
[trænsˈɡrɛsɪv, trænz-][træns'gresɪvnɪs]


  • Through tracing the sequence boundary and maximum transgressive surface of this depositional sequence the authors establish the stratigraphic framework in the Huailai area thus revealing the features of the evolution of the sedimentary basin of the Mesoproterozoic Tieling Formation .

    通过对该沉积层序的层序界面及最大 海进面的追索,建立了怀来地区的地层格架,从而揭示了中元古代铁岭组沉积盆地的演化特征。

  • Each sequence is composed of incised valley sandstone of low system tract limestone marl coal and mudstone of transgressive system tract and clastics and coal of high system tract .

    各层序分别由低位体系域的下切谷充填沉积的砂岩、砂砾岩, 海侵 体系的灰岩、泥灰岩、泥岩、煤和高位体系域的碎屑岩和煤组成。

  • In vertical the basin shows generally transgressive filling sequences .

    纵向上总体显示 海进充填序列。

  • To write and publish this poem was a daring transgressive act .

    创作并发表这首诗是一个大胆 越轨的举动。

  • For the vast majority of its gay residents though social life revolves around nothing more transgressive than cocktails and dinner parties .

    但该镇绝大多数的同性恋居民行为并不出格,他们的社交活动也不过是鸡尾酒会和晚餐派对 而已

  • Every sequence was comprised by lowstand transgressive and highstand systen tracts .

    每个层序又包括高水位、 和低水位三个体系域。

  • Length of grain showed a higher transgressive inheritance than grain width and grain thickness .

    粒长比粒宽和粒厚表现更大的 遗传。

  • The lowstand system tract had developed alluvial fan - fan delta - lake facies sedimentary system and transgressive system tract had developed fan delta - lake facies sedimentary system .

    指出了沙四段主要为低位体系域和 体系 ,其中低位体系域发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖相沉积体系, 体系域发育扇三角洲-湖相沉积体系。

  • Characteristics of the lowstand transgressive and highstand system tracts of the sequence B are described particularly .

    在明确 首次和最大 泛面 基本特征的基础上,重点叙述了层序B的低位、 和高位体系域的 近岸 下扇、扇三角洲等沉积体系特征和层序构型主控因素。

  • The evolution of marine basins in early Paleozoic occurred as hydro-carbon source rocks with transgressive sequence and regressive sequence ;

    早古生代海相盆地的演化与洋-陆转换共耦,沉积了 海侵和海退序列的烃源岩;

  • Stratigraphy overlap traps mainly distribute in transgressive system tracts ;

    地层超覆圈闭主要分布于 各个 体系域;

  • There existed a transgressive-regressive cycle and a transgressive cycle from the Middle Jurassic to the early period of Late Jurassic .

    中侏罗世至晚侏罗世早期经历了一次完整的海侵-海退旋回和一次 海侵过程。

  • The land surface is inundated by a transgressive sea .

    陆地的表面为 的海水淹没。

  • The Lower Cretaceous is divided into 1 sequence and lowstand system tract transgressive system tract as well as highstand system tract .

    把下白垩统划分为1个三级层序和低水位体系域、 体系域、高水位体系域。

  • Study on Transgressive Reef of Permian Changxing Formation in Northeastern Sichuan Basin

    四川盆地东北部二叠系长兴组 海侵生物礁研究

  • In that moment when the infants ' lips close upon the she-wolf 's teats a transgressive mercy removes the harmful influence of a murderous culture . It is a unique life-style a unique and distinctive place to live .

    在那一刻,当婴儿含着 母狼的乳头,超越种群的仁慈取代了杀戮成性。这是一种非同凡响的生活方式,是一个超群出俗的居住之处。

  • In addition the ecological adaptations of these transgressive characters remain unknown .

    另外, 性状的生态适应意义尚不清楚。

  • The second second - order sequence boundary consists of transgressive and highstand systems tracts .

    润滑剂及添加剂:边界润滑;第2个二级层序由 海侵-高位体系域所构成。

  • Genetic Basis of Transgressive Variation of Plant Height in Rice Introgression Lines Research and analysis of gallbladder ultrasonic changes in HLD

    水稻导入系中株 高超 变异的遗传基础研究肝豆状核变性患者胆囊异常的超声观察与分析

  • Studies of Transgressive Process and Transgressive System Tract on Continental Shelf of the East China Sea

    中国东海 2 海进过程和海进体系域 模拟与分析

  • There exists a large-scale transgressive onlap boundary between the Langshan Formation and its underlying strata .

    证实郎山组与下伏地层之间存在一大型 海侵超覆界面;

  • Transgressive segregations were observed for salt tolerance in the RI population .

    结果表明,RI群体的耐盐性出现 分离。

  • Four sedimentary cycles may be recognized in the formation which constitute a transgressive sequence .

    垂向上可识别出四个沉积旋回,组成一个 相对 平面 逐渐 上升 海进序列。

  • Besides the storm deposit is a important indication for identifying the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract in outcrop sequence stratigraphy dividing .

    此外,风暴沉积在露头层序地层划分中,对于 海进体系域和高水位体系域的识别具有重要的指示作用。

  • The Weining age of Carboniferous period in Tongling area is a transgressive one .

    铜陵地区石炭纪 威宁存在潮坪相、泻湖相和浅海陆棚相。

  • During transgressive periods gravity flow is dominated by calcarenaceous clastic flow and its recomposed sand deposit .


  • Gravity flow channel sandstone and turbidite fan pools of rift climax transgressive systems tract ;

    裂谷深陷期 体系域重力流水道砂体和浊积扇体油气藏;

  • Academic language rarely intrudes aside from the odd transgressive other and the self-disclosure peculiar to field anthropology has a charm as Mr Mathews deploys it .

    除了像“其它犯罪”类奇怪的词汇外,的书中很少使用学术性的语言,并自我披露了人类学领域独有的魅力,就像 马修斯在书中表达的那样。

  • That establish an environment of sub-culture to match the ages characteristics and the healthy development in mind and body of teenager is the important measure to prevent the teenager 's transgressive behavior .

    构建符合时代特点和青少年身心健康发展的社会亚文化氛围,是预防和遏制当前青少年 越轨行为的重要措施。

  • According to sequence depositional evolution characteristics others were made up of low system tract transgressive system tract and high system tract except that sequence 1 and sequence 2 did not have low system tract .

    对层序沉积演化特征的分析表明,该区层序1和层序2低位体系域不发育,其它层序均由低位体系域、 海侵体系域和高位体系域组成。