transient stress

[ˈtrænʃənt strɛs][ˈtrænziənt stres]


  • The peak transient thermal stress is far higher than the stress level at the steady state . It is up to about 2.5 times of the peak steady thermal stress .

    瞬时 峰值远高于稳态时的热应力水平,可达到稳态时数值的2.5倍以上。

  • This is because the steady stress is caused the temperature change from room temperature to liquid temperature while the transient thermal stress is caused the temperature change and the large temperature gradient of the joint region .

    这是因为稳态热应力主要由接头区域从常温到低温的温度变化所引起,而 瞬时 则是由温度变化和温度梯度共同引起的。

  • The results show that creep strain has relation with transient stress and time .

    结果表明,蠕变应变与 瞬时 和时间有关。

  • The model of cutting process is established based on the rigid-plastic FEM and the transient stress distribution of cutting tool in cutting process is obtained through the simulation .

    基于刚塑性有限元方法建立了切削加工过程仿真模型,通过模拟获得了切削加工过程中刀具 的分布和 变化情况。

  • Study on transient thermal stress of JO-9159 explosive charges

    JO-9159药柱的 瞬态 研究

  • The influences of the material nonhomogeneous parameters the orthotropic parameters and dimensionless thermal resistant on the temperature distribution and the transient thermal stress intensity factors are analyzed .

    分析了材料非均匀参数、正交各向异性和无量纲热阻对温度分布及 动态 强度因子的影响。

  • Transient thermal stress intensity factors for a functionally gradient material with symmetrical structure

    对称型梯度功能材料的 瞬态 强度因子

  • Based on the result of transient temperature stress calculation the distributing crack model of concrete is applied to simulate cracking and crack propagating of the dam inducing slit by dynamic tracking method .

    基于三维 瞬态有限元温度 仿真分析的结果,采用混凝土分布裂缝模型,对大坝诱导缝的开裂及裂缝扩展进行了跟踪计算。

  • Modelling and analysis of transient contact stress and temperature of Involute Gears

    旋转齿轮 瞬时接触 和温度的分析模拟

  • While limiting filter transient stress mainly through the metaloxide arrester ( MOA ) select the appropriate parameters of surge arrester can reduce the filterelement subjected to transient stress meet the security and economic requirements .

    限制滤波器的 暂态 主要通过金属氧化物避雷器(MOA),选择适当的避雷器参数可以降低滤波器元件承受的暂态应力,满足安全性和经济性的要求。

  • In the paper the transient thermal stress problem of a flat plate with a crack is analyzed and the stress intensity factor at the crack tip is determined .

    分析了有裂纹平板的 瞬间 ,并确定裂纹尖端的应力强度因子。

  • The transient stress analysis of the roll surface during laser strengthening

    辊面激光强化过程的 瞬态 分析

  • In this paper the transient shear stress of two kinds of non-Newtonian fluids is analysed and the relationship between sliding speed and shear stress is mainly described .

    本文分析了两种非牛顿流体模型的 瞬态 ,着重论述了滑动速度与剪应力的关系。

  • Diurnal variation of water and heat flux under transient water stress in a winter wheat field

    冬小麦农田 暂时水分 胁迫状况下水、热通量日变化

  • Analysis of Transient Thermal Stress in Cylindrically Orthotropic Tubes

    圆柱正交各向异性圆管 瞬态温度 分析

  • Research on transient stress fields in ingot and mold during solidification of ingot

    钢锭与锭模在钢锭凝固过程中 分析的研究

  • Thermal Weight Function Method for Calculating Transient Stress Intensity Factors under Thermal Shock

    热冲击 强度因子 过渡 过程分析的热权函数法

  • A tunnel engineering with ellipse cavities was analyzed in transient dynamic stress by wave finite element method and the issue of dynamic stress concentration in different soil conditions was also analyzed .

    用波动有限元法对地下隧道工程的椭圆型孔洞进行了 瞬态分析,并分析了不同土质条件下动应 集中问题;

  • The transient stress analysis of PWR Pressure Vessel

    核电站压水堆压力容器 瞬态 分析

  • Tridimensional finite element analysis of transient stress field of PWR Pressure vessel nozzle belt

    压水堆压力容器接管段 瞬态 场三维有限元分析

  • Application of Optical Methods to the Determination of Transient Stress and Strain Distributions

    几种光学方法在 分析中的应用

  • Analysis and Calculation of 125 MW Boiler Drum Transient Stress

    125MW锅炉汽包的三维 瞬态 分析

  • Kinematic hardening model was used in FEM analysis and the response behaviors of transient local stress strain for material was also considered .

    有限元分析采用了随动强化模型,并考虑材料 瞬态局部 应变的响应特性。

  • Under a certain transient stress the steady creep speed is a constant .

    在一定的 瞬时 作用 ,稳定蠕变速率近似为常数。

  • Steady - shear viscosity and transient stress response for elasto-thixotropic fluids

    弹性-触变性流体的定态剪切粘度与 瞬态 响应

  • The transient stress distribution along the breadth of the tooth and depth of tooth and the influence of profile modification were further studied .

    在此基础上,对沿轮齿齿宽和齿高方向的 瞬态 分布情况以及修形对啮合 瞬态性能的影响进行了较为详细的分析。

  • Therefore calculating arch dam transient stress of run-time and analyzing the most adverse load combination play a decisive role in arch dam design .

    因此,计算拱坝运行期的 瞬态 ,分析其最不利荷载组合,对拱坝的工程设计具有十分重要的作用。

  • Finite element analysis of transient thermal stress during cryosurgery

    低温手术过程组织 瞬态 有限元分析

  • The results show that the powder gas with high temperature causes large transient thermal stress and the transient thermal impact influences the linear strength obviously .

    分析结果表明:高温高压的火药气体引起较大的 瞬间 ,这种瞬间热冲击对身管金属内衬的强度影响很大。