transverse line

[trænsˈvə:s laɪn][trænsˈvɜ:s lain]

[医] 横线

  • Combining the discussion of stability of vehicle snake movement the effects on transverse stability of increasing speed rail line are studied and the enhanced measurements are presented .

    结合车辆蛇行运动稳定性的讨论,探讨了影响提速 线路 横向稳定性的因素,提出了加强措施。

  • The projection of the cutaneous branch origin situated above the transverse line which took up 76 % of all its locations and had a vertical distance of ( 0.65 ± 0.22 ) cm to the line .

    皮支起点的投影位于 横线上方者占76%,与横线的垂直距离为(0.65±0.22)cm;

  • Transverse buckling of the strip sometimes happens in continuous annealing line This kind of buckling does a lot of harm to the production and the quality of product .

    在现代化冷轧宽带钢连续退火 生产 线上,带钢有时会出现 横向瓢曲,现场也称之为热瓢曲,此一瓢曲对机组生产及产品质量危害极大。

  • Analysis and Study on Improved Transverse Differential Protection of Double Line

    回线 联差动保护装置改进后的分析与研究

  • This paper examines the transverse shrinkage in line heating with the technique that line heating experiment together with numerical method using FEM analyses .

    本文采用实验和有限元分析相互结合的方法来研究 线加热过程中的 横向收缩量。

  • The average transverse area total fiber number and fiber diameter of posterior lateral line nerve were examined quantitatively by morphologic analysis system .

    运用形态分析系统软件对后 侧线神经的 面积、纤维数量和纤维直径进行了定量的统计分析。

  • The transverse fracture line at middle portion of the tibia was produced by osteotomy ; the fracture was then fixed with 4 pins on the sliding fixator and the diameter of pins was 1 5mm ;

    方法采用穿针滑动固定家兔胫骨实验性骨折治疗动物模型,手术截骨造成 横断骨折,骨折 线位于胫骨中部,采用自制滑动固定器4针固定,针径15mm;

  • The transverse vibration analysis of general anisotropic trapezoidal plates is presented in this paper by using the method of line collocation and least squares .

    采用最小二乘 配线法成功地分析了各向异性梯形板的 横向振动特性。

  • The transverse natural frequency and critical force of lengthwise compressed bars and lengthwise compressed plate structures are studied . The conclusion is that the relationship between ω 2 and P is a straight line .

    研究了 纵向受压杆件和板结构的 横向固有频率与临界荷载,得出固有频率的平方与纵向力成线性关系的结论,表明ω2~P的关系是一条 直线

  • Transverse differential protection can solve the problem of protection settings for shorter line protection .

    联差动保护则能克服短 线路保护的整定困难。

  • Based on the analysis of the transverse distribution of testing measured the method of constructing influence line of transverse distribution of loads in terms of rebar stress measured is presented .

    文中对此 的实际 荷载 横向分布进行了分析,提出了用实测钢筋应力推求荷载横向分布影响 线的方法。

  • The intraorbital and intracanalicular segments of optic nerve could be showed in the same transverse plane in 80.00 % which Reid 's base line was used as baseline .

    以Reid 基线为准, 80.00%视神经眶内段和管内段可在同一层面上全程显示;

  • On summery of initial supporting construction of transverse gallery of No.5 vertical shaft in Beijing rail underground transit line

    北京铁路地下直径 线5号竖井 通道初支施工

  • A Scattering-Type Transverse Resonance Technique for the Calculation of ( M ) MIC Transmission Line Characteristics

    用于计算微波集成电路 传输特性的 横切面谐振散射模型理论

  • In the method toll time display of transverse first line in cross-tab was accomplished with embedding function of data window . A provisional data table with one register was designed to select dynamically year and to do data statistic of the year .

    该方法的关键,一是利用数据窗口的内嵌函数使交叉表 横向 表头只显示缴费时间,二是设计一个只有一个记录的临时数据表实现动态地选择年份进行该年的数据统计。

  • Simplex fracture of 17 patients appeared all kinds of transverse or vertical or oblique catagmatic line ;

    单纯型17例,表现为 横行、纵行或斜行骨折 线,断端元错位,骨折发生在单侧;

  • A transverse field gas ionization chamber for particle identification at the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou ( RIBLL ) is described .

    描述了一种将用于兰州放射性束 流线较重离子鉴别的多阳极 横向场电离室。

  • Suggestion development and perfection of Moyer model are described . The methods of experimental determination of Ho ( Ep ) and λ are given . Application of Moyer model for calculation of transverse shielding of point-line sources and infinite uniform line sources are represented .

    简述了Moyer模式的提出、发展及完善过程,给出了 Moyer模式三参数的实验确定方法,叙述了利用Moyer模式计算类点源及无限均匀 线源的屏蔽方法。

  • In this paper the 3 dimensional finite element analysis for transverse flux induction heating ( TFIH ) of continuously moving thin steel strip for galvanizing line are presented .

    对镀锌生产 线上连续运动的薄钢板的 横向磁通感应加热过程应用了三维有限元分析。

  • Laser light is propagated in four optical fibers . At the output side four optical fibers are in a transverse line .

    激光束通过四支光学纤维传输,在光纤的输出端四支光纤是精密 横排的。

  • We found that transverse dislocation structures acted as the line defect can form waveguides too ;

    我们发现, 横向位错效应与 线缺陷相似,它可以使处于禁带频率范围内的声波沿位错通道进行传播,形成声波导;

  • Methods : A study group of 110 testes underwent scrotal subcutaneous orchiopexy through abdominal transverse cleavage line incision with gubernaculum testis reserved 108 testes were followed up .

    方法:研究组采用腹 横纹切口保留睾丸引带阴囊皮下睾丸固定术110侧,得到随访108侧隐睾。

  • Influence of construction of Shanghai Stadium transverse station of Pearl Line Phase II on station of Metro Line No.1

    明珠 线二期上海体育馆地铁车站 穿越施工对地铁一号线车站的影响

  • Scrotal subcutaneous orchiopexy trough abdominal transverse cleavage line incision with gubernaculum testis reserved in treatment of cryptorchism


  • In double line highway tunnel connected with transverse corridors when a fire occurs in one line the corridor should be open during rescue for dispersing the people and vehicles into the other line then the ventilation networks in two lines would change .

    在具有 通道连接的双线公路隧道中,当有一 线路发生火灾时,救灾过程中需要打开横通道把人群和车辆疏散到另一条线路,此时两条隧道内的通风网络发生了改变。

  • Distribution of Transverse Field Components of the Pyramidal Coaxial - line Structure

    角锥状 同轴结构内的 横向场分布