transmission grating

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈɡretɪŋ][trænzˈmiʃən ˈgreɪtɪŋ]


  • The method and principle of adjusting white light fringes of the Michelson interferometer by using a transmission grating are introduced and the related phenomena are discussed .

    介绍了借助 透射 光栅调整迈克耳孙干涉仪的白光干涉条纹的方法和原理,并讨论了其中的有关现象。

  • It is complicated to produce a gold transmission grating by holographic lithography especially for self-standing transmission gratings with high frequency .

    使用全息光刻技术制作金 透射 光栅工艺复杂,尤其是制作具有高线密度的自支撑金透射光栅。

  • Laser warning receiver based on sinusoidal transmission grating

    基于正弦 透射 光栅的激光告警接收机研究

  • Laser plasma X-ray emission studies using an imaging transmission grating spectrometer . I. Principles and methods

    X射线 透射 光栅谱仪用于激光等离子体辐射特性的研究Ⅰ.实验基础

  • Unfolded spectra measured by soft X ray spectrometer ( SXS ) and transmission grating spectrometer ( TGS ) respectively are compared .

    对软X射线谱仪和 透射 光栅谱仪的测量结果进行了对比。

  • Study of Diffraction Efficiency of Step Transmission Grating

    阶梯 透射 光栅衍射效率的研究

  • Time-resolved transmission grating spectrometer is superior diagnostic device in laser plasma experiments . By means of it the soft X-ray spectra with excellent resolution in spectrum and time can be measured .

    透射 光栅时间分辨谱仪是获取激光等离子体软X光辐射高分辨能谱时间二维信息的实验诊断装置。

  • Preliminary Study on a High-efficiency Transmission Grating Spectrograph

    高效 透射 光栅谱仪的初步研究

  • Transmission Grating Reflectivity of Photorefractive Phase Conjugate Mirror With Depleted Pumps

    光折变相位共轭镜 透射 光栅大信号反射率

  • The thesis is devoted to the investigation of incoherent holography technique and transmission grating spectroscopy aimed to the application in laser fusion research .

    本文致力于研究非相干光全息成像技术与 透射 光栅谱学,及其在ICF实验研究中的应用。

  • With the help of a transmission grating placed in front of the electron multiplying charge couple device the blue shift of quantum dots was observed in solution ; after the addition of β - Mercaptoethanol into the sample the blue shift was suppressed .

    通过在电子倍增耦合器件(EMCCD)前插入 透射 光栅,观察到了溶液中量子点的光谱蓝移现象及巯基乙醇对量子点光谱蓝移的抑制现象。

  • A PTGS ( Pinhole Transmission Grating Spectrometer ) has been developed successfully for laser plasma soft X-ray emission ( 0.5-20nm ) studies .

    成功地研制了一台用于激光等离子体软X射线(0.5~20nm)辐射特性研究的针孔 透射 光栅谱仪(PTGS)。

  • A method uniting the scalar approximation with the Snell 's law and the Fresnel relations is presented in detail . Two formulae of the energy flux density and the diffraction efficiency are derived for the step transmission grating .

    阐述了标量近似与Snell定律和Fresnel关系相结合的方法,并推导出阶梯 透射 光栅 衍射场强分布和衍射效率公式。

  • Study of transmission grating diffraction efficiencies for s of T x rays

    透射 光栅对软X射线衍射效率的研究

  • Comparison of soft X-ray spectrometer and transmission grating spectrometer

    软X射线能谱仪与 透射 光栅谱仪测量结果的对比

  • The schematic of a novel transmission grating spectrograph and the preliminary experimental results are described .

    描述了一种新型 透射 光栅谱仪的结构和初步的实验结果。

  • The soft X-ray transmission grating spectrometer has been the core instrument in ICF experiments it has been used in the fields of hohlraum physics X-ray radiation transportation radiation ablation and so on .

    软X光 透射 光栅谱学已经成为国内ICF实验研究的重要手段,在黑腔物理研究、X光辐射输运、辐射烧蚀不透明度等重要课题都有很关键的应用。

  • A newly developed high efficiency high resolution large size transmission grating spectrograph for higher collection efficiency and higher spectral resolution used in laser pro - duced plasma diagnosis is reported .

    为提高 透射 光栅谱仪对激光等离子体X光源的收集效率和光谱分辩率,研制了高效高分辨率大面积 透射 光栅光谱仪。

  • Spectra unfolding methods for transmission grating measurement

    透射 光栅测量的解谱方法

  • Experiments on the diagnosis of emission spectrum from glass capillary target irradiated by ultrashort intense laser pulses have been carried out with a high efficiency high resolution transmission grating spectrograph .

    利用软X射线大面积 透射 光栅谱仪,对超短强激光脉冲辐照下玻璃微毛细管靶的软X射线发射特性进行了研究。

  • The general data processing of spectrum unfolding is described here as well as the calibration procedure of the XUV diode and transmission grating with the high repetition laser produced plasma Xray sources .

    本文介绍了 透射 光栅光谱还原技术的一般方法,以及在重复频率脉冲激光等离子体X射线光源上进行XUV二极管标定和 光栅标定的一般过程。

  • Searching white light interference fringes of Michelson interferometer by using transmission grating

    利用 透射 光栅寻找迈克耳孙干涉仪的白光干涉条纹

  • Transmission Grating Spectrograph for Soft X ray Spectrum Measurements with a Pre optics

    带前置光学系统的软X射线 透射 光栅光谱仪

  • The novel optics element gives ideal diffraction pattern for transmission grating spectroscopy : no high order diffraction no subordination diffraction maximum and the main diffraction maximum take ideal smooth shape .

    理论研究和计算模拟表明:这种新的衍射元件不存在高级衍射、不存在次级衍射峰、具有光滑的主衍射峰,确定的衍射效率,其衍射模式比 传统 透射 光栅优越得多。

  • The principle construction and performance of the time and space resolved transmission grating spectrometers are described .

    本文介绍了时间分辨 透射 光栅谱仪和空间分辨 透射 光栅谱仪的结构、原理和实验 技术

  • Soft X-ray gold transmission grating with polyimide membrance substrate is fabricated by holograph-ion beam etching technique .

    利用全息-离子束刻蚀方法研制出了聚酰亚胺薄膜为衬底的金软X射线 透射 光栅

  • Quantitative measurement of soft-x-ray spectrum using transmission grating spectrometer

    软X 射线 谱定量测量技术 研究

  • According to the requirement of the Large-format inkjet plotter we adopt the 180dpi ~ 360dpi transmission grating as the inkjet anchor point detector . Holographic lithography is one of important method for producing transmission grating .

    根据十·五期间,我校承担的大幅面喷墨绘图机喷墨定位检测技术的需要,选用180dpi~360dpi 透射 光栅作为喷墨定位检测器件。

  • We successfully tracked the spectral images of single dynamic QDs in the aqueous solution between the dried agarose-modified surface and the cover slide by the standard epi-fluorescence microscopy with a transmission grating installed in front of the charge-coupled device .

    显微镜电感耦合器件CCD前面安装一个 透射 光栅,我们还成功地追踪到了脱水琼脂糖修饰的表面与盖玻片之间溶液中的单个动态量子点的光谱。