transmission efficiency

[trænsˈmɪʃən ɪˈfɪʃənsi][trænzˈmiʃən iˈfiʃənsi]


  • The experimental results indicate that monocapillaries have high transmission efficiency for low energy X-ray and polycapillaries have a wide band transmission property .

    结果表明:单管对低能X光有良好的 传输 性能,复合管具有宽波段的传输特性。

  • The transmission efficiency is low the severe wear .

    传动 效率较低,磨损较严重。

  • Create separate containers for them to improve the transmission efficiency and to pass data in a more structured way between programs which increases readability .

    为这些可选的结构创建独立的容器以改善 传输 效率,以及在程序之间以更加结构化的方式传递数据,从而增加可靠性。

  • The utility model has high heat transmission efficiency and long service life of the boiler tube .

    本实用新型 传热 效率高、炉筒使用寿命长。

  • Calibration of Stable Silicon Photodiode and Transmission Efficiency and Vacuum Performance Study of Glass Capillary Array

    硅光电二极管标定和玻璃毛细管阵列真空差分和 传输 性能研究

  • More and more planetary gear mechanisms are being used in HEV as multi-power coupling mechanism because of their compact structure high transmission efficiency and strong load bearing capacity .

    行星齿轮机构因其结构紧凑、 传动 大和承载能力强等 优点被越来越多地作为多能源动力耦合机构,应用于混合动力汽车中。

  • Most of the monitoring systems for roof bed separation are designed based on RS-485 BUS which is low in both signal transmission efficiency and reliability .

    国内顶板离层计算机测控系统多采用RS-485总线, 传输 效率低,可靠性不高。

  • Discussion of Data Transmission Efficiency for Mobile WiMAX and HSDPA

    浅析移动WiMAX和HSDPA的数据 传输 效率

  • A method to improve transmission efficiency at the edge of cellular OFDMA uplink is proposed decreasing bit errors by sectors diversity and reducing the number of retransmission .

    提供了一种提高蜂窝OFDMA小区边缘用户上行链路 传输 效率的方法,它利用小区内扇区分集提高误比特 性能,并利用小区间分组分集降低分组重传次数。

  • Auditor Size Auditing Quality and Information Transmission Efficiency

    事务所规模、审计质量与信息 传播 效率

  • Effect of lubricating oil and cooling on transmission efficiency and service life of gears

    润滑措施对齿轮 传动 效率和使用寿命的影响

  • It is also effective to track the channel with deep fading under the condition that transmission efficiency has been increased obviously when linear preceding technology is used .

    当信道有深度衰减时采用线性预编码的情况下,算法在比原有方法 传输 效率有较大提高的情况下也能有效地跟踪信道的变化。

  • Worm gearing Gearbox Grinding wheel Transmission efficiency ;

    蜗杆传动;齿轮箱;砂轮; 传动 效率

  • A Study on the Optimization Algorithm for the Data Transmission Efficiency in Car Body CAN Bus

    车身CAN总线网络数据 传输 效率优化算法的研究

  • Pulley deformation is one of the factors affecting transmission efficiency of metal belt CVT .

    带轮变形是影响金属带式无级变速器 传动 效率的众多因素之一。

  • A method and apparatus for signal processing which enable data compression and recovery with high transmission efficiency are disclosed .

    公开了能够实现具有高 传输 效率的数据压缩和恢复的信号处理方法和装置。

  • The transmission efficiency and return rate of the information are relatively low .

    信息的 传达 效率和回报率相对较低。

  • The main transmission and transfer can adjust their lubrication oil highness respectively and improve the transmission efficiency .

    主变速器、分动器独立润滑,能合理调整各自润滑油面,有效提高 传动 效率

  • It has the characteristics of power engine high transmission efficiency big traction low fuel consumption high adaptability compact structure and easy operation and maintenance .

    具有配套动力强劲、 传动 效率高、牵引力大、油耗率低、适应性强、使用维护方便等优点。

  • Transmission efficiency and vacuum performance study of glass capillary array

    玻璃毛细管阵列 传输 效率与真空差分性能研究

  • At present how to improve the transmission efficiency of knowledge and how to improve the results of learning have become the focuses of education sector .

    目前,如何提高知识的 传输 效率、提高学习效果成为教育所关注的焦点。

  • It is of high transmission efficiency with average of90 % with compact structure and fit for multi-axle transmission without lubricant and without contamination so it can work normally under the condition of non-contamination and poorer environmental working places .

    传动 效率高,一般可达98%,结构紧凑,适宜于多轴传动,不需润滑,无污染,因此可在不允许有污染和工作环境较为恶劣的场所下正常工作。

  • In the case of impedance matching transformer work in the best condition the maximum transmission efficiency .

    在阻抗匹配的情况下,变压器工作在最佳状态, 传输 效率最高。

  • A novel retransmission approach based on Opportunistic Network Coding ( ONC ) is proposed to improve the transmission efficiency in wireless broadcast scenario .

    为了提高无线广播网络中数据 传输 效率,该文提出了一种新颖的基于机会式网络编码的重传方法。

  • Motor efficiency transmission efficiency of thermoelectric vehicle

    热-电机车的 传动 效率

  • The calculations of transmission ratio . force and transmission efficiency are explained here .

    文中阐述了该封闭行星 传动机构的传动比计算,受力分析和 效率计算。

  • Influence of Hydrometric Cableway Insulators Selection on Signal Transmission Efficiency

    水文缆道绝缘子的选用对信号 传输 效率的影响

  • This paper analyzed the color 's important guiding role from various aspects and revealed the color usage pattern in Web page design which affects information transmission efficiency enormously .

    从不同的角度分析阐释了色彩作为和线条、文字等一样重要的视觉元素,在网页设计中所起到的重要导向作用以及由此对提高网页信息 传递 效率的重要影响。

  • Experimental Study on Transmission Efficiency for Constant Velocity Drive Shaft of Car

    轿车等速驱动轴 传动 效率的试验研究

  • The minimum power transmission efficiency of the radome is84 % ; all parameter meet the requirement .

    电性能测试中天线罩最小 为84%,全部电参数均满足要求;