treating tower

[化] 精制塔

  • Treating Blocking of the Main Heat Exchanger Using the Lower Tower Pressurized Blowback Process

    充压反吹法 处理主换热器堵塞

  • The application of Wilson property software package in the gas and liquid equlibrium calculation of methanol contained waste water treating tower

    Wilson性质包等在含醇 污水甲醇 气、液平衡计算中的应用

  • New Process for Treating Waste Water Containing Sulfur and Ammonia & Double Tower Stripping

    含硫及含氨污水 处理新技术& 双塔汽提

  • The study on treating nitrite in surface water with tower reactor

    采用 塔式反应器 处理地面水中亚硝酸盐的研究