transverse mode

[trænsˈvə:s mod][trænsˈvɜ:s məud]


  • The highest regeneration rate of 80.33 % in the transverse mode with 9.66 shoots per slice was obtained .

    横切方式培养芽再生率高达 80.33%,平均每片再生9.66个芽;

  • This is a new method for quantitative studies in laser transverse mode .

    该方法是定量研究激光器 模式的新方法。

  • Research of the Laser Transverse Mode Modulated by the Cat 's Eye Resonator

    猫眼激光谐振腔 选择特性研究

  • The single transverse mode neodymium doped fiber laser shows this feature .

    在掺钕单 光纤激光器的弛豫振荡过程中的光场表现出这种偏振特性。

  • The method can confirm the Gaussian distribution of optical intensity for the fundamental transverse mode of the He-Ne laser and determine the size of its light spot .

    这种方法能够证实氦氖激光基 的光强分布是高斯分布,能够确定光斑的大小。

  • Influence of inhomogeneity on single transverse mode laser oscillation properties

    关于非均匀性对单 激光振荡特性的影响

  • The experimental results show that the single transverse mode narrow bandwidth laser output can be obtained while maintaining a high lasing efficiency .

    实验结果表明:该激光系统能获得基 、窄频带和高效率的激光输出。

  • In addition transverse mode matching plays an important role in injection-locking .

    实验中还得出了 匹配可以有效的改善注入锁定效果。

  • Thus optical field distribution on the plane mirror in plano-concave resonator and field loss of each transverse mode could be acquired by solving the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the transit matrix .

    通过求解传输矩阵的本征值和本征矢量,得出平凹腔中平面输出镜上光场分布以及每个 的衍射损耗。

  • Testing method of transverse mode of laser radiation identification of polypropylene fiber

    GB/T13739-1992激光辐射 鉴别方法聚丙二醇纤维鉴别试验方法

  • Relation between the threshold condition and transverse mode of semiconductor lasers

    半导体激光器阈值条件与 的关系

  • Transverse Mode Control of Barried Structure Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers With Trapezoid Section

    梯形截面掩埋结构垂直腔面发射半导体激光器的 控制

  • In this Paper a method to select transverse mode of a CO2 waveguide laser is reported . By using the waveguide with a big bore and non-matching concave mirror in near field high output power and fundamental mode laser can be achieved .

    本文报道了波导CO2激光器的一种选择 的方法,该器件采用了大孔径波导和近场非匹配凹面镜,可得较高输出功率的基模激光。

  • This application requires high output long life and stable fundamental transverse mode operation .

    在应用中,这种 激光器需要高输出能量,长使用寿命和稳定的 光学 模式

  • The temperature profile and thermal-focusing effect induced by a high-order transverse mode laser beam in an internal element have been analyzed .

    本文分析了 多模激光束加热内腔元件所引起的温度场分布及热聚焦效应。

  • Testing method of transverse mode of laser radiation

    GB/T13739-1992激光辐射 鉴别方法

  • Single transverse mode narrow bandwidth pulsed tunable dye laser with hollow circular dielectric waveguide

    腔内带圆形空心波导的可调谐窄带脉冲染料 激光器

  • The differential quantum efficiency is 25 % per facet and the device operated in fundamental transverse mode .

    微分量子效率每面25%;器件为基 工作。

  • Injection locking signal extraction is directly infected by the mode matching between the master laser and the slave laser . The matching of transverse mode and longitudinal mode were designed . And effective injection locking signal was extracted in experiment .

    在实验上设计并实现了主、从激光器之间的 、纵向 模式匹配,完成了有效注入锁频信号的提取。

  • Therefore the base transverse mode Gaussian beam is more widely used in the actual production and scientific research .

    因此,在实际生产和科研中基 高斯光束的应用更为广泛。

  • Fundamental transverse mode operation is hoped for many important applications of semiconductor lasers .

    在半导体激光器的诸多应用中,都希望其基 工作。

  • Single transverse mode output is achieved by the gain-guiding effect .


  • Based on base mode Gauss optical field using Monte Carlo random stimulation test the stimulation of the functions of base mode Gauss optical field is implemented which directly proves transverse mode of base mode Gauss beam .


  • A sixteen-folded resonator that has the good transverse mode selection ability and the largest beam energy is developed .

    在设计过程中,通过对谐振腔内气体类透镜效应和模体积与激发体积相匹配问题的研究,设计了一种具有较大激发能量和良好 选择能力的十六折谐振腔。

  • Two kind of applications of DPSSL multiple single transverse mode generator and reflectivity distribution measurement device for laser coating are reported .

    本文报导了DPSSL的两项应用:多种 产生器与激光膜片反射率分布测量装置。

  • It can be used to menu longitudinal mode single transverse mode .

    它可以用来选单纵模,单 等。

  • Coiling technique is used to control the transverse mode of a large-mode-area ( LMA ) multimode fiber laser .

    缠绕技术通常被用于大模场面积多模光纤激光器的 控制。

  • Sunchon transverse mode Plastic Surgery is taken to hospital admission .

    顺天 整形外科是采取入院。

  • The pulse waveform of THz laser and pump laser and the size of the distribution of pumped laser have been measured when TEA CO2 laser working under the multi transverse mode and the fundamental transverse mode accordingly .

    实验测量了TEACO2激光器多 和基横模输出下,THz激光脉冲波形和抽运光脉冲波形以及抽运光的光斑大小。