


  • Clinical analysis of cubital tunnel syndrome by anterior transposition of ulnar nerve : report of 83 cases

    手术加补阳还五汤治疗肘尺管综合征的临床观察尺神经前移治疗 肘管综合征83例分析

  • Though the arrangement process is very complicated there are three basic operations : translocation reversal and transposition .

    虽然其生物过程非常复杂,但可归结为三种基本操作:移位、反转和 转位

  • Evaluation on the anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle with and without resection for the inferior oblique muscle overreaction

    增强 下斜肌前 转位联合部分肌肉切除术治疗下斜肌功能亢进的疗效评价

  • The device has accurate transposition simple specimen installation convenient use and high performance price ratio .

    该装置 换位准确,装卡试样简单,使用维修方便,性能价格比高。

  • Methods : Repair the maxillofacial defect with the transposition of cervical and thoracic bilobed skin flap .

    方法:用颈胸部双叶 皮瓣修复颌面部巨大缺损。

  • Treatment of old acromioclavicular dislocation by coracoacromial ligament transposition and tension-band fixation

    喙肩韧带 移位结合张力带固定治疗陈旧性肩锁关节脱位

  • Anterior subcutaneous transposition is a good method for treating tardy ulnar palsy .

    前方皮下 移位 在治疗缓慢性尺神经麻痹是一种不错的方法。

  • Methods Effectiveness of thoracic-umbilical flap transposition in13 large abdominal wall defect was retrospectively analysized .

    方法回顾性分析胸脐 皮瓣 转移在13例巨大腹壁缺损病人中的修复效果。

  • Doppler echocardiographic diagnosis of complete transposition of great artery

    完全 大动脉 转位的多普勒超声心动图诊断

  • A linguistic process of transposition of sounds or syllables within a word or words within a sentence .

    句子里一个或多个词的字母、音、或音节发生 变换的一种语言变化过程。

  • The method of tire transposition usually have cross transition method circulation coaxial transposition conversion method and hybrid conversion method etc.

    轮胎 换位的方法通常有交叉转换方法、流通、同轴换位转换法和混合转换法等。

  • Objective To investigate the mechanism of ulnar nerve anterior submuscular transposition in the treatment of cubit tunnel syndrome .

    目的为 肘管综合征的治疗提供 式设计的解剖学依据。

  • The effect of anterior transposition of inferior oblique muscle on ocular motility

    下斜肌后 转位 对眼球运动的影响

  • Also I have good communication ability and I like transposition thinking .

    我喜欢交际,具有一定的 亲和力,有良好的沟通能力,喜欢 换位

  • Transposition of the great arteries is a congenital ( present at birth ) heart defect .

    大动脉 转位是一种先天性(出生时就存在的)心脏病。

  • Conclusion This method can effectively solve the problem of venous stagnation of island flaps in hand or forearm after its transposition .

    结论该方法有效地解决了手部及前臂岛状 皮瓣 转移后静脉回流不畅的问题。

  • Objective To investigate the function of ovary after ovarian transposition among young patients with early-stage cervical cancer .

    目的了解青年早期宫颈癌患者在卵巢 移位 后的卵巢功能。

  • I began to sustain the illusion that he was I and therefore by simple transposition that I was my father .

    我开始久久有了种他就是我的错觉,于是,通过简单的 换位,我就成了我父亲。

  • Experimental study of electrophysiology of repair of C5 and superior trunk using accessory nerve transposition

    副神经 移位修复颈5神经根、臂丛上干的电生理学实验研究

  • Study on Transposition of UHV Long Distance Transmission Line

    特高压长距离输电线路 换位问题的研究

  • The diagnosis included ventricular septal defect with pulmonary hypertension tetralogy of Fallot pulmonary atresia transposition of the great artery and single ventricle .

    病种为室间隔缺损伴肺动脉高压、法洛四联症、肺动脉闭锁、大动脉 错位和单心室等。

  • Clinical analyse of ovary transposition in young patients with cervical cancer ;

    目的探讨卵巢 移位 在早期宫颈癌根治术中应用的临床意义。

  • Objective To observe the efficiency for a new method of operation of conjunctiva-flap transposition pterygium treated .

    目的探讨新型结膜瓣 转位 治疗翼状胬肉的疗效。

  • Objective To observe the effect of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique in the treatment of congenital superior oblique palsy .

    目的观察下斜肌前 转位 治疗先天性上斜肌麻痹的疗效。

  • In this paper the JORDAN-HOLDER Theorem of transposition hyperlattice is introduced on the base of the closed set and regular of hyperlattice and some related properties of them are also studied .

    在超格的闭集合和超格的正则性的基础上,给出了对换超格上的 约当定理,并研究了一些相关的性质。

  • Conclusions The genus superior lateral artery can make up cutaneous flap or osteocutaneous flap which can be used for transplantation or local transposition .

    结论膝上外侧动脉为蒂可构成皮瓣或骨皮瓣,既可游离移植也可局部 转位修复膝部软组织缺损。


    肱二头肌长头肌腱炎腓骨长肌腱 移位修复闭合性跟腱断裂

  • A Retrospective Study of Anterior Transposition of the Inferior Oblique Muscle in the Treatment of Inferior Oblique Overaction

    下斜肌 转位 治疗下斜肌功能亢进的回顾性研究