transient delay

[ˈtrænʃənt dɪˈle][ˈtrænziənt diˈlei]


  • This paper analyzes transient characteristics of high temperature CMOS inverter and gate circuits and gives computational formulas of their rise time fall time and delay time .

    本文分析了高温CMOS倒相器和门电路的 瞬态特性,建立了它们的上升时间,下降时间和 延迟时间的计算公式。

  • This paper studied the chaotic transient phenomena of a controlled electromechanical system with a time delay in the feedback path .

    研究了一种具有 时滞反馈的磁悬浮轴承系统的 暂态混沌现象。

  • The steady motion and the transient motion of the controlled multibody system with delay and without delay are computed with examples .

    实例计算 延迟和无延迟受控多体系统的稳态运动和 瞬态运动。

  • A laser method was used for measuring transient burning rate delay of solid propellant in oscillatory combustion .

    应用激光方法测量 压力振荡过程中的固体推进剂 瞬态

  • Analyzing the composite disturbance of noise current I_n and transient load current I_L some restrain methods were taken which ensured the delay signal integrity .

    通过对噪声电流In和 瞬态负载电流IL复合干扰分析,采取了相应的抑制方法.打靶实验表明,对保证 延时信号的完整性是有效的。

  • For inverter transient characteristic simulation the model deals with the different operation status of the drived-and loaded-devices under both charging and discharging conditions to calculate the gate delay time .

    模拟 瞬态特性时,分别考虑了电流充放电过程中驱动管和负载管的不同工作状态,较为正确地算出了 延迟时间;

  • A new method of accuracy correction is presented for improving the measurement accuracy of Δ V be of a bipolar transistor in testing its transient thermal resistance . The method is based on the analysis of errors induced by the case temperature fluctuation and the measurement time delay .

    对双极型晶体管ΔVBE 瞬态热阻测试法中晶体管壳温波动和测量 延迟时间的误差进行了分析,提出了提高测试精度的误差修正方法。

  • A transient pair delay time model of CMOS inverter chain is constructed by the wave approximation method with single-pole respond function .

    本文提出利用单极点响应波形逼近方法,构造CMOS例相链 瞬态延迟时间模型;

  • To analyze the transient scattering of homogeneous dielectric bodies the M ü ller equations with MOT method were chosen . A singularity-extraction technique was presented to calculate the integrals of matrix elements which considers the time delay effect .

    针对求解均匀介质体的 瞬态电磁散射问题,采用基于 MOT的方法求解Müller方程来分析,对分析中矩阵元素的积分求解,提出了一种奇异分离方法。

  • Full-time redundancy make use of the characteristics of the transient pulse lath the output of combinational logic at three different times which separately delay d then the right output is choose by voter .

    全时间冗余利用 瞬态脉冲的特性,在三个不同的时刻锁存组合逻辑的输出(三个时刻 相差d)由判决器选择正确的输出。

  • Transient Pair Delay Model Analysis for CMOS Inverter Chain

    CMOS倒相链 瞬态延迟模型分析

  • When the initial disturbance is the form of step function electromechanical disturbance transient transition process is composed of a series of ladder waver with linear superposition which have a specified delay .

    当初始扰动为阶跃函数形式时,机电扰动在传播过程中是由一系列经过一定 延迟的阶梯波线性叠加而成,并且经历 暂态 过程后,逐渐趋于稳态值。

  • Further investigation of the real-time interaction and data exchange between the electromechanical stability program and the electromagnetic transient program is explored and a real-time digital hybrid interface which utilizes the voltage prediction techniques to correct the one electromechanical time step delay in the real-time interaction has been developed .

    提出了先进的集成混合实时仿真系统和实时数字混合接口的原理、数据交互方式和 电压预测技术,对经济有效 扩大 实时测试系统的规模具有重要意义。

  • γ transient radiation effects of a FPGA delay circuit

    反熔丝FPGA 延时电路γ 瞬时辐射效应

  • Result : ① The transient ototoxic action of gentamicin may cause delay of latency and diminution of amplitude of CAP N 1 and N 2 in animals with a single injection of gentamicin .

    结果:1单次大剂量 庆大霉素注射,可引起动物复合动作电位CAPN1,N2潜伏期 延长与振幅减弱;