

  • Absorption transference study of petroleum contaminant in groundwater system

    地下水系统中石油污染物的吸附 转移研究

  • The reforms of taxes and fees in our rural areas are successful use of institution transference theory .

    我国农村税费改革,是对制度 变迁理论的成功运用。

  • Transference of property by inheritance .

    通过继承实现的财产 转移

  • Transference of the right to use rural land is the inevitable demand of modern agricultural development .

    农村土地使用权 流转是现代农业发展的必然要求。

  • The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association dream interpretation and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses anxieties and internal conflicts .

    心理分析由西格蒙德弗洛伊德创立的一套精神治疗的方法,用自由联系、对梦的阐释和对抵抗和 移情的分析来研究被压抑或无意识的冲动、焦虑和内心冲突。

  • After putting up the concept of Media Cost Transference this paper carefully studies its pattern and cause .

    文章提出了媒介成本 转嫁概念,并对媒介成本转嫁的方式和原因进行了考察。

  • Nitrogen Transference and Leaching Loss in Growth Period of Wheat in Purple Soil

    小麦生长季氮素在紫色土中的 迁移和淋失

  • The transference of concept field is not arbitrary but bases on certain metaphor mechanisms .

    概念域的 转换不是随心所欲的,而是建立在一定的隐喻机制之上。

  • The premise of transference of land contract and management rights is must have scientifical and standard price system .

    土地承包经营权 流转的前提是要有一个科学的、规范的价格体系。

  • Research on the theory for Agricultural Labor Transference and Employment Train Mechanism

    农业劳动力 转移理论及就业培训机制研究

  • Study on Rural Tourism Development in the New Policy of Land Transference

    基于土地 流转新政策的乡村旅游发展研究

  • Colleges must have strategic transference to persist connotation development .

    要坚持内涵发展,高校发展必须进行战略性 转移

  • Teachers should emphasize the training of autonomous thinking transference in the teaching .

    在大学英语教学中,应注重自主性思维 转换的培养。

  • The interpreter must go through the process of cognition and transference to accomplish a dynamic cross-cultural communication .

    口译是一种动态的跨语言、跨文化交际活动,译员必然经历一个思维的认知和 转换过程。

  • Research on the Transference of Rural Labor Force in Land Transfer of the New Rural Construction

    新农村土地流转背景下劳动力 转移问题研究

  • A Study of Human Capital Investment and the Transference of Rural Surplus Labor Force in Xinjiang

    人力资本投资与新疆农村剩余劳动力 转移研究

  • Research and Implementation of Data Transference Based on BS Application

    基于BS应用的数据 迁移研究与实现

  • Barriers of Rural Land Transference and the Establishment of Market-oriented Mechanism

    农村土地 流转的障碍与市场化 流转机制的建立

  • It is a struggle for a transference of power

    那是为权力 移交进行的斗争。

  • Chapter five mainly analyses the subject and object of the national sovereignty transference with self-determination and finity .

    第五章主要研究国家主权自主有限 让渡的主体和客体。

  • Discussion on the Deficiency and Perfection of Transference System of Collective Forest Rights in China 's Forestry Law

    我国《森林法》中集体林权 流转制度的不足与完善探讨

  • The essence of translating is the equivalent transference of meaning between languages while meaning is determined by context .

    翻译的实质是语际间意义的对应 转换,而意义是由语境决定的。

  • In literary translation the transference of flavor proves to be essential to ensure the quality of translation .

    韵味是文学的特质,文学翻译中 韵味 译是保证翻译作品成为“翻译文学”的关键。

  • This paper mainly deals with the importance of accounting system transference existing problems and counter measures .

    本文主要对 民营 企业进行会计制度 转换的意义、面临的问题和对策,加以论述和探讨。

  • Style transference is an important part in literary translation which enjoys great importance in study of all versions .

    风格 翻译是文学翻译的重要组成部分,在译本研究中受到高度重视。

  • Experimental Study on Freezing Expansion and Water Transference of Shanghai 's Artificially Frozen Soil

    上海人工冻土冻胀特性和水分 迁移的试验研究

  • This transference of energy between the two lobes helps your soul to search for answers within the physical body .

    介于两个脑叶之间的能量 传递帮助你的灵魂在物质的身体里面寻找答案。

  • His transference of devotion from Nicola to Susan was complete .

    他对 妮古拉的挚爱完全 转移到了苏珊身上。

  • Research on Industry Regional Transference and Absorption : Theory and Empirical Analysis

    产业区域 转移和承接研究:理论与实证