transference number

[trænsˈfɚrəns ˈnʌmbɚ][ˈtrænsfərəns ˈnʌmbə]


  • With increasing temperature the ionic transference number and the ionic conduction region slightly increase .

    随着温度的升高,其氧离子 迁移 和离子导电区域都轻微增大。

  • The phosphate-type polymer electrolyte is stable up to 10V and lithium ion transference number increases a little appreciably with the side chain length increases .

    体系电化学窗口达到10V,锂离子 迁移 随着侧链链长的增加略有增加。

  • The oxygen ion transference number for zirconia sample in the experiment is 1 in air at 1 683 K and is smaller in carbon saturated iron melt .

    对于实验中选用的2.18%氧化镁部分稳定的氧化锆试样在1683K空气条件下,氧离子 迁移 等于1,在碳饱和铁液条件下,氧离子 迁移数较小。

  • The determination of ion transference number by two tube apparatus not only is easy but also has accurate results and it can satisfy experiment requirement .

    采用双管式测量装置测定离子的 迁移 ,不仅使用简便,而且测定结果准确性较高,能满足实验要求。

  • The observed values of oxygen concentration cell coincided with theoretical ones perfectly in - dicating that the conduction in the ceramics was purely oxide-ionic with oxygen ion transference number of 1 under oxygen atmosphere over the whole temperature range of 600 ~ 1000 ℃ .

    结果表明,氧浓差电池电动势的实测值与理论值吻合得很好,氧离子 迁移 为1,表明该陶瓷样品在该温度下氧气气氛中为一纯氧离子导体;

  • The transference number data show that the polymer films is a mixed ( ionic + electronic ) conductor and that the charge transport in the polymer electrolyte system is predominantly due to the ions .

    离子 迁移 的数据表明聚合物电解质为离子和电子共混的导体,但在聚合物电解质体系中电荷的迁移主要是由离子作为载流子导电造成的,由测试结果可得此电解质为离子导体。

  • The transference number of oxygen ion in cryolite-alumina melts was mea -

    利用固体电解质作隔膜的有氧离子 迁移的浓差电池Ⅱ和无氧离子 迁移的复合浓差电池Ⅰ的电动势的测定结果推测了冰晶石-氧化铝熔体中氧离子 迁移

  • Improvement of Hittorf 's Apparatus for Ion Transference Number

    希托夫离子 迁移 测定仪的改进

  • The pseudo activation energies ( Ea ) and the pre-exponent constant ( ^ 4 ) changed with the variation of ion transference number ( f / / ) .

    表观活化能(Eα)与指前因子(A)随着离子 迁移 t(Li)~+的变化而作相应的变化。

  • And the parameters include ionic specific conductivity electronic specific conductivity transference number and decomposition potential and so on .

    参数包括离子电导率,电子电导率, 迁移 和分解电压等。

  • The paper describes that ion 's conductance mobility and transference number in electrolyte aqueous solution are proportional to its actual ion 's radius .

    本文提出了在电解质水溶液中离子电导、离子淌度,离子 迁移 与真实离子半径成正比关系。

  • Improvement to measure transference number of ions by moving boundary method

    界面移动法测定离子 迁移 实验数据处理方法的改进

  • The ionic transference number of the oxygen ions is evaluated as the ration of the measured electromotive force to the theoretical value calculated by the Nernst equation . The ionic transport number is higher than 0.96 indicating that the dominant carrier is the oxygen ion .

    氧离子 迁移 通过实测电动势与利用Nernst方程导出的理论电动势的比值来确定,在测量温度范围内氧离子迁移数都大于0.96,样品以离子导电为主。

  • The Progress of Measurement of Transference Number in Solid Polymer Electrolyte

    聚合物电解质离子 迁移 的测定方法

  • The results of electrochemical measurement show that the Li + cation transference number increased by adding Li-FER powder .

    电化学测量表明,Li-FER的加入提高了聚合物电解质中的阳离子 迁移

  • It mainly includes two aspects for the research of polymer electrolyte ( PE ): First is the enhancement of self-performance i.e. improving the ability of ion transfer ( including ionic conductivity and Li + transference number ) at room temperature in the case of good mechanical strength ;

    对聚合物电解质(PE)的研究主要包括两个方面:第一,在保持聚合物电解质机械强度的前提下提高其室温离子迁移性(包括离子电导率和锂离子 迁移 );