


v.对待处理( treat的现在分词 )探讨请(客)

  • Police say they 're treating it as a case of attempted murder

    警方称他们正 它当作一起谋杀未遂案件来 处理

  • An investigation is given to the bromate formation of catalytic ozonation in treating drinking water .

    研究了饮用水臭氧催化 氧化过程中溴酸盐的生成特点与控制效能。

  • It is probable that the medication will suppress the symptom without treating the condition

    这种药物有可能 治标治本

  • Objective To study the clinical effect of Buflomedil combined with Danhong Injection in treating patients with acute cerebral infarction .

    目的研究丁咯地尔联合丹红注射液 治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效。

  • Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the pancreatic kininogenase tablets in treating early stage diabetic nephropathy .

    目的:评价胰激肽原酶片 治疗早期糖尿病肾病患者的疗效和安全性。

  • SHARON : You are treating us too well .


  • Royal jelly is effective in treating nervous exhaustion .

    蜂皇 精治神经衰弱很有效。

  • He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure

    他仅仅 治疗有把握治愈的病人,以使自己免于失败。

  • He responded in champion 's style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed .

    他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军 风范

  • Ecologists argue that the benefits of treating sewage with disinfectants are doubtful .

    生态学家认为用消毒剂 处理污水是否有益值得怀疑。

  • Treating the symptoms and not the disease is no long-term solution .

    头痛医头, 脚痛,这不是个长法儿。

  • Scientists treating emotional conditions were using Western medicines and Chinese herbs together in new treatments .

    科学家利用了西方医学和中草药结合的新疗法来 处理情绪问题。

  • How 's life been treating you ?

    生活 你怎么样?

  • We must concentrate our energies on treating addiction first .

    我们必须首先集中精力 治疗毒瘾。

  • The plant acts as a sedative in treating neuralgia .

    这种植物被用作 治疗神经痛时的镇静药。

  • True to military tradition the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war

    按照军事惯例, 胜者正在分享战利品。

  • Objective To observe the curative effect of Sodium Nitroprusside combined with Dopamine in treating patients with refractory heart failure .

    目的观察硝普钠联合多巴胺 治疗顽固性心力衰竭的疗效。

  • Doctors are treating him with the drug AZT .

    医生在用齐多夫定药物对他进行 治疗

  • She was always treating him to ice cream

    她总是 他吃冰激凌。

  • Objective To analyze the curative effect that gets of internal iliac artery embolization treating intractable postpartum hemorrhage .

    目的对髂内动脉栓塞术 治疗难治性产后出血的疗效进行分析。

  • He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity

    他似乎正小心地 应对可能 一触即发的局势。

  • You 're still treating me like an outsider .

    你们还是 我当外人。

  • They were treating symptoms and not the root cause .

    他们是 治标不治本。

  • They 're treating it like a game a novelty . That 's got to stop .

    他们 这件事当成了一个游戏,觉得很新鲜。不能再那样下去了。

  • Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information .

    要保护自己个人身份信息免遭盗用,就要 所有的个人与财务文档视为绝密信息。

  • There is considerable room for improvement in state facilities for treating the mentally handicapped .

    国家现有的用于智障病人 治疗的设施还有相当大的改进余地。

  • Objective : To explore the curative effects of acupuncture in treating acute pontine infarction .

    目的:探讨针刺 急性桥脑梗死的治疗作用。

  • Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5 % as a slap in the face .

    英国人坚持认为加薪不到5% 不啻于一种羞辱。

  • Research purposes : This paper studies and summarizes the development characteristics and engineering treating method of large-scale underground river .

    研究目的:本文研究总结大型暗河的发育特征及工程 处理方法。

  • The present invention is directed to a method of treating poultry hatchlings in a hatchling tray .

    本发明涉及一种 处理幼禽槽中的幼禽的方法。