treated water


  • The secondary micro-flocculation could not only solve the higher turbidity of primarily filtrated water but also improve the removal rate of organic pollutants and algae without any effect on aluminum content in treated water and significant increase of headloss of the filter .

    二次微絮凝过滤不仅解决了初滤水浊度偏高的问题,而且提高了对有机物和藻类的去除率,同时滤 的铝含量没有升高,过滤水头损失也没有明显的增加。

  • The water - absorbing capacity of oil reservoir can be increased by the injection of indepth treated water .

    注入经深度 处理的水,可提高油层 吸水能力。

  • The treated water met the requirement of removing substrate N .

    它的 出水能满足基质、N和P同时脱除的要求。

  • The mutagenicity of organic extracts in the treated water could not be increased with ClO_2 killing algae .

    ClO2杀藻不会增加 水样中有机浓集物的致突变性。

  • Waterborne outbreaks though infrequent are usually associated with sewage-contaminated or inadequately treated water .

    水源性疾病疫情虽然并不常见,但它往往与受污水污染过或 处理不当的 饮水有联系。

  • Sewage and treated water can be a heat source in urban area due to large heat capacity thus recovery and reuse of its energy is one of the most desirable plans for the sewerage system .

    由于热容大,污水及其 处理 可以成为城区的一个热源,因此,人们非常希望在污水系统规划中回收和再利用这些热能。

  • Conclusions The mutagenicity in turn was the productive waste water the treated water the productive water .

    结论致突变性从大到小依次为生产废水、已 处理 、生产用水。

  • The discoloration and COD removal rates of the treated water and its mechanism were discussed .

    并讨论其 脱色率、COD去除率及其机理。

  • As organic matter micro-organisms with the treated water trickling out from the bottom of the filter and flowing to the next stage of treatment .

    作为有机物质的有机微生物,随着 处理 的一 一滴从过滤器滴出来,流入下一个处理过程。

  • The effect of direct reuse of filter backwash wastewater on treated water quality was studied by jar test .

    通过小试研究了滤池反冲洗废水直接回流利用对 出水水质的影响。

  • This article studied the effect of magnetically treated water ( well water ) on increasing weight gain of AA broiler chickens .

    本文总结了磁场 处理 (水)AA商品代肉鸡的增重效果。

  • In this paper Oilfield wastewater treatment technology was system analyzed considering treated water discharging reusing and reinjection aspects .

    本文以油田含油污水为研究对象,从含油 污水 处理 外排、回用及回注等三个出路对油田含油污水处理及回用技术进行系统研究。

  • It is stated that how to balance the sanitation safety and the ecological safety is the primary contradiction in wastewater disinfection and is also the key problem for guaranteeing the water quality safety of treated water and reclaimed water .

    提出如何处理好卫生学安全和生态安全的关系是污水消毒处理中面临的主要矛盾,也是保障 处理 和再生水水质安全的关键环节。

  • The experimental results showed that PAFSC was superior to PAC in decreasing residual aluminum content in the treated water .

    结果表明,与PAC相比,用PAFSC 处理 水样具有更低的残余铝含量;

  • The application of film separating technique to the reuse of treated water in mine areas can therefore be promoted .

    从而推动了膜分离技术在 中水方面的应用。

  • Practice of wastewater treatment in surface treatment industry and treated water reuse engineering

    表面处理行业废水治理及 中水回用工程实践

  • The normal operation of lime pretreatment system and quality of the treated water is directly linked to the circulating water quality of power plant and other water consumption .

    石灰预处理是发电厂 处理的关键,石灰预处理系统能否正常运行, 出水 水质好坏直接影响到发电厂循环水的水质和其它环节用水。

  • Formalin removes oxygen from the water so it is imperative that the treated water is well aerated .

    福尔马林删除氧气从水,因此,当务之急是经 处理 是加气。

  • Quality of the backwash water and treated water was studied .

    试验研究了两套处理系统的膜反洗水和 处理 出水的水质。

  • Poor : Disinfectant and / or microbial levels in treated water frequently out of specification .

    差: 处理 的消毒和/或微生物水平经常超出标准。

  • When high concentration HF wastewater is processed with two-stage chemical method fluorine ion concentration of the treated water can meet the national effluent standard ( closs A ) .

    采用两段式化学法处理高浓度HF废水, 处理 水中氟离子可达到国家一级排放标准。

  • The treated water quality wasn 't influenced by the pollution of membrane .

    而且随着膜的污染, 出水 水质并没有受到 任何影响。

  • Meanwhile comparing the treated water with coagulant and untreated raw water it was found that their cytotoxicity stayed on the same level .

    处理 的水进行细胞毒性实验和藻细胞培养实验,结果显示,混凝剂 处理 与未处理的巢湖原水细胞毒性基本一致;

  • The effects of several process parameters on lipid adsorption rate and COD of treated water were examined .

    讨论了影响脂质吸附率和 处理 废水COD的几个因素。

  • This project is to reuse the deep treated water from heavy oil reservoir for feeding the boiler .

    介绍了欢 三联污水深度 处理站的工程设计和生产运行情况,并对其成本和效益进行分析。

  • The quality of treated water in A and B waterworks in winter was better .

    枯水期A厂和B厂的出厂 水质是较好的。

  • Comparing the characteristics of the mixed liquor of MBR with or without PAC addition it is confirmed that both the mixed liquor accumulation and its characteristics have influence on the treated water quality and membrane fouling rate .

    通过比较PAC投加前后混合液的特性,证实了混合液的累积程度和性质变化会影响MBR的 出水 水质和膜污染速率。

  • The result of the test shows that the treated water can reach the corresponding national wastewater discharge standards .

    试验结果表明,使用该工艺处理DDNP废水, 处理 可以达到国家相应排放标准。