transmission unit

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈjunɪt][trænzˈmiʃən ˈju:nit]


  • Use things like shared processor weights maximum transmission unit ( MTU ) sizes and RAM allocation to give the production LPARs more clout than the development LPARs .

    使用共享处理器权重、最大 传输 单元(MTU)大小和RAM分配等工具来向生产LPARs提供比开发LPARs更多的优势。

  • Low-Speed Switch Protecting Electric Motor and Transmission Unit

    低速开关保护电机及 传动 装置

  • Optical Transmission Unit which is an important sub-function unit of OADM device and OXC device .

    信号 转发 单元,是光传送网设备OADM和OXC的重要组成部分。

  • Performance analysis of the rotating air preheater transmission unit

    回转式空气预热器 传动 装置性能分析

  • Parameter Analysis of Controlled Differential Transmission Unit

    控制式差动 传动 装置 传动参数分析

  • The constant speed transmission structure includes a constant speed rotating unit and a power transmission unit which is arranged inside the secondary stationary seat .

    定速转动单元包括呈转动穿于第一、二固定座并由动力 传动 单元驱动的转动内杆及套设于转动内杆外的固定外管;

  • The article introduces the output and extruding pressure of JZK50 / 45-20 de - airing extruder and its power calculation also includes optimizing design of auger axle new type of sealing unit transmission unit and components and parts .

    本文介绍了对JZK50/45-20型真空挤泥机的产量、挤出压力和功率的计算,绞刀轴、新型动密封装置和 传动 装置等零部件的优化设计。

  • And proposed for field information collection by the sensor element of sensor nodes wireless transmission unit micro-controller unit and power supply unit composed of four parts . 3 .

    并且,提出了适合农田信息采集的传感器节点由传感器单元、无线 传输 单元、微控制器单元和供电单元四部分组成。

  • System includes sensors monitoring unit F / V converter data acquisition and storage unit wireless transmission unit and software of corresponding modules .

    系统的设计主要包括:传感器监测单元,F/V转换电路,数据采集和存储单元,无线 传输 单元,以及相应单元模块的软件。

  • The hardware design includes the speech data sampling and reconstruction unit encoder and decoder unit data processing and transmission unit clock synchronous unit keyboard and display unit and RS-232 converter unit .

    硬件电路的设计包括语音数据采集及回放单元,语音压缩解压单元,数据处理、 传送接收 单元,时钟同步单元,键盘及显示单元和RS-232串口电平转换单元等几个部分。

  • The system is made up of bio-electrical signal collection and Zoom filter unit wireless transmission unit and data display storage unit .

    系统由生物电信号拾取与放大滤波、无线 传输和数据显示与储存三个 单元组成。

  • The wireless data transmission unit adopted the radio station and LON network to set up the wireless data communication network of the locomotive which realizes the wireless transmission of the information .

    无线数据 传输 单元采用无线电台和LON网组建了机车无线数据通信网,实现了机车数据的无线传输。

  • In order to maintain the smooth flow of links in the design of GPRS data transmission unit it is necessary to design a heartbeat packet . If no data is transfered in a specified time the heartbeat packet will be issued .

    为了保持链路的畅通,在设计GPRS数据 传输 单元的时候,就必须设计心跳包,在规定时间若没有数据传输,就将心跳包发出。

  • Based on the Wireless Transmission Unit which is an application of a ARM7 processor called SEP3203.Analyze the frame of the hardware and the flow of software in the application .

    从ARM7处理器 SEP3203在无线通信平台中的应用实例出发,对无线通信平台的硬件结构和软件流程进行了分析;

  • Hardware layer introduces the working principle and advantages of the ARM development board GPS receiver and GPRS data transmission unit .

    按照从下到上的顺序硬件层分析了所选用的ARM开发板、GPS接收机和GPRS数据 传输 单元的工作原理和优点。

  • The success of the basic data wireless transmission unit is a contribution to the wireless transmission network formed by a great number of detection equipments .

    这个基本数据无线 传输 单元的成功,为在生产现场构建数量众多的检测设备组成的无线数据传输网络,打下了坚实的基础。

  • Machine Wearing On-line Monitoring and Diagnosing System of Gear Transmission Unit

    机器磨损状态在线监测系统及其在 齿轮)故障诊断中的应用

  • Data transmission unit adopts half duplex Manchester encode decode mode which is compatible with Atlas 3508 telemetry cartridge .

    数据 传输采用与阿特拉斯 3508遥测短节兼容的半双工曼彻斯特编码。

  • Finally the wireless transmission unit of the system are tested in detail and the static calibration experiment and dynamic experiment for measurement .

    最后对系统的无线 传输 单元进行了详细的测试,并且做了动态连续测量实验。

  • It is carrier and basic transmission unit of advanced information under integrated environment . It include both shape and function .

    它是集成环境中高层语义信息的载体和基本 传输 单元,兼有形状和功能两种属性,在不同的领域里,特征的定义形式也不同。

  • Based on the study of hybrid spread spectrum technology which consists of M-ary direct sequence spread spectrum and frequency hopping the design and implementation of the key modules of the baseband transmission unit is presented .

    本文在对多进制直接序列扩频与跳频相结合的混合扩频技术进行研究的基础上,设计并实现了基带 发射 单元中的关键技术模块。

  • The system is an integrated system including monitoring terminal unit transmission unit and monitoring center unit . The system had realized the functions of real-time acquisition processing analyzing and forwarding of GPS and image data .

    该系统是一个综合系统,包括监控终端单元、 传输 单元和监控中心单元三部分,实现对GPS数据以及图像数据的实时采集、处理、相关分析及转发等功能。

  • The correction command is sent to the missile via the laser transmission unit ( 5.5km range ) .

    修正指令经由激光 传输 单元发送到导弹(5.5公里范围)。

  • Transmission unit through the ping-pong structure processing high-speed spread spectrum multi-phase shaping filter high-speed data interface processing between the FPGA and D / A to complete high-speed data spread spectrum modulation and base band shaping .

    发送 单元通过乒乓结构处理,高速扩频,多相成形滤波器,FPGA与D/A的高速数据接口处理等关键技术完成高速信息数据的扩频调制和基带成形。

  • Remove engine and transmission unit .

    拆卸发动机和 变速 单元

  • Design on Communication Transmission Unit of 3G Mobile Video Telephone System

    3G移动可视电话系统通信 传输 单元设计

  • The data processing platform consists of four parts including the central control unit echo data acquisition unit data operation processing units and high-speed data transmission unit . 2 .

    该处理平台由中央主控单元,回波数据采集单元,数据运算处理单元和数据高速 传输 单元四部分组成。

  • Design of High-speed Transmission Unit Based on VDSL Technology

    基于VDSL技术的高速 传输 单元设计

  • The main part apt to troubles is the power transmission unit of drum gears in drifting machine named XT-12 and the major reason for this is its shaft coupling of roller which is not lubricated properly .

    XT-12通井机易发生的故障的主要部位是滚筒变速箱 传动 装置,其主要原因是滚筒变速箱 传动 系统中的滚子联轴器润滑不当所至。