transmission copying


  • The digital information in electronic archives has its openness in the process of utilization transmission and copying this brings about the unsecured effect in saving electronic archives .

    电子档案数字信息在利用、 传输复制过程中具有的开放性,给电子档案保管带来了不安全因素。

  • At present digital multimedia products are widely spread on the internet information transmission and sharing become more and more conveniently . But the problem of non-authorized copying appears consequently .

    当前,数字多媒体产品在互联网上广泛传播,信息 传输、信息共享更加快捷,但随之出现的问题是非授权 拷贝、篡改现象与日俱增。

  • Transmission of Laws and Decrees in Contemporary Japanese Cities by Means of Publicity Copying Reading and Printing

    日本近代城市的法令 传达&揭示、 读、印刷