transient process

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈtrænziənt ˈprəuses]


  • Study on start-up transient process simulation of large scale tubular pumping stations

    大型贯流泵站机组启动 过渡 过程仿真计算

  • Calculation and Analysis for the Influence of CT on Protective Relaying in Power System Transient Process

    电流互感器 暂态 过程对继电保护影响的计算和分析

  • Analysis of numerical methods with RC RL series circuit transient process and numerical methods in analysis of other complex circuit application examples .

    用数值计算方法分析RC、RL串联电路 暂态 过程及数值计算方法在其他复杂电路分析中的应用举例。

  • Power system block ( PSB ) in MATLAB Simulink is adopted to establish a simulation model for analyzing electromagnetic transient process .

    运用MATLAB中的电气系统模块库PSB建立了CVT电磁 暂态 过程的仿真模型。

  • For example she uses time as the theme on Songs of Transience symbolizing that blossoming is a magnificent but transient process .

    例如,你选择时间来作为这张专辑的主题,象征着花开璀璨却 短暂 过程

  • A transient process and steady state simulation model of underwater diesel engine system including governor diesel engine and rear exhaust pipe system was developed and verified in this paper .

    建立了包括调速器、柴油机本体、后排气管路的水下柴油机动力系统的 动态及稳态 过程分析模型,并进行了试验验证。

  • Systematic study of the RC circuit and the RL circuit transient process .

    系统的研究了RC电路和RL电路的 暂态 过程

  • Transient Process Control Technology on Parallel Hybrid Electric Powertrain

    车用并联混合动力系统 瞬态 过程控制技术研究

  • It is proved that the transient process is very sensitive to parasitic inductance of the equivalent circuit .

    结果表明,变换器的开关 暂态 过程对主电路母线和电容组的寄生电感参数的变化非常敏感。

  • Based on modeling and simulation the dynamic performance during transient process is analyzed .

    本文通过对 取样 装置的建模和仿真,对 系统 过渡 过程的动态特性进行分析。

  • Transient process research of hydraulic unit based on MATLAB

    基于MATLAB的水力机组 过渡 过程研究

  • Study on stability of small oscillation transient process of hydropower station with long-distance diversion tunnel

    长引水隧洞水电站小波动 过渡 过程影响因素研究

  • A special instument is presented for monitoring the transient process in a turbojet engine which is called transient operating line indicator .

    本文提出了一种测量涡喷发动机 过渡 过程的专用仪器&涡喷发动机过渡工作线显示仪。

  • A theoretical analysis is presented for the factors influencing maximum self-induced EMF in transient process in RL circuit .

    对RL电路的 暂态 过程中影响自感电动势最大值的因素进行了理论分析,并应用不同的仪器和方案进行了实验验证。

  • The effects of matching materials on the brake temperature of braker were investigated by using the finite element method to simulate the temperature transient process of disc brake .

    采用有限元法模拟盘式制动器制动 过程 瞬态温度场,研究了材料匹配性对制动器温度场的影响。

  • Improvement of signal to noise ratio in magnetic inductance tomography ( MIT ) by exploiting transient process analysis

    一种利用 暂态 响应分析提高电磁层析成像测量信号信噪比的新方法

  • Taking the outlet section as a special hydraulic element the hydraulic transient process under the free outflow mode of pump system is calculated herein with the method of characteristics .

    将泵系统出口段作为一种特殊水力元件,应用特征线法计算泵系统自由出流下的水力 过渡 过程

  • On the basis of steady state tire model and first-order differential equation the property of relaxation length in transient process is studied .

    本文在稳态指数统-模型和-阶线性微分方程的基础上,研究了大侧偏角下 动态 过程中侧偏松弛长度的特性。

  • An Analysis of Stable Transient Process About Duffing Oscillator at the Different Damping Coefficients

    不同阻尼系数下杜芬方程的稳定 过程分析

  • Study on Fault Component in Transient Process of Transmission Line

    输电线路 暂态 过程中故障分量的研究

  • Analysis of the transient process and protection of APF when traction network has over current

    牵引网过电流时的有源滤波器 暂态 过程分析与保护

  • The model was used to simulate a new engine and the simulation result of transient process was given .

    利用该模型对发动机进行了仿真计算,并给出了 瞬态 过程的仿真结果,为发动机的设计和优化提供了有益的依据。

  • Influence of Arranging Transient Process on Control Characteristics of Pneumatic Servo Systems

    过渡 过程对气压伺服系统控制性能的影响

  • Numerical Studies of Transient Process of the High-Speed Impact between a Water Slug with Curved Head and a Rigid Surface

    曲面头部的水弹高速冲击刚性表面 瞬态 过程的数值研究

  • An analysis of the time constant of transient process in the RC series circuit

    RC串联电路 暂态 过程时间常数的分析

  • Its ignition transient process plays an important role in determining whether a solid rocket motor can work normally .

    星形是固体火箭发动机常用的装药形式,而其点火 瞬时 过程对发动机能否正常工作起着极为重要的作用。

  • Integrated simulation for transient process of boiler-steam turbine system is made by real-time algorithm in this paper .

    采用实时仿真算法对锅炉-汽轮机系统 动态 特性进行了整体性模拟。

  • Simulation on Electromagnetic Transient Process in DC Transmission Line of ± 800kV Power Transmission Project From Jinping to South Jiangsu

    锦屏&苏南特高压直流输电工程直流线路电磁 暂态仿真

  • Automated electromagnetic transient simulation using ATP Technology of Interfaces for Hybrid Simulation of Power System Electromagnetic-electromechanical Transient Process

    基于ATP的电磁暂态自动仿真 程序电力系统机电&电磁 暂态混合仿真接口技术

  • The transient process in switching on transformer when no loaded is analyzed and simulated in this paper .

    分析了变压器空载合闸的 瞬态 过程,对 瞬态 过程做了仿真。