与会的发言人中有 财政部长尼古拉斯·布莱迪。

  • America 's treasury secretary identified the most heavily indebted countries .

    美国 财政部长指出了负债最多的那些国家。

  • The Treasury bond market offers a level of liquidity that no one else can match .


  • Other liquid assets are commercial bills and Treasury bills issued by the Government .

    其他的流动资产有商业票据和政府发行的 国库券

  • The National Treasury is depleted .


  • The recent purchase of treasury bonds by the Federal Reserve in a sense initiated the procedures of dollar depreciation .

    不久前美联储购买 美国 国债的行为,在某种意义上等于启动了美元贬值的程序。

  • Equities started at the top in 2000 and were overvalued relative to Treasury bonds .

    在2000年时,股票处于高位,相对于 国债被高估了。

  • Should traders and investors short the US Treasury market ?

    交易商和投资者是否应该做空美国 国债

  • Then huge open market purchases of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities provided the financial system with much-needed liquidity .

    随后美联储在公开市场大举购买 国债和抵押贷款支持证券,为金融体系提供了亟需的流动性。

  • The central budget deficit and the volume of treasury bonds issued will be increased .

    增加中央财政赤字和 国债发行规模。

  • The Treasury had been blaming the pound 's weakness on the backwash from the falling dollar .

    财政 一直将英镑的疲软归咎于美元贬值。

  • The positive surprise generated a predictable rise in equity markets and a surge in US Treasury yields .

    令人惊喜的就业数据引发了股市上涨和美国 国债收益率飙升。

  • In addition interest on Treasury issues isn 't subject to state and local income taxes .

    另外, 国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。

  • The Treasury has now agreed to ring-fence the money to ensure that it goes directly towards helping elderly people

    财政 现在已经同意限制这笔钱的用途,以保证其直接用于帮助老年人。

  • Treasury bonds with their liquid markets and unique issuer look prettier .
