transformer coupling

[trænsˈfɔrmɚ ˈkʌplɪŋ][trænsˈfɔ:mə ˈkʌpliŋ]


  • Tesla transformer with opening core can integrate Tesla transformer with forming line which let the Tesla transformer 's coupling coefficient reach up to more than 0.9.The expression of output voltage and current is gained by analyzing the circuit model of Tesla transformer .

    带有开口铁心的Tesla变压器与成形线一体化,使Tesla 变压器 耦合系数>0.9。根据Tesla变压器电路模型,得出了输出电压、电流的解析表达式。

  • Beginning with the broadband transmission line transformer with 1 ∶ n 2 impedance transformation its equivalent model with mutual coupling between transmission lines taken into account is given and its characteristics for impedance transformation is analyzed .

    研究了变换比为1∶n2(n为整数)的宽频带传输线 变压器,给出了考虑线圈互 的等效电路模型,分析了其阻抗变换特性。

  • According to principles of thermodynamics and hydrodynamics the finite element models of inner temperature field and flow field of resin casting dry-type transformer are established . The fields are analyzed with the solid-flow coupling modules in ANSYS software .

    根据传热学和流体力学的原理建立了树脂浇注干式 变压器内部温度场及流体场的有限元模型,利用ANSYS软件的流固 耦合功能对其进行了热分析。

  • This paper reports the resonant transformer as the coupling network between dc SQUID and preamplifier of dc SQUID magnetometer and investigates the effect of the transfer ratio and Q value of the resonant transformer on the performance of magnetometer .

    该文报道了利用谐振 变压器作为 耦合网络,其传输比及Q值对超导磁强计性能的影响。

  • We put the parallel fundamental series resonant circuit in the coupling transformer secondary side it can make the current not inject into the active filter and coupling transformer .

    在耦合 变压器的二次侧并联基波串联谐振电路,使得电流不会注入有源滤波器与 耦合变压器。

  • Only transformer coupling can contribute to the voltage gain of an amplifier by virtue of a stepup turns ratio .

    只有放大器 耦合方能通过开压匝数比提高 变压器电压增益。

  • In this model only the parasitic parameters of the transformer related to CM noise coupling paths need to be extracted . So this modeling approach is simple and the parameters can be easily extracted .

    该模型只需提取 变压器中与共模干扰 耦合通路相关的寄生参数,而无需对 变压器进行全面建模,建模方法简单,参数提取方便。

  • The implementation method and the analysis of operation mechanism of self-adapting automatic thro-win equipment of emergency power supply of main transformer bus-bar coupling and interconnection line

    自适应式主 、母 、联络线备自投实施方法及其动作原理的分析

  • The flux transformer and DC-SQUID were fabricated on same thin film substrate avoiding the difficulty of single chip coupling alignment between flux transformer and DC-SQUID .

    磁通 变换 与DC&SQUID制备在同一片薄膜衬底上,避免了分立单片 耦合对准的困难。

  • In this article from the most basic physics principle the function of the piezoelectric transformer performance Vs three basic factors ( mechanical quality factor electromechanical coupling factor as well as electric quality factor ) are established .

    该文从最基本的物理学原理出发,把压电 变压器的性能归结为3个基本因子的函数,即机械品质因素、机电 耦合因素以及电学品质因素。

  • The first illustrated example is standard transformer coupling .

    第一个例子展示的史标准 变压器 耦合

  • Two kinds of high repetition pulsed electric circuits have been used with an energy storage capacitor discharging : ( 1 ) directly through a laser tube ( 2 ) through a pulsed transformer for output coupling .

    采用了两种高重复率脉冲电路:(1)储能电容器直接对激光管放电;(2)储能电容器通过脉冲 变压器放电作输出 耦合

  • TESTING Experimental Study of Transformer Coupling Solid State Fault Current Limiter with Capacitance Load

    变压器 耦合固态限流器的纯电容负载试验

  • Transformer type coupling filter


  • Considering the conditions as voltage at primary winding shortcircuit forces of windings and turns for transformer were calculated with FEM coupling circuit method under the 2D symmetrical model .

    以此起始条件设定变压器原边电压激励,利用磁路 -电路 耦合有限元法建立了2D轴对称模型,计算了 变压器原、副边线圈及各线匝短路电磁力。

  • Line frequency hum primarily induced by imbalance in the filament circuit wiring the transformer used to power the filament coupling into the signal leads etc.

    市电频率Hum,主要原因包括灯丝线路走线导致的不平衡;供给灯丝的电源 变压器(缺陷)导致电源杂 耦合进入信号通道,等等。

  • Calculation of Short-circuit Impedance for Power Transformer with Coupling FEM Method of Magnetic Field and Circuit

    磁场-电路 合法计算 变压器短路阻抗

  • A Transformer Model Based on Coupling Multi-windings and Its Application Research

    基于多线圈 耦合 变压器数学模型及其应用

  • In this case the coupling coefficient of the transformer with magnetic core is up to 0.88.Compared with air-core transformer of the same size its coupling coefficient increases 10 % .

    设计的高功率带绕式脉冲变压器耦合系数可达0.88,与相同结构尺寸的带绕 空芯 脉冲 变压器相比, 耦合系数提高10%。

  • Study of Nonlinear Characteristic Curve for the Core of Transformer with Magnetic Coupling

    变压器铁心磁 耦合下非线性特性曲线的研究 无线电 自动 驾驶 耦合器

  • The high frequency characteristics of the transformer CM noise coupling path can be well described by this model because both of the distributed parameters and the high frequency losses in the core and windings are included .

    并且考虑了变压器的分布参数特性,以及磁芯和绕组的高频损耗,可以更好地描述 变压器共模干扰 耦合通路的高频特性。

  • Analysis of Tesla Transformer with High Coupling Coefficient

    具有大 耦合系数的Tesla 变压器理论分析

  • Magnetostatic-field solution for Tesla transformer 's coupling coefficient

    Tesla 变压器 耦合系数的静磁场解法

  • The circuit with over-current protection of output transformer original side average current and side peak current adopts pulse transformer coupling MOSFET driving circuit .

    该电路采用脉冲 变压器 耦合MOSFET管驱动电路,具有输出变压器原边平均电流和副边峰值电流的过流保护功能。

  • The air-core pulse transformer has no magnetic saturation but it has small coupling coefficient low energy conversion efficiency and unsuitable for repetition applications .

    高功率空芯脉冲 变压器虽然无磁饱和,但是它 耦合系数很难提高,能量效率低,不易重复频率运行。

  • Based on above analysis combination with the mining geological condition of 28 transformer substation the coupling support has been successfully used in engineering and practice .

    在上述分析基础上,结合米村矿28 电所的地质条件进行了现场实验。 耦合加固技术在现场实践中得到了成功的应用。

  • For requirements of suppressing harmonics on the dc side of HVDC system a new hybrid filtering system a shunt passive and a small rated reactor transformer coupling series active filter is presented and the harmonic compensation and control principles are discussed theoretically in this paper .

    针对高压直流(HVDC)系统直流(DC)侧谐波抑制的要求,提出了一种新型混合滤波系统:并联无源滤波器和串联小容量电抗& 变压器 耦合有源直流滤波器。

  • It is the key technology for Transformer Bridge to provide the precision ratio adopting inductive coupling windings .

    其中,采用感应 耦合比例绕组来提供高精度的比率是 变压器电桥的关键技术。

  • Analyzing the igniting method of LC resonance and considering the control of the inverted main circuit this paper designs an igniting circuit with transformer coupling controlled by logic .

    本文简单分析了大功率高压钠灯启动方式并设计了一种逻辑控制的 变压器 耦合启动电路。